In a Physician Assistant job interview, submitting an excellent Cv with an outstanding certificate degree won’t give you that job. Rather, in order to get that physician Assistant job position, you need to acquire the necessary skills as well as prepare for the job interview. And I tell you, there is no other best way of preparing if not with a full mastery and understanding of up to 50 Physician Assistant Applicant Interview Questions and their possible answers. With that, You are good to do. This post provides information about frequently asked physician assistant interview questions and possible answers as well as tips for the interview. I know you won’t want to miss the opportunity of securing that job this time around. Just read this post carefully word to word without skimming to ensure you master the questions and there answers. You can also scroll the table of contents below to get an overview of all that this post entails.

What is the Nature Of Physician Assistant Job Interview Questions

In the medical field, Physician Assistants are major professionals that play vital in the health sector. When working as a physician assistant, you will be diagnosing and prescribing medications for patients and even treat their injuries once they are common injuries.
This shows that the role of a Physician Assistant in the medical field is very important. Therefore, when any medical organization wants to hire a physician assistant, they usually dip their eyes into the water to ensure that they hire nothing but the best in the field. They have an interview process that is not too different from other organizations which involve a face to face conversation just like every other interview. Here, the interviewer asks specific questions to the interviewee who in turn answers them. Specifically, physician assistant job interview questions are not always the same among medical organizations. However, they comes in three categories which includes; General questions, Questions about experience and background, In-depth questions. Read on to know what to expect and how to make a good impression in a physician assistant job interview. Get a Copy of Our Irresistible Physician Assistant Cover letter Samples And Make It Even Better

What Should I Expect In An  Physician Assistant Interview Question?

It is expedient that you prepare yourself very well when going for a PA interview question. Even with your degree, if you don’t prepare for the interview there is every possible chance that you won’t scale through. Just like every other professional interview, Physician Assistant interview questions have a structure and nature in which they are asked. And once you are able to understand the nature, I tell you, you are already half-way to passing that interview. So, as a physician Assistant applicant, below are the nature of questions to expect: Let’s briefly talk discuss how these questions comes.

#1. General Questions

This is the first section of physician assistant job interview questions you will be asked when you come for. Your interviewer or interviewers will ask you these questions in order to know if you are really qualified for the position.

Tell me about yourself.Why do you want to work for our hospital?Why are you leaving your last job?Why do you want to be a physician assistant?Why should we hire you as our newest physician assistant?What are some of your strengths as a physician assistant?

#2. Questions about experience and background

When your interviewer asks you these questions, just have it at the back of your mind that they want to know about your experience in this medical profession. It is very important that express yourself very well when answering these questions because it can determine your level of success. If you allow yourself to be thrown off balance, they might think that you are not really good as you said you are.

How would you describe your work ethic?What would you consider to be some of the biggest challenges you face working as a physician assistant?How do you manage work-related stress?How do you prioritize your tasks as a physician assistant?What qualities make a great physician assistant?How do organize patient files?


#3. In-depth questions

Here are the more practical questions. The interviewers will ask you in-depth questions to ascertain how you solve work-related issues and your overall style of care.

How do you plan to grow as a physician assistant?Describe a time when you had to handle working with a difficult patient.Tell me about a time when you worked to improve patient safety.Describe a time when you disagreed with the primary care doctor and how you handled it.Describe a time when you disagreed with a colleague over patient care and how you handled it.How do you keep patient families properly informed about a patient’s health condition?Why should we choose you for this position?Describe a time when you handled a patient who struggled with pain management.How would you handle an emergency that happened to occur as you’re attending to another patient?

How can I impress my Interviewers in physician assistant job interview questions?

Like the saying goes, First impression matter a lot. It is very important that you create the right impression about yourself before the interviewers once you for a physician assistant job interview. Not that you will start showing-off or be too cold as a proof of humility. Some organisations may not want to employ you if you are too cold because the you see it as you been duly. On the other hand, when you try to be everywhere, they might see it as you trying to show-off and most organisations frowns at it. So just be cool and smart. And to achieve that, We advise you to apply the following strategies:

Be Punctual

Try to be at the very early but not too early so that you won’t take your interviewer unawares. Like 15-20 minutes early is okay.

Dress professionally

Be professionally dressed. As a guy, wear your well-ironed pair of trousers with a long sleeves shirt and a tie to complement it. Don’t forget to polish you pair of shoe. If you are a lady, avoid trendy accessories, makeup over, or dangling jewelry. Remember, your choice of color matters here.

Go with an Extra copy of all you Documents

Bring extra copies of your resume, your reference list, letters of recommendation, a notepad, and a pen in case a need for it arises.

Approach your questions with ease

Take your time when answering questions. Remember to breathe, and don’t hesitate to let your interviewer know that you need a few moments to think before responding to a question.

