The Faculty of Engineering will provide up to 60 scholarships in support of approved international activities (e.g. internships or visiting terms in foreign corporations, universities, institutions) on a competitive basis. The University of Ottawa is a vital, engaged and vibrant center for human understanding and advancement – offering a superior educational experience. Credit goes to our staff, faculty, and students, across all departments, services, and faculties and to our partners in the public and private sectors. Their work on the issues facing society, and their commitment to delivering a learning experience of the highest caliber, are why the University of Ottawa is gaining increasing recognition for research and academic excellence, and for our positive contribution to the local community and the country at large. The University is always interested in receiving applications from those who wish to join its academic staff. Although applications cannot be accepted for a specific position once the deadline has passed, your application will be retained for future postings.

What You Need To Know About The University of Ottawa International Scholarships:

In order to enhance students’ experience at the University of Ottawa and provide useful international experience, each year the Faculty of Engineering will provide up to 60 scholarships in support of approved international activities (e.g., internships or visiting terms in foreign corporations, universities, institutions) on a competitive basis. The terms of the proposed activities may range from 1 month to 12 months

Level/Field of Study:

University of Ottawa International Scholarships is available for pursuing undergraduate & graduate programs at the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Host Nationality:

The fellowship can be taken in Canada. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you; Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationalities:

The University of Ottawa International Scholarships is available for international students. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country: Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits:

The value of each scholarship will be up to $6,000, with the exact amount depending on the significance and needs of the proposed activities.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicant must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the University of Ottawa International Scholarships:

Full-time Faculty of Engineering undergraduate or graduate students may apply.Students in their first eight months as undergraduates or in their final term of registration (at any level) are not eligible.Thesis-based graduate students need to get approval from their thesis supervisors before applying.Students can only get a single IES scholarship (lifetime).Some short-term events (e.g. summer schools) with a duration of less than 1 month can also be considered under exceptional circumstances.

English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

How To Apply For The University of Ottawa International Scholarships

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible to apply. We recommend you check the form early in case a reference or endorsement is required to support your application and to familiarize yourself with the form. All applications, including a signed completed application form, a C.V., a transcript and a letter from a representative of the proposed destination must be sent to

Request a form

Please send a request to to receive the application form. You may also contact us at 613-562-5800 ext. 6508.

Submit your application

All applications, including a signed completed application form, a C.V., a transcript, and a letter from a representative of the proposed destination must be sent to

Evaluation criteria

The relevance of the proposed activity as a meaningful international experience for the student. Supervisory, budgetary, and other considerations.

Evaluation procedure

The Faculty of Engineering International Office will be responsible for collecting the applications, preparing the documents for the evaluation committee, announcing the results to the candidates, and following up on each funded activity. The Vice-Dean International will take the lead in obtaining funds for the scholarship and organizing and chairing the scholarship evaluation committee. The evaluation committee will be composed of the following: Vice-Dean International (Chair) and two professors from the Faculty, from 3 different academic units. The two professors will be selected jointly by the Dean and Vice-Dean International.


Students who are awarded the IES scholarship will need to provide the following documents no later than 2 weeks on their return to Canada: Students who do not provide such documents will have to refund the amount of the IES scholarship, i.e., it will be charged to their student account.

Scholarship Applications Deadline:

October 15th for activities that start in the following Winter termFebruary 15th for activities that start in the following Summer termJune 15th for activities that start in the following Fall term.


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