Therefore, if your intent is to enroll at an online college in South Carolina SC, then you are right on time. We have compiled the best just for you, to make better-informed choices among them. This article covers the 10 best-accredited colleges where you can earn an online degree in South Carolina, SC, USA. We can’t ignore the fact that online colleges and universities have made higher education more accessible than ever. We now have some of the best academic and professional programs in the world at our fingertips. Through online degrees, most of us can now balance the demands of life, such as work and childcare while completing our studies online. However, even as we enjoy these privileges, it is of essence that we earn these online degrees from accredited colleges. In South Carolina, accredited colleges and universities have had their educational programs and faculty evaluated by an outside agency. Furthermore, these accrediting agencies ensure that these schools provide high-quality education to students. Therefore, this article will provide you with the vital information you need on the best accredited online programs in South Carolina, the SC schools, colleges or universities where you can earn them.

What are Online Classes?

Basically, an online class is a formal education process in which the students and instructor are not in the same place. In other words, this means that all exams, lectures, and much of the reading in online classes are done on the Web. You may like to see these Best 3 Online Colleges: Accredited Online Degree Programs, Common Choices & Why They’re Popular

Why Online Colleges and Degrees?

Online education is one thing that has come to stay. A lot of students now embrace online education because of the nature of their job, schedule, and many more factors. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as in fall 2015, 5,954,121 students enrolled in distance education courses at degree-granting colleges and universities. This goes a long way to show how popular, affordable and accessible online colleges and programs are becoming. Notwithstanding below are some of the reasons why students opt for online colleges and degree programs: Do you know you can get a free laptop just by enrolling in an online school? See these Online Colleges that Offer Laptops and iPads FREE | LATEST UPDATE

Are there Accredited Online Colleges in SC?

Yes, there are accredited online colleges and schools in South Carolina. Just like every other state in America, there are several accreditation agencies that accredit not just schools but also, programs in SC.

What are the Accreditation Agencies in SC?

Below are some of the agencies in charge of granting institutional accreditation in South Carolina. Do well to click on any of them for more information. Get inspired to achieve more; see the 10 youngest PhD holders ever HERE!!!

Ranking Factors for the Best Accredited Online Colleges in South Carolina

Several schools in SC have their online colleges accredited. However, to get the best out of these Sc online schools, we used the following factors to rank them: There are several USA Scholarships available on our website. See them NOW!!!

What are the 1o Best Accredited Online Colleges and Universities in South Carolina SC?

Based on the ranking factors above, the following schools are the 10 best accredited colleges for an online degree program in SC:

#1 Citadel Military College of South Carolina

Ranked #2 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, the Citadell also known as Military College of South Carolina takes 1st place in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, this non-profit public institution is accredited by both SACS and COC. The citadel runs convenient, affordable and flexible online degree programs, SC through master’s degrees, graduate certificates, and undergraduate degree completion programs. In addition, these programs are offered entirely online. Currently, the school offers 4 bachelor’s degrees, 9 master’s degrees, and 5 graduate certificates online.

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online Master’s Degree Programs

Graduate Certificates

Undergraduate Student – $500 per credit hourGraduate Student – $695 per credit hour


#2 University of South Carolina-Upstate

Ranked #11 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, the University of South Carolina Upstate ranks 2nd in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, this non-profit public institution is accredited by both SACS and COC. Basically, USC Upstate offers a growing number of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels through distance learning. In addition, this SC online college is committed to providing quality instruction and course content to students regardless of geographical location or course content delivery format. Currently, the school offers 1 completion certificate, 4 bachelor’s degrees, and 1 master’s degree online.

Completion Program

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online Master’s Degree Programs

Undergraduate Student – $22,848Graduate Student – $28,848


#3 Claflin University

Ranked #9 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, Claflin University ranks 3rd in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Furthermore, this non-profit private institution is accredited by both SACS and COC. The mission of Claflin Online is to offer broad access to exemplary academic programs through undergraduate, graduate, continuing education and certificate program offerings in an online educational environment. Currently, this accredited SC school offers four undergraduate degree programs and two graduate-level programs online.

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online Master’s Degree Programs


#4 University of South Carolina-Aiken

Ranked #13 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, the University of South Carolina Aiken ranks 4th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Furthermore, this non-profit public institution is accredited by both SACS and COC. USC Aiken offers online degree completion programs that are flexible and convenient for students to help them complete their degree, especially those that have some previous college credit but never graduated.  Currently, this accredited SC school offers online degree completion courses in 4 bachelor’s degrees and 6 master’s degrees.

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online Master’s Degree Programs


#5 Medical University of South Carolina

As South Carolina’s only comprehensive academic health science center, the Medical University of South Carolina ranks 5th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Furthermore, this non-profit public institution is accredited by both SACS and COC. MUSC has a long, rich history, and a diverse community that includes faculty and staff who are dedicated to helping all students succeed. Currently, this accredited SC school offers 25 online degrees in the following associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate degrees and graduate certification.