Be Passionate

One set of people that most employers always look out for when it comes to employment are people with a passionate mindset to work. They want to have staff that is enthusiastic when they are working. So, when you go for that physician assistant job interview, try to show your passion for your career and specialty and the work you are applying for.

Display the right Attitude

Your character and attitude matter a lot. Treat everyone you encounter with professionalism and kindness. Finally..

Show Appreciation

This is very important. With this act alone, if even you might not be the best in the interview, you can be hired because of this simply act. You can write a thank you note to each interviewer and send it within two days of your meeting. With this, you have made a lasting positive impression, I tell you.

Steps to a Successful Physician Assistant Interview Questions

When preparing for a PA interview, their steps you must take to enable you scale through. Below are steps you must take before going for the interview;

Have an insight about the Interview Aim

This is the first thing you should do first before you go for a Physician Assistant interview. When you try to understand the purpose of the interview, it will enable know if you are really the right person for the job. Also, you will be able to decide if the job is right for you.

Study and Review the interview agenda

Normally, before your interview, you will get an email that contains information about the interview process. The time (date, time, location), as well as the names of the interviewers, will be indicated there. It is important that before you go for the interview, ensure you study and review the interview agenda that have full knowledge on when the interview is starting and when it’s ending.

Build Connections with your interviewers

Take time to familiarize yourself with the name and job of each interviewer. Here you can use LinkedIn to get information on certification, education, and other services. Try to visit the organization’s website to get read about the organization’s outstanding staff. Note, when you are passionate about your interviewers it will make them know that you take the situation seriously and enjoy joining the team.

Make Research on Interview Styles

Before you go for a physician assistant program or job interview, try to make research about the possible interview styles and read about them.  You know in an interview, each interview has its own style or way of throwing questions that might be different from another interviewer. Note, if you don’t master the interviewer’s styles you might be thrown off balance especially during the behavioral question section.
Generally, behavioral questions are those that focus on your past experiences to help paint a picture of your overall qualifications and skills for the future. To answer these kinds of questions you’ll want to be specific about the clinical, managerial, or patient challenges that you have faced and overcome.

Ask Educated Questions

Don’t just go for an interview expecting to be asked questions alone, always prepare to ask your interviewers questions too. This reflects your interest in the Physician Assistant job and your experience in the medical field. Be careful, don’t ask questions that the answers are already in the organization website because it won’t make sense.
For instance, you can ask what skills are necessary to succeed, request details on the patient ratio, and what influence you could expect to have over patient care and treatment plans if you were to be hired. Let’s look at some of the physician assistant job interview questions and answers that most medical organisations ask.

Physician assistant job interview questions and answers

Below are some frequent questions to ask during a physician assistant interview and the approach to answering them.

#Question 1: How do you plan to grow as a physician assistant?

What Interviewers Want to Know: Interviewers want to know that even with employment, you’re still interested in sharpening your skills and overall knowledge. When you answer this question, make sure to speak of any courses or certifications you plan on taking. In addition, any volunteering opportunities in your field are worth mentioning, too. “As a physician assistant, I plan to continue my education by getting certified. In addition, I plan on taking online courses in specialized fields. Both of these will help me grow my knowledge and abilities in this field and will be valuable qualifications to bring to your facility.”

#Question 2: How do you handle the stress that comes with being a physician assistant?

What Interviewers Want to Know: They want to know that you’re effectively able to manage your stress and emotions. When you answer, make sure you express not only how to resolve your stress, but that it doesn’t affect your ability to perform your job well. “When my job gets too stressful, I learn how to relax, track what my stressors are, and take time to recharge. I briefly step away from my tasks in order to come back with a new way of thinking and a refreshed mind. As a medical professional, it’s important to remain calm, have a firm grasp on our emotions, and to ensure ourselves that the stress will pass.

#Question 3: Describe a time when you disagreed with a colleague about patient care and how you handled it.

What Interviewers Want to Know: They’re wanting to know how you handle conflict or disagreements in the workplace. Make sure to state how you resolved the issue without speaking negatively about any of your colleagues. “In my most recent position as a physician assistant, I disagreed with the medication the lead physician was prescribing. I recently read a study stating that the prescription being prescribed could hurt the patient rather than help. I immediately looked for the lead physician and spoke with them about my findings. After doing so, he understood why I disagreed with him and he agreed that we should find a different form of treatment.”

#Question 4: What qualities make a great physician assistant?

What Interviewers Want to Know: The interviewers want to know that you’re aware of what it takes to be successful in this role. When you answer, make sure to include any skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for and how you meet those qualifications. “In order for a physician assistant to provide quality patient care, they should have great interpersonal, communication and active listening skills. It’s extremely important to get to know your patients and having a healthy flow of communication can help with that. It’s also important to listen to the patient’s needs and understand their point of view.”

