For this reason, software test certification has become the order of the day for those interested in test automation. A well-known certificate from an authorized institute certifies that the certificate holder has mastered a certain technology. We will be discussing the best software testing certifications in the USA and other benefits of software testing certification.  

What is software testing?

Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does what it is supposed to do. The very purpose of testing software is to prevent bugs, reducing development costs,s and improving performance.  Also, software testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that the software product is defect-free. It involves the execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest. 

Why can I get software testing certification in the USA?

According to IBM, software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does the exact purpose it was intended to do.  Certification in software testing is of significance because in today’s economy it gives you the opportunity to stand out of the crowd. Below are why getting a software testing certification in the USA is of importance:

The certification has become a very important tool to reach a knowledgeable and skilled employee base.Certification helps you gain practical skills that you use on the job.Certification helps bridge educational/theoretical gaps.Certification curriculum to focus on the knowledge and skills that are required in the work world.Learning is a lifelong process.Getting the certification does not help professionals refresh their basic knowledge but also to keep up with new processes/techniques coming in. 

Which are the certification bodies for software testing in the USA?

In the USA the volunteer board for software testing is ASTQB, that’s the America Software Testing Qualification Board. ATSQA’s not-for-profit volunteer board is headquartered in the U.S. but also has representatives from other countries.  ISTQB is also a board; they are a not-for-profit organization. Its official U.S. board, ASTQB (ISTQB in the U.S.) is also a not-for-profit organization. ATSQA is a not-for-profit organization as well. The other two certifications are from private, for-profit companies.  After you finish the advanced levels, one may still have furthermore courses to take on, such as post-expert level.

What do ISTQB and ASTQB stand for?

What is ISTQB?

ISTQB is one of the leading software testing certifications which has its global imprint. With its headquarters in Belgium, it has testing exam centers all across the world. ISTQB stands for International Software Testing Qualification Board. It is composed of representatives from each existing national board, such as the ASTQB (American Software Testing Qualification Board). It is seen as one of the favorite certifications to acquire a job in software testing overseas as well as in India. One needs to have ISTQB certification in order to take up work in any company in the United States. There are several levels of certifications within the ISTQB, starting from the beginner level to the advanced and expert level. There are a predefined syllabus and standards one needs to have to come out of this examination. Further, as they say, there is no end to learning. Working parties within ISTQB are responsible for developing and maintaining the foundation and advanced-level syllabi and exams. All members are volunteers. While ASTQB stands for American Software Testing Qualification Board. 

What is ASTQB?

ASTQB was founded in 2003 as the American Testing Board. In April 2005, the name was changed to the American Software Testing Qualifications Board. Through the involvement of the world’s foremost experts in software testing, the program was developed for software professionals who want to prepare today’s professionals by anticipating tomorrow’s software testing demands. The ASTQB is a group of highly experienced experts in software testing who volunteer their time to the development, maintenance, and promotion of the ISTQB Certified Tester program in the U.S. They also represent U.S. interests internationally as the national board for the U.S. within the ISTQB. The ASTQB is a non-profit organization. Exam and accreditation fees are charged to cover the cost connected with the administration of exams, applications for accreditation, the maintenance of a physical office, exhibits at leading software testing conventions, and the employment of administrative staff. The ASTQB is a group of highly experienced experts in software testing who volunteer their time to the development, maintenance, and promotion of the ISTQB Certified Tester program in the U.S. They also represent U.S. interests internationally as the national board for the U.S. within the ISTQB. 

What is ISTQB certification?

ISTQB software testing certification is the most widely recognized and fastest-growing software tester certification in the world. They support individuals who want to obtain a certification in software testing. ISTQB supports this program because it is vendor-neutral, open to everyone, and internationally respected and recognized. This certification was developed by more than 100 global software testing experts and is offered in nearly 50 countries. The ISTQB certification gives you an edge in the field of software testing.  

What is ASTQB certification?

