If you are wondering how it will be like, think no more because there are a lot of opportunities out there. So, read this program to see how this voluntary aboard under 18 is been organize and how it affects lives positively. See the table of contents below to have an overview.

What Is Volunteering?

According to Go Discover Abroad, volunteering is a selfless act through which one can spread love and hope for a better life, among the underprivileged ones. Mostly, volunteering work involves taking care of orphaned children at shelter homes, teaching homeless kids or those attending rural schools. Often, skilled volunteers take part in medical or healthcare camps, as well as organize women empowerment projects, etc., in order to improve their lives. 

Is Volunteering Under 18 A Good Thing?

Volunteering under 18 is a good thing but it all depends getting the right support and making sure that their participants are a good fit for the project The organizers personally speak to this participate, stressing the importance of maturity and the ability to make good decisions, also to take the advice give to them and avoid risk. Also, they provide extra support and guidance to those particpate under 18. Furthermore, they help you child and you, to make the right decision because of the many years experience thay have in matching the right people with the right project. So, if participate receives the right amount of support, expertise and care then Volunteering under 18 will be a fantastic option.

What Are The Reasons To Volunteer Abroad At Under 18?

There are a lot of reasons to volunteer abroad or to join a volunteer organization. It enables you to see the world, enhance the lives of others, make a difference in the world, and grow as a person which in no way taught in the class. Here are some good reasons to go volunteering

Make A Difference

The main purpose of people volunteering overseas is because they have a desire and a passion for helping others living in different communities and cultures. Volunteering abroad allows you to make a difference in the world, usually in areas where help is needed the most. Also, you will have a rewarding and fulfilling feeling to know you’ve positively impacted and influenced the lives of other people.

Meet New People

When you sign up for a volunteer program, you will be joining a team of other volunteers who have decided upon the same goal as you, which are likely to be as nervous, passionate, and caring about your chosen cause as you are. So to be together to work collaboratively is an excellent way to forge new friendships that can last a lifetime.

Discover New Experience

Volunteering overseas can be daunting and scary to you as you face the complete unknown, embracing every aspect of it will reward you with an exciting adventure that you will gain so much from in the future. While volunteering aboard, you will get to know different culture, which will give you an opportunity to see different things, try new things and do completely different activities to those you do back on at home.

Become Independent

Most people who volunteer abroad always report that they come back from their trip a totally changed person compared to the one who first set off. Working abroad will give you the chance to develop your own skills independently while learning to cope with all of the day-to-day logistics by yourself. For example independently managing and organize your time, travel, lodging maintenance, shopping, food, and other things.

Enhance Your Language Skills

Wherever in the world, your chosen volunteer organization is, you’ll be sure to have the opportunity to improve your language skills. You might go there not knowing a single word and need to communicate with non-verbal gestures, but pretty soon you will have mastered many of the basic phrases.

Challenging yourself

Sometimes we limit ourselves and the activities we undertake because we lack the confidence to do so, or we are anxious about unfamiliar situations. Volunteering abroad will encourage you to challenge your own personal boundaries. With the support of the organization and the other volunteers in your team, you will have many opportunities to try new things and gain confidence.

Is it safe to volunteer abroad under 18?

It might be your first time living alone in another country as you are under 18 voluntering abroad. So it’s understandable that you are pretty worried about your safety. You are wondering where you will sleep every night, if you will be feed well,How will you stay in touch with your loved ones, or are the developing safe to volunteer in. let’s say, resources in developing countries may be on the limited side. But Quality volunteer programs are with a responsible team who work tirelessly to keep a program running smoothly and intact. They’ve organized everything from your food to the program emergency plan and your travel insurance covers any medical costs. Also, the staffs are there 24/7 and they know the ins and outs of the country. So, don’t worry you will be in good hands.

Are There Things Parents Should Do To Allow Their Under 18 Travel Abroad?

Each parent will be ask to complete a parental consent form, which will be given at the point of booking. There are other requirements for participants under the age of 18 who are traveling to other countries like South Africa. The country’s immigration will request paperwork to prove that both parents are happy for their child to travel alone to their country. This would be in the form of:

What Are The Options For Summer Volunteering Abroad Under 18?

Here are some of the popular summer volunteer projects, suitable for under 18 year old volunteer

List Of Great Countries to Volunteer Abroad At Under 18

As a volunteer at under 18, there are thousands of different locations to choose from all across the globe, and whether you want to experience a totally new way of life, or simply help out closer to home, the opportunities are endless. Here are some of the popular volunteer destination

Here are some popular volunteer organizations you can look into to start your research to find your perfect project.

#1. GVI

Gvi is a volunteering aboard organisation that as been since 1988. This organisation applies ethical practices to their overseas volunteer programs. Furthermore, GVI gains a reputation as one of the top volunteer abroad organizations since its inception, with all its volunteer opportunities designed to give individuals the chance to contribute towards solving critical global issue. GVI has opportunities for anyone who has an interest in volunteer work overseas. For example, working with endangered elephants in Thailand to supporting educators in India.

#2. International Volunteer HQ

International Volunteer HQ is offering affordable volunteer programs in more than 40 countries, they have been helping courageous individuals to make a difference since 2007. Over 100,000 travelers have already discovered the wide range of impactful programs on offer which includes teaching children in Ghana, building in Buenos Aires, or protecting the coral reef in Queensland, among other adventures.

#3. Maximo Nivel

Maximo Nivel is also one of the volunteer organisations that is based in Latin America. It is a leading organisation for study and travel in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru. Furthermore, it offers a lot of opportunities like international internships, TEFL certification, and Spanish Immersion courses.

#4. Raleigh International

Raleigh International has been helping individuals explore and immerse themselves in foreign travel since 1984. Also they have been working with young volunteers to create positive change in communities around the world. Recently, they have many different projects on the go at any 1 time, and volunteers can choose to work in places such as Nepal, Costa Rica, Tanzania, or Nicaragua, learning about new cultures and helping local communities along the way.

#5. Plan My Gap Year

Plan My Gap Year PMGY was established over 10 years ago, They assist those looking to explore the world during long gaps in their education. PMGY offers a wide range of opportunities that run from a period of 1 to 40 weeks. They offer safe and social ways to explore the world, even if you are planning on traveling alone, also they cater to college-age travelers.


A lot of under 18 volunteer are not interested doing volunteering program abroad. The reason might be fear of traveling alone or simply not knowing the many ways to cover program expenses. The thing is to take your time to do research so that you don’t skip a good volunteering program abroad. Also, the information in this article will help try any of the volunteering programs abroad under 18. When you get back home, you won’t be the same.