#Question 5: How would you handle an emergency that came up when taking care of another patient?

What Interviewers Want to Know: Interviewers want to make sure that you’re able to effectively manage your time without sacrificing patient care. Consider any past experiences you’ve had with this and choose an answer that showcases your ability to properly manage your patients while switching duties in a timely manner. See Also: Top 10 Physician Assistant Private Schools In the World Another option is to praise them for what they do best (or most negatively) and express it as their reason for wanting it. In one way or another, they must feel that you want to work for them and choose a purpose.

#Question 7: What defines a good physician Assistant in your opinion?

What to Know: You can answer these questions from different angles. One of them is talking about service projects, one by one, emphasizing that a good PA can take care of these services. Next, a common procedure says that a good doctor has a good relationship with a doctor and that they provide excellent services to patients.

#Question 8: How would you think of a typical work day if we hired you?

What to Know: Job descriptions will help you understand what to do. You can list different jobs, or you can bring up the idea of ​​a work day. The key is to show them that you expect to work hard and that you have something to do. Don’t talk about a coffee break or a delicious lunch, of course, you will get these little pleasures, but you should focus on your work while talking about work days.

#Question 9: In your opinion, what is the role of physician Assistants?

What to Know: Working as a member of the medical team, compiling clinical reports, examining and treating patients, ordering and interpreting laboratory tests and radiographs, diagnoses, and prescribing medications, APs do more than one thing – doctors just do it. They do so under the supervision of an experienced person.

#Question 10: Do you have any experience with medications, surgical help, or a physical exam?

What to Know: Try to be positive about your experience and be enthusiastic. Let them know that you appreciate what doctors do, that you understand the purpose of their work, and that you are not afraid. But if you have not done anything, tell them that you are eager to study, and later in the study and examination of other doctors, you cannot wait to have it in your hands eventually.

#Question 11: Where do you see your future career?

What to Know: You could talk about this medicine, or maybe even start your own practice someday. The key is to show them that you want to stay healthy and that you want to continue your career in this field.

#Question 12: What can you do if someone is angry?

How to Answer: Angry, sad, happy, scared. You will meet people of all kinds of mental states when you work as a medical professional. Demonstrate the questions you have and have on hand, to understand the impact patients have and to reach everyone with understanding and respect. You could also say that you are doing your best not to be affected by the misbehavior of some patients.

#Question 13: Do you like to order or take it?

How to Answer: You should say there is no problem with both, but make sure you understand your situation and that you will abide by the laws of the medical profession. Alternatively, you must teach patients sometimes, as well as other healthcare workers (think of visitors, nurses, paramedics) what to do. For this, you must be prepared to order.

#Question 14: Describe your differences with your colleague (classmate, teacher) and how you (or someone else) handles the problem.

How to Answer: The moral question is difficult. Try to talk about a situation that has an end, the problem you have to solve. Demonstrate key questions and attempts to understand the other person, and be prepared to criticize.

#Question 15: What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as a physician Assistant?

How to Answer: Communication skills, social responsibility, concentration and detail, social competence, the ability to work independently, the ability to determine all potential applications may appear on your power list. But they shouldn’t appear on your list of weaknesses, even when you’re interviewing for a job …

Physician Assistant School Interview Questions

Having seen the physician assistant job interview questions and possible answers, let’s take a brief look at the commonly asked physician assistant school interview questions that most PA schools do ask in case you want to go for a graduate degree program.

Other ones include

Bonus: Great Questions you can Ask in an Interview

What is the size of the unit, organizational structure of the unit, volume?Does the hospital plan to expand? What are the hospital’s strengths and weaknesses compared to its competition?Could you explain your overall organizational structure?Can you discuss your take on the hospital’s culture? What are the hospital’s values?How would you characterize the management philosophy of your organization?What do you think is the greatest opportunity facing the organization in the near future? The biggest threat?How will my leadership responsibilities and performance be measured? And by whom? How often?Will there be opportunities for advancement, and if so, how long could it be before I would be considered for one?What qualities do you appreciate most in those that report directly to you?How does the organization rank within its field?What is the reputation of the department (or facility) to which I am applying?How is this department perceived within the organization?What have been your department goals in the last year, and, did you meet them?What would be the goals of the department in the coming year?


As a physician assistant graduate or a professional in the field, your resume will only get you in the door with a prospective employer. However, your performance in the interview sets you apart from the other applicants.  Therefore, taking time to study potential interview questions for the position of a physician assistant will help you prepare for your interview. I hope the physician assistant job interview questions and answers as wells as the tips given above helps you in your next job interview. Success!!!