ASTQB is also a software testing certification course/program that an individual can acquire to become a qualified software tester. The certification was developed for software intending professionals who want to prepare today’s professionals by anticipating tomorrow’s software testing demands. The ASTQB is a group of highly experienced experts in software testing who volunteer their time to the development, maintenance, and promotion of the ISTQB Certified Testers program in the U.S. After you finish the advanced levels, one may still have furthermore courses to take on, such as post-expert level.

How long does ASTQB certification last?

ASTQB is widely known for its testing mostly within America. Just like every professional course that takes some quality amount of time before completion. The ASTQB certification also lasts for some duration of time maximum of 2days depending on the accreditation training provider. Completion of an accredited training course is not a prerequisite for participating in the exam. 

Is ISTQB certification difficult?

ISTQB certification is one of the most widely recognized certifications that requires a pass percentage in sitting for the exam to become a software testing professional.  The exam is not very tough but sometimes people underestimate the difficulty level of the exam, do not study enough, and fail the exam.  Some organizations make it mandatory for their employees to take up this certification exam. The following steps on how to successfully sit for an ISTQB certification are listed below: The tips below are aimed at helping you prepare well for the exam so that you can pass it on your first attempt.

What is the difference between ASTQB & ISTQB software testing certification?

ASTQB is the country board for ISTQB Software Tester Certification in the U.S. These board members are a group of highly experienced experts in software testing who volunteer their time to the development, maintenance, and promotion of the certification in this country. ISTQB is the International Software Testing Qualifications Board that is composed of representatives from each national board, such as the ASTQB. The ISTQB decides on the global standards for certification. The result is that you are able to earn a truly global software tester certification but do so via a country board that understands the language and logistics needs of your country. More information is found below. NOTE: If you work for an American company, or might someday, regardless of whether you are located in the U.S., you should get your ISTQB certification only from ASTQB. American companies check with ASTQB to know if you are an ISTQB certified tester.

How much does an ASTQB certified make in Silicon Valley?

The pay scale offered to a certified ASTQB software tester with a certification depends on few other aspects too which we will be discussing briefly. There is a range pay scale average tech personnel makes in Silicon Valley and this invariably influences the payment a software tester makes as well. A certified ASTQB makes an average of $20k to $101k with entry certification in software testing.

How much does an ISTQB certified make in Silicon Valley?

The pay scale offered to a certified ISTQB software tester with certification is quite similar to a certified ASTQB. There is a range pay scale average tech personnel makes in Silicon Valley and this invariably influences the payment a software tester makes as well. A certified ISTQB makes an average of $20k to $101k with entry certification in software testing.

How much experience is needed for ASTQB and ISTQB mobile testing certification?

The experience needed for ASTQB & ISTQB mobile testing certification is a necessity in the field of testers because the number of years of experience creates confidence for a tester in securing a good job. The maximum number of years that qualify an individual to become a full software tester is between the range of 3 – 5 years.  A breakdown of the years of experience is explained below: Years of Experience Entry Level                             Early Career2.1%                                         21.8% Mid-Career                            Late Career35.5%                                     8.4% Experienced 32.2% Gender BreakdownMale                                  Female64.1%                                 35.4% Avg. Salary:                       Avg. Salary:$56k – $107k                      $53k – $119k 

Which software testing certification is the best one?

There is countless software testing certification with promising learning certificates within the USA and other accredited countries who take up courses on software testing. These institutes are of a great standard but there are still some that have stood the test of education and given a long-lasting impression that their system is the best such as ISTQB. ISTQB exams are created by the national boards and some exam boards to provide easy access to exams worldwide.  ASTQB’s ISTQB exams are built by the American board to be user-friendly and must meet the following criteria: 1. Each question for ASTQB’s ISTQB exam is written by a person who has successfully completed an examination writing course and holds at least one Advanced level certification. 2. Each question is also reviewed and approved by at least two other examination writers. 3. ASTQB’s ISTQB exam question performance is carefully monitored via psychometric analysis to ensure:

The question is fair with no misleading or easily mistaken wording.Each distractor (wrong answer) is fair and clear.The question is a valid test of the examinee’s knowledge and is matched to the material in the syllabus and the learning objective.The correct answer is indisputable (not based on opinion).

