You had all your immunizations as a kid, so you’re good to go for the rest of your life, right? That is not the case. Many vaccines given to children wear off over time, and many vaccines that adults require were not given to them as children. HPV and meningitis vaccinations are two common examples. With the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, kids can now take extra safeguards by getting the COVID vaccine. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at the top vaccines for college students. Of course, the importance of these vaccines cannot be overstated. We’ll be giving you a list of the immunizations that college students may require, whether as a result of previous vaccines wearing off or to provide further protection when they enter adulthood. We will also provide information on where to be vaccinated. Please make sure you read this article to the end as it promises to be informative, educational, and helpful. Thousands of adults in the United States become very ill and are admitted to hospitals each year as a result of diseases that immunizations can help avoid. These diseases claim the lives of many adults. You can help protect yourself from a lot of this unneeded misery by getting vaccinated.

Why Do I Need To Be Vaccinated As A College Student?

Even if you received all of the immunizations you required as a child, certain vaccines’ protection can wear off over time. Your profession, lifestyle, travel, or health issues may potentially put you at risk for additional diseases. Determine which immunizations you may require based on your risk factors. Here are a few reasons why you need vaccine as a college student:

1. Vaccinations are extremely safe

All across the nations of the globe, many people still have their doubts and beliefs against immunization and vaccination. This is due to a lot of factors that I believe are rooted in deep ignorance. But many people don’t know that these Vaccines are subjected to testing and monitoring Before they are given to the masses. Vaccines are subjected to extensive testing before being approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). All licensed vaccines are still being monitored by the CDC and FDA. On the other hand, many people deliberately avoid taking these vaccines because of their side effects. Vaccine side effects are typically minor and resolve within a few days. Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given are the most typical side effects. Severe negative effects are quite uncommon. Vaccinations are one of the most secure ways to safeguard your health. Consult your doctor about which immunizations you should have based on your health or other circumstances. SEE ALSO: What Covid-19 Work from Home Means to International Students

2. Vaccines reduce the risk of disease transmission

Due to their age or health condition, some members of your family or community may be unable to receive certain immunizations. They rely on you to help stop the sickness from spreading. Infectious disease is especially dangerous to infants, the elderly, and persons with weaker immune systems (such as those undergoing cancer treatment). Newborn babies, for example, are too young to receive a whooping cough vaccine. Unfortunately, whooping cough can be extremely hazardous to children, even fatal. To help protect their offspring from whooping cough, pregnant mothers should have the Tdap vaccine throughout each pregnancy. Anyone who works with children should have a current whooping cough vaccination. Vaccines can help you avoid contracting certain diseases. Vaccines operate in conjunction with your body’s natural defenses to help you establish disease immunity safely. This reduces your chances of contracting some diseases and experiencing their consequences. Consider the following example:

The hepatitis B vaccine reduces your chances of developing liver cancer.Cervical cancer risk is reduced when you get the HPV vaccine.The flu vaccine reduces your risk of heart attacks or other flu-related problems from pre-existing medical illnesses such as diabetes or chronic lung disease.

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Which Diseases Can Be Prevented By Vaccines?

The following diseases can be prevented by vaccines.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)DiphtheriaHepatitis A and hepatitis BHaemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and influenza (flu)Human papillomavirus (HPV)Measles and mumpsMeningococcusPertussis (whooping cough)Pneumococcal disease, such as pneumoniaPolioRotavirusRubellaTetanusTuberculosis (TB)Varicella (chickenpox) and shingles

Vaccination Checklist For College

Certain infections are more common among college students. Students who live in close quarters with others, such as in a dorm or a shared apartment, are more likely to get meningitis. Sexually active people should consider getting the HPV vaccine to prevent themselves from certain cancers later in life. The following is a list of widely required college immunizations and their average cost for entering students. Students should double-check vaccination requirements because each school will have its own policy regarding which vaccines are required. Additionally, schools may offer free or low-cost vaccinations, so knowing the current vaccination rate can help kids make better decisions about how and where to get vaccinated.

1. Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY)

The meningococcal vaccination protects against infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, which commonly attacks the brain and spinal cord’s meninges. Anyone who lives in close quarters with others should get this immunization. The average cost is between $115 and $160. (out of pocket cost, assuming you don’t have insurance coverage)

2. Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap)

Three severe diseases are protected by the Tdap vaccine. Tetanus produces excruciating muscular tightening throughout the body, particularly in the head and neck, making it difficult to open your mouth or even breathe. Diphtheria causes a thick coating in the throat, which can make it difficult to breathe. Pertussis causes violent coughing fits that disrupt sleep and make eating and breathing difficult. This vaccination should be given to anyone who has not had a booster and has been vaccinated with the Tdap vaccine for 10 years or more. The average cost is $45 (out of pocket cost, if you don’t have insurance coverage)

3. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

This helps to prevent three diseases that were once widespread among children but are now making a comeback. Measles is characterized by a rash and symptoms that are similar to those of a cold. Seizures, pneumonia, and brain injury are all possible outcomes. Mumps is a virus that causes flu-like symptoms and can result in meningitis, deafness, sterility, and death. Rubella causes a rash and arthritis, but it can also cause miscarriage or birth abnormalities in pregnant women. This vaccine is suggested for all people who haven’t had a booster since childhood or haven’t already been exposed to all three diseases. The average cost is $70 for students without insurance coverage

4. Varicella (Chickenpox)

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is prevented by the varicella vaccine. It’s a condition that causes itchy skin rashes and is exceedingly contagious. Any college student who has not had chickenpox or has had the disease should get immunized. The average cost is $120 for students with no insurance coverage

5. Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B vaccine protects against the hepatitis B virus, which can cause liver failure, malignancy, and death if it infects the liver. The Hepatitis B vaccine should be given to any adult who is sexually active or has a chronic liver illness. $55 is the average price for students with no insurance coverage.

6. Polio (IPV)

As long as they were vaccinated as youngsters, most people do not require this vaccination. Individuals who may be exposed to the poliovirus, such as those involved in medical research or who travel abroad, should be vaccinated again. The booster should cost between $50 and $100 assuming you have no insurance coverage Many schools recommend, but do not mandate, the following vaccines:

7. Influenza

The influenza vaccine reduces the risk of catching the flu. This vaccine is recommended for anyone with a weakened immune system or who just wants to avoid the flu. The average cost is between $15 and $20 for students without insurance coverage.

8. Human papillomavirus (HPV)

The HPV vaccine protects against genital warts caused by common strains of the human papillomavirus. Men and women up to the age of 26 are now advised to get this vaccine. The average cost is $205 out of pocket cost for students without insurance coverage.

9. Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) and pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23)

These two vaccines protect people against a total of 36 pneumococcal bacteria strains. Pneumococcal illness, which can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia, is caused by these bacteria. The pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for adults who smoke, have cochlear implants, have chronic conditions, or have a weakened immune system. The PCV13 vaccine costs $95 on average, while the PPSV23 vaccine costs $170.

10. Hepatitis A

The hepatitis A vaccine protects against hepatitis A infection. When people do not wash their hands after using the restroom, it targets the liver and spreads. Hepatitis A is a virus that can lead to liver failure and death. Anyone who uses illegal drugs has a chronic liver illness or intends to have close physical contact with others while traveling abroad should get the hepatitis A vaccine. The average cost is between $55 and $65 per person out of pocket cost, assuming no insurance coverage. READ ALSO: 30 Mental Health Tips for College Students 2022

11. On-Campus COVID Vaccination

Many colleges switched to online college coursework during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020. Universities are welcoming students back to campus as states reopen. Before returning to regular classes, several schools require pupils to obtain the vaccine. Students should look into their school’s current COVID vaccine regulations. There are three different vaccines available right now. To be considered fully vaccinated, both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna require two doses. The Janssen vaccine from Johnson & Johnson has been reintroduced in the United States and only requires one dosage. Three vaccine finders are provided below to assist students in locating immunization locations. Students could also look for a vaccine finder that is relevant to their state.


You have far too much on your plate and far too much responsibility to risk as a college student becoming ill. Vaccines can keep you healthy so that you don’t have to miss classes. You will have more time for your studies, friends, and hobbies if you can avoid being sick. Getting the recommended immunizations can help you relax. You will be protected against a variety of dangerous diseases to the greatest extent possible. Make sure you get the required vaccines. We hope you found this post very helpful.


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