This article on the 20 best apps for high school students should guide your application download and installation. Statistics show that an average person uses over 25 apps every month. Another study proves that 50% of the apps on an average person’s phone are not quite useful to them. That is to say, most of them are abandoned as a response to so many reasons while others may have not been used even once. Apparently, if you don’t use a high storage phone, it is time to access the importance of thee apps on your phone to you. Most high school students have a lot of social apps taking over their storage systems. While connecting to the social world is important, it is absolutely, more important to fill your space with apps that will benefit you more. Your main aim as a high school student must revolve around graduating with the best GPA, learning new skills, improving your social and networking skills alongside earning some free cash legally. This article is written to review the apps that would help you make the most of your high school years. Take a quick glance at our table of content below to ascertain how much you stand to gain if you read this article to the end.

What are High School Apps?

Basically, an app is a software program running on any platform. It could be a mobile app or a small piece of software that runs on a website. Generally, apps usually are designed in a way that users can easily access. High School, on the other hand, is, basically, an educational institution that provides secondary education. It may also refer to a building where this service rendering takes place. Therefore, high school apps are simply application software that can be used either by a high school or its students. Education is the main focus of many high schools, however, other activities like accounting, dancing, and so many other recreational activities may take place on campus. High school apps refer to apps that can aid students to become more proficient in their classes, learn to organize themselves, or even find tips to enjoy their recreational activities. So, whether you are looking at improving your vocabulary, understanding mathematics formulated better, or just learning basic science theories, programmers have been able to design apps for high school students that will help them achieve this. There are many Free Softwares for Students. Download some of them here

Where can High School Students get Apps?

High school students must first determine what apps are useful to them before embarking on how to get them. A practical way to know what apps you need is to identify what you need the app for specifically. By doing this, you can now download apps that can help you achieve success in that area. There are absolutely, tons of apps for high school students ranging from educational apps, to-do list apps, note taking apps, budgeting apps and a lot of others. Actually, most apps can be downloaded from your phone or your desktop. So, once you discover what app to download and where you want to install it, simply proceed to google to download. Read the Guide below on how to download an app for high school students from Google.

How to download an App From Google for High school Students?

To download google app first decide where you want to install the app. Then, follow the guide below:

What Are The Best Apps for High School Students that Procastinate?

A major challenge high school students face is a lack of concentration. So many high school students find it absolutely tiring to adhere to time and purpose. In fact, many of them walk into an exam hall at the end of a term unprepared not because they don’t have time to read. But, they kept procrastinating until they lose track of time. So, if you always don’t have time to do the right things or you simply find yourself continuously postponing what you need to do now to a later time; then, you should consider an app that can help you. There are so many apps for high school students to curb procrastination. Some are just android apps that act as timely reminders, a to-do list or an app that encourages you to get the task done now. In summary, below is a list of apps recommended for high school students to curb procrastination: Win amazing prizes in any of these competitions for high school students. Register for one here.

What are the best Apps for High School Students?

There are tons of apps for high school students. Basically, what appears best for each high school student may not be exactly the same. However, the apps on this page are carefully selected based on reviews, relevance to high school students, and availability to students. Having established that, here are the best apps for high school students

1. Student Planner

One of the challenges students in High school face most of the time is the lack of self-discipline and time management. If this is a challenge, MyHomework is a student planner app that aids you to keep track of your classes, grades, and take-home assignments. This simply means you can cue in every assignment once you receive them and set a fixed time to get it done. This app helps students stay on a task and creates a platform for high school students to connect to teachers and even their school account. Interestingly, students can save files like pictures taking off the whiteboard to reference later. MyHomework Student Planner is one of the best apps for high school students, it can be a personal app for students ho just wants to keep a track on their academic. However, high schools may also use this app for effective communication between teachers and students. Teachers can also set class reminders and give announcements quickly on this app. To download click the button below.

2. uVocab Vocabulary Trainer

Most high school students may also be struggling with building their vocabulary. A big vocabulary bank allows students to communicate effectively with the right choice of words. This makes uVocab an excellent app and one of the best apps for high school students. This app is simply a smart choice for high school students preparing for SAT. Interestingly, the app contains over 4500 test words and realistic questions to help students prepare and build their word bank. In fact, students can also track their progress and know how well or bad they have been faring.

3. Zygote Body

Zygote is an essential app for students learning the human body. Whether you are going to be in the science or arts in college, understanding the basic components of the human body is important. And, you may have to pass examinations exploring these topics. It can be tiring memorizing the parts of the body, however, you need to relax and download this app. This app offers a 3-D human body visuals that will help you identify the parts of the body anywhere and wherever. Hence, passing sciences in high school may no longer be a hard nut to crack. Both students and teachers can use this app simultaneously. While high school students may need this app to project visuals when teaching parts of the human body, students can also download on their devices to understand the topic better.

 4. StudyBlue Flashcards & Quizzes

This is another great app for high school students. Basically, flashcards are a great of revising. Captivating captions written on placards sticks to the brain, especially, if you are a visual learner. So, you can simply StudyBlue is an amazing study app that allows you put down ideas and captivating points on flash cards while studying. Interestingly, this app has over 500 million flash cards created by other users. You can easily search on the custom bar to find one that relates to your topic at the moment. The app also allows students create quiz for themselves and also track their progress. With this feature, you will know when you need to go back to a topic and when you can proceed. Whether you remember better with images, or videos, the app allows you customize the materials that suits your need.