4. Each ASTQB’s ISTQB exam question is matched to the specific learning objective in the syllabus. 5. Questions are balanced among the learning objectives of the syllabus.

Step-by-step guide on how to get a Software Testing Certification in the USA

These five steps will aid you in achieving a software testing certification in the USA: 1. Start by learning about ISTQB Foundation Level Certification. 2. Then study for the ISTQB exam using the free ISTQB syllabus (what you need to know to pass the exam), sample exam questions & answers, and a glossary of software testing terms. Or you can choose the easier, faster route of taking an accredited (proven) software testing training course. 3. Next, register for your exam through ASTQB and our ISTQB exam provider ATSQA. Note: American employers check with us, ASTQB and ATSQA, to see if you are ISTQB certified. 4. Finally, pass the exam. Excellent! Now you can appear on the Official U.S. 5. Keep moving up. Look at the Software Testing Career Path to see where you should take your career.

Top 10 Software Testing Certificate In The USA.

There are all sorts of software testing certifications available, beginner-level for aspirants, intermediate-level for individuals with some testing experience, and master- and expert-level for professionals with many years of software testing experience. In addition to making a portfolio attractive, certifications also grant individuals the opportunity to assess their knowledge and learn more about their craft. If you’re looking for a relevant software testing certification, consider checking out these top 10 software testing certifications:

1. Certified Associate in Software Testing (CAST)

CAST or Certified Associate in Software Testing is a software testing-based certification that showcases a basic understanding level of principles and practices associated with quality testing. It is a fitting software testing certification for individuals looking to break into the software testing industry. To be eligible for pursuing the software testing certification, candidates must meet one of these prerequisites: A 3- or 4-year degree from an accredited institution.A 2-year degree from an accredited institution along with 1-year of experience working in the IT industry.At least a 3-year experience of working in the IT industry. The CAST certification exam is conducted at Pearson VUE Testing Centers. Once the application is successfully submitted for CAST, candidates will receive a 367-page PDF dubbed Software Testing Body of Knowledge (STBOK) for CAST. It is ample to prepare for the CAST exam. Level: BeginnerOffered by: Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 100Total time – 75 minutesPassing Score – 70%Fee: $100 You can buy this book here.

2. Certified Software Tester (CSTE)

Certified Software Tester certification assures a professional-level competence in the principles and practices of quality control (QA). It is the best certification for software testing to start with your career. The CSTE certification is apt for bagging the role of a software testing or quality control advisor and quality control manager. To successfully enroll for the Certified Software Tester certification, candidates must be working or have worked in software testing (quality control) within the previous 18 months from the time of applying for the certification. Moreover, the candidates must meet one of the following prerequisites: A 4-year degree from some accredited institution + At least a 2-year working experience in the IT field.A 3-year degree from an accredited institution + At least a 3-year working experience in the IT field.A 2-year degree from an accredited institution + At least 4 years of experience in working in the IT industry.At least 6-year experience of working in the IT field. CSTE certification involves two exams, both available at Pearson view Testing Centers. After successfully enrolling for the certification program, candidates will receive Software Testing Body of Knowledge for CSTE (STBOK), a 557-page PDF covering the entire syllabus of the examination. Level: IntermediateOffered by: QAI Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choice + Essay-typeTotal Questions – 100 + 12Total Time – 75 minutes + 75 minutesPassing Score – 70% (average of scores in both exams)Fee: $350$420 (includes a book version of the STBOK PDF) You can buy this book here.

