Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Scholarships

Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Scholarship is the largest youth recognition program in the United States based solely on charitable/volunteer services. It recognizes young people who have made a difference and has inspired countless others to think about how they could contribute to their communities. If successful, candidates will receive a prize of up to $5,000.

Level/Field of Study

Prudential Scholarship application is open to middle and high school students.

Host Nationality

Prudential Financial, Inc., a leader in the financial services industry, operates in Asia, the United States, Europe, and Latin America. In the United States, Prudential’s iconic Rock symbol has stood for strength, stability, competence, and innovation for more than a century. Eligible Nationality The Prudential Scholarship is available to United States legal residents. The Spirit of Community Awards program also recognizes youth volunteers in countries outside the U.S. where Prudential has a significant presence: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ireland, India, China, and Brazil.

Eligibility for the Prudential Award

To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must:

Be in grades 5-12 as of November 6.Be legal residents of any US state or in Washington, D.C.Participated in volunteering in the last 12 months before the application date.Submit a completed application by 6 November to a school or the head of an official designated by local authority.

Scholarship Worth

The benefits given to successful candidates of the Prudential Spirit Scholarship  is broken down below:

Local winners receive a Certificate of Achievement from their school or organization. Local winners who qualify (26 working hours for children under the age of 10, 50 hours for 11-15-year-olds and 100 hours for older students) will also receive the President’s Award for the Voluntary Service.Distinguished finalists will receive an engraved bronze medallion and other state-level runners-up will receive a Certificate of Excellence.The State Honorees will receive a $1,000 reward, an engraved silver medallion, and a paid travel with a parent or guardian in Washington, DC, for national recognition events.National winners will receive an additional $5,000 prize, an engraved gold medallion, a Crystal Cup for their schools or candidate organizations, and a Prudential Foundation grant of $5,000 to a nonprofit charitable organization of their choice.

How to Apply

Applicants must create an account to sign up for the Prudential Scholarship program using the link below. For more information on the Prudential Spirit Scholarship and how to apply, applicants should click on the link below:

Application deadline  

All applications should be submitted on or before November 6, 2020. The Application is currently ongoing read more About the Application.