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

SC Online Master’s Degree Programs

Online Doctorate Degree Programs

Graduate Certification Programs


#6 Newberry College

Ranked #16 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, Newberry College ranks 6th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, as a non-profit private institution, this SC online college is accredited by both SACS and COC. A Newberry College education reaches beyond classroom walls, city limits, preconceived notions of higher learning, and definitions of success. Also, Newberry Online provides a flexible, fast-paced, affordable way to get the credentials you need to add momentum to your career. Currently, when you enroll for Newberry online program, you get your first 3-credit classes free. As one of the best accredited SC online schools, Newberry College offers 25 online bachelor’s degrees in the following programs $25,000 $56,000 PROGRAM LINK VISIT SCHOOL

#7 South Carolina State University

Ranked #82 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, Newberry College ranks 7th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, as a non-profit public institution, this SC online college is accredited by both SACS and COC. With 39 faculty teaching online, SC State Online provides convenient and flexible access to high quality, educational offerings. As one of the best accredited SC online schools, South Carolina State University offers 103 online courses in the following bachelor’s and master’s degrees programs $397 per credit hour $72,000 PROGRAM LINK VISIT SCHOOL

#8 Francis Marion University

Ranked #61 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, Francis Marion University ranks 8th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, as a non-profit public institution, this SC online college is accredited by both SACS and COC. FMU offers programs of study that encourage students to think critically and creatively, communicate clearly and honestly. In addition, these programs will help you develop an appreciation of aesthetic values and also, be concerned with the common good as well as their own interests As one of the best accredited SC online schools, FMU offers online bachelor’s, masters, Ph.D. degrees and certification in the following programs

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

SC Online Master’s Degree Programs

Online Doctorate Degree Programs

Certification Programs


#9 Coastal Carolina University

Ranked #61 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, Coastal carolina University ranks 9th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, as a non-profit public institution, this SC online college is accredited by both SACS and COC. Coastal Carolina University has a great Distance Learning program that most certainly provides students and professionals both local and international with an opportunity to further their education. Also Coastal Carolina online programs are flexible in delivery. As one of the best accredited SC online schools, Coastal Carolina University offers online bachelor’s, masters degrees and certification in the following programs

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

SC Online Master’s Degree Programs

Online Doctorate Degree Programs

Certification Programs

In-state – $487 per creditOut-of-state – $1,138 per credit $62,600 PROGRAM LINK VISIT SCHOOL

#10 University of South Carolina

Ranked #104 in Regional Universities South by the US News & World Reports, the University of South Carolina, Columbia ranks 10th in our best accredited online colleges in SC ranking. Also, as a non-profit public institution, this SC online college is accredited by both SACS and COC. The university’s online programs and courses are rich learning opportunities that help you meet your curriculum, degree or career goals with enhanced flexibility and convenience.  As one of the best accredited SC online schools, the University of South Carolina, Columbia offers over 1000 online courses in the following bachelor’s, masters, Ph.D. degrees and certification programs.

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

SC Online Master’s Degree Programs

Online Doctorate Degree Programs

Doctor of Education in: Doctor of Nursing: Doctor of Philosophy:

Certification Programs

residents -$12,738non-residents – $33,627 PROGRAM LINK VISIT SCHOOL

Tips To A Successful Online Experience

As you make plans to enroll in any of the above listed accredited online colleges and universities in South Carolina, SC, USA, the following tips will help you have a successful online experience: Yes, most online coleges in Sc are accredited by various accreditation bodies both in South Carolina and the USA. Students are also advised to check out the accreditation status of the schools before the enrol in any of them. Refer to these 10 best accredited online colleges in South Carolina on World Scholarship Forum for more information. The duration for online education varies among schools. Some online programs are designed so that students can complete their major coursework in three semesters and one summer session. For instance, if students enter the program with a two year degree, they typically can complete their bachelor’s degree in 18 months. In summary most online programs last for 2 to 3 years, at most 4 years. As more and more trusted schools offer online degree programs, the respect given to these programs increases. According to a survey conducted by, 83 percent of executives say that “an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional campus-based program.” In other words, provided the degree is earned from an accredited online college, it carries the same credibility as those gotten through on-campus training. To know if an online school is accredited, students are advised to carry out a background check on the schools they want to apply to.They can also search the U.S. Department of Education Database by following these process:1. Within the website for the United States Department of Education, there is a Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs.2. Check the Six Main Regional Accrediting Agencies.3. Finally, they can contact the Online College or University Directly. Several programs are now been offered online. For example several completion programs like RN to BSN programs, certification programs, health science programs, MBAs and a lot more.


Most schools all over the world are now developing programs to accommodate the growing number of students who embrace online education. Colleges in South Carolina, SC are not left out as most online colleges and universities are getting recognized and approved by various accreditation agents both in South Carolina and the United States. I hope this article on the 10 best accredited online colleges in SC helps you in making your online education decision. Good Luck and Success!!!



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