3. Certified Manager of Software Testing (CMST)

The Certified Manager of Software Testing (CMST) is a global-level certification suitable for management-level software testing roles. Like other QAI offerings, CMST exams are held at Pearson View Testing Centers. In addition to ensuring that the certification holder has working-level competence in the principles and practices of software testing, CMST also demonstrates that the holder has the skill set to manage software testing projects. To successfully apply for the certification exam, candidates must be actively working in the field of software testing and must meet one of the following conditions: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution + At least 4 years of working experience in software testing.An associate degree from an accredited institution + At least a 6-year working experience in software testing.At least 8 years of working experience in the software testing field. To prepare for the examination, eligible candidates receive the 609-page Software Testing Body of Knowledge for CMST (STBOK) PDF. The examination has two exams, with a 10-minute break, that assess a candidate’s knowledge and experience in the following 4 areas: Test ManagementTest AnalysisTest Planning and ExecutionCommunications and Relationships Level: AdvancedOffered by: QAI Exam Details:Format – Constructed response/essay typeTotal Questions – 7 + 5Total Time – 75 minutes + 75 minutesPassing Score – 70% (average Score of both exams)Fee: $450 You can buy this book here.

4. ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL)

The ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification is for anyone interested in demonstrating basic software testing knowledge, including types of software testing, test planning and designing, defect management, and assessing project and product risks. This certification is apt for bagging foundational roles in testing, such as testers, test analysts, and testing consultants. There are no eligibility criteria for the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification. Level: BeginnerOffered by: International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 40Total time – 60 minutes (15 additional minutes for participants taking the examination in a non-native language.)Passing Score – 65%Fee: $250 You can buy this book here.

5. ISTQB Agile Tester Certification

Agile testing is a newer approach to software testing that has been gaining traction lately. It is based on the Agile software development methodology. This certification is intended for: Entry-level testers are interested in Agile testing.Experienced testers in traditional approaches to software development.Expert developers tied to Agile projects with basic knowledge of testing. The ISTQB Agile Tester certification is an add-on to the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification. This means that interested candidates must first have a valid ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification to apply for the ISTQB Agile Tester certification. Level: IntermediateOffered by: ISTQB Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 40Total time – 60 minutesPassing Score – 65%Fee: $150 You can buy this book here.

6. ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst

One of the best software testing certifications for individuals working in mid-range job profiles in the software testing industry to prove their metal as a professional test analyst is the ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst certification. It is intended for software testers, software engineers, automation engineers, etc. In order to successfully apply for the advanced-level software testing certification, candidates need to have the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification and must meet one of the following conditions: A degree in computer science or related field from an accredited institution + 24 months of software testing experience for taking *2 sub-modules or 36-month experience for taking all the three sub-modules. A non-bachelor degree from an accredited institution + At least 60-month experience working in software testing. The three sub-modules are:Technical Test AnalystTest AnalystTest Manager Level: AdvancedOffered by: ISTQB Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 60Total time – 180 minutesPassing Score – 75%Fee: $250 You can buy this book here.

7. Advanced Level Security Tester

The Advanced Level Security Tester certification is meant for testing professionals who already have accumulated several years of experience and are now looking to take one big step further in their professional lives. A certified Advanced Level Security Tester is capable of: Analyzing and documenting security test needs.Assisting an organization in building information security awareness.Evaluating an existing security test suite and suggesting additional security tests.Identifying security test objectives for a project.Planning, evaluating, and performing security tests from various perspectives, including policy-based, risk-based, and vulnerability-based. The syllabus for the advanced-level software testing certification is available on the official ISTQB website. Requisites for the Advanced Level Security Tester certification are: Having a valid ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification, and At least 3 years of relevant academic, practical, or consulting experience. Level: AdvancedOffered by: ISTQBExam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 45Total time – 120 minutes (30 minutes extra for candidates giving the examination in a non-native language.)Passing Score – 65%Fee: $249 You can buy this book here.

8. Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester

For candidates interested in advancing their career in agile testing, one of the best certifications available is the Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester. Requisites for the software testing certification are: A valid ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification,A valid ISTQB Agile Tester certification,A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, and Some professional experience in software testing (determined by the Exam Board through which candidates undertake the course). A certified Advanced Level Agile Tester is capable of applying agile techniques for ensuring adequate testing coverage, creating and implementing several Agile testing approaches, defining testable requirements, etc. The syllabus for the Advanced Level Agile Tester Certification includes: Aspects of Code Quality.Deployment and Delivery.Requirement Engineering.Test Automation.Test-Driven Development (TDD).Testing in Agile. Level: AdvancedOffered by: ISTQB Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 40Total time – 90 minutes (23 minutes extra for candidates giving the examination in a non-native language.)Passing Score – 65%Fee: $249 You can buy this book here.

9. Unified Functional Testing v14.x Certified Professional UFT120-14-ASP

Introduced recently, UFT120-14-ASP is the latest certification for the popular testing tool UFT (Unified Functional Testing), historically known as QTP. Based on the latest Micro Focus UFT v14.x version, this software testing certification exam assesses a candidate’s ability in: Software testing,Knowledge of software testing principles and practices, andExpertise in UFT. Now, only being offered at the ASP (Accredited Software Professional) level, the certification exam was previously offered for 3 more levels: ASE – Accredited Software Expert,CSE – Certified Software Expert andCSP – Certified Software Professional. To champion the Unified Functional Testing v14.x Certified Professional exam. Micro Focus offers the UFT120-Unified Functional Testing 14.x Essentials training course via its Micro Focus Education platform. The entire syllabus for the exam is divided into 6 modules: Module 1: MF UFT OverviewModule 2: MF UFT GUI TestingModule 3: Working with ObjectsModule 4: Enhancing GUI TestsModule 5: UFT API TestingModule 6: Setting up and Viewing Run Results in UFT Level: IntermediateOffered by: Micro Focus Education Exam Details:Format – Multiple-choiceTotal Questions – 45Total time – 2 hoursPassing Score – 70%Fee: $200 You can buy this book here.

10. Certified Software Test Professional Associate Level (CSTP-A)

IIST started offering Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP) back in 1991. The Associate-level CSTP is a fitting software testing certification for individuals looking to kick start their career in the lucrative field of software testing. Although CSTP-A is intended for fresher’s, there are two other CSTP levels, namely, Practitioner-level and Master-level, that are suitable for product managers, QA specialists, and other professionals with a multi-year experience in software testing. CSTP-A covers: Principles and practices involved with software testing.Defect tracking.Requirements definition, refinement, and verification.Static testing.Test automation, design, and management. Level: BeginnerOffered by: International Institute for Software Testing (IIST) Exam Details:Format – N/ATotal Questions – N/ATotal Time – N/APassing Score – 80%Fee: $120 You can buy this book here.

Self-Studying Software Testing

In the present, software testing is a lucrative career avenue. Hence, it is high time to learn software testing. There are several types of learning material available, ranging from free, YouTube video tutorials to paid, premium software testing courses, and books. Regardless of the medium (or media), you choose to learn software testing, all you need to focus upon is practice. Also, you need to experiment a lot while testing. Be creative and exploratory in your approach to implementing software testing. Also, software testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that the software product is defect-free. It involves the execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest.  Software testing certification course/program is professional qualification that gives an individual proof of completion. Obtaining this certification makes one a certified software tester, with this qualification brings in a good pay scale. Most free online courses are self-paced and can be completed in 1-2 days or in about 6-8 weeks depending on the determination of the student. Online courses are available for everyone – both for gaining experience or acquiring the certification for a better job outlook. The software testing course is a center on those who want to dive into the technology world or intending tech newbies. Choosing a software testing certification is of importance as the demand is increasing. Software testing helps a tester evaluate if a software product is good enough to put it out for utilization. Obtaining this certificate gives one the promising opportunity to practice and develop good judgment when it comes to evaluating a software product. 


As a lover of technology, it will be a ride in the world of technology & information if you can attain this certificate, it gives you convenience to learn from your comfort. While the community is polarized about the importance of certification, there is no need to step back from software testing certification if it gives you confidence and motivates you.