5. Haiku Deck

This amazing student app has thousands of templates that allows students and even teachers create slides with fonts that coincide and color schemes that correlate. So, if you have a presentation or simply wish to creat a slide or chart on your topic for school, this app is absolutely a saving grace, especially, if you dont have time for Excel. It makes your presentation slides beautiful and less time consuming. Hence, in less minutes, you can finish up your slides even during emergencies. Haiku Deck is great for both teachers and students. To download this app on your device, click the button below.

6. Studious

This is an excellent educational app for high school students. This app helps organize classess, homework and exam schedules. Studious is a time management app and should be on the mobile device of every high schooler. You know how high school is, there are one thousand activities that may be distracting if you fail to prioritize them. A practical way to that is to set homework reminder and upcoming exam alerts. By so doing, you know when to sit your ass down and study and when to go jiving. Simply, click the button below to download.

7. Exam Countdown Lite

Definitely, aside from a few skills and leadership roles you may learn from high school, you main goal should remain passing your exams with good scores and graduating with a high GPA. If you are on of those high schoolers who find it extremely hard to track upcoming exams, then click the button below to download this app. This app is one the amazing apps for high school students will help you remain focused. With it, you can easily check how much time before your next exam and also how much time you have sto study before your exam date. High school and its students may actually use this app for exam scheduling and reminders to students. This app is user friendly, in fact, you will love the fact that you can color code all your exams and use as ixcons as quick reference for each subject.

8. Evernote

One known way to catch up with all that is being said in a class is to take notes. While a pen and jotter can do the work, it will slow your pace. In fact, if you don’t like writing, this app is a great choice for you. Evernote is a note taking app for high school students and teachers. However, it just more than a place to store notes taken in class. This app will, also, help you organize your daily task and prioritize your daily activities. It also serves as an organization app for your to-do lists, images, webpages, memos and more. Interestingly, it has an awesome user interface. That is you may not need a demo to use this app, it is user friendly and simple to manuever. Click the button beow to download on your android or iOS immediately.

9. Headspace: Meditation & Mindfulness

As a high school student, it is very important you take care of your mental health. Basically, the number of activities to keep you busy in high school may simply make you lose focus, get easily stressed, or lose your mind. To keep you in check, Headspace is a great app for high school students and even you should download it immediately by clicking the button below. This app give you an excellent time to relax. Meditation has been proven by psychologist as a great way to unwind. Meditation relaxes and encourages you to focus on positive energy, this will help you get back to your studies in a better shape. This meditation app has loads of amazing courses designed to help every aspect of human life. Finding it difficult to sleep, or to concentrate? Relax, just download this app, pick a course, breath and enjoy the benefits.

10. Finger CAD

Well, dragging your mouse to and fro during your drawing class can slow your pace and be very boring. Hence, finger Cad is another amazing app for high school students. In fact, students who intend to take technical, engineering, architecture, and even surveying classes should have this drawing “made easier” app on their desktops and mobile devices. With this app, you can use your fingers to create your designs during technical drawing classes with a computer. It is a computer-aided design that allows you to design anything and everything with CAD operations such as floor plans, bridges and so much more.

11. Alarmy

Well, there are quite a number of reasons why you may find your self sleeping in class or waking up a few seconds before class begins. To totally, avoid this you need to get a time management app. This will help you schedule your sleeping moments and allow you to get rejuvenated the next day for classes. However, if you always catch your self sleeping and waking up late for classes or events as a high school student; then, click the app button below to download Alarmy. Alarmy is one of the best apps for high school students. With super loud ringtones and missions to complete before the alarm shuts off, it is highly impossible that you may snooze on or ignore. Interestingly, it has academic induced missions like maths missions, barcode missions or just preset object missions. In fact, you may have to shake your phone a number of times before the alarm stops. Sounds annoying right? Well, this annoying piece is exactly what you need to get off the bed at the right time. So, download it immediately. There are High School Scholarships to aid your academic bills. Apply for some of them immediately.

12.  GoConqr

Well, social media has come to stay. Even though it has become a big distraction to high school students. Programmers understand the high school bang and love for social media likes and connections. Hence GoConqr. Do you know you can, actually, get all the likes and stay connected with your friends without your academic bearing the brunt? If you are always on social media chatting and whiling away time, simply click the button at the end and download this app. With this, you can learn and still study. That’s fun, right? Well, Goconqr is a social learning app with tons of learning groups on different study topics. On it, you can share your findings on your preferred topics and get a lot of likes. You will get educated from lovers of other topics on this app while you may also get famous for just writing about your best topics in school. A great way to learn and memorize is to teach. So, imagine learning and still being a social media freak? Great Combo right? Click the button to download this app immediately.

13. SimpleMind

Mind mapping is a great way to study. Mind mapping simply means a graphical way of representing ideas and concepts. This, usually, is a virtual thinking tool that can help you structure information, help you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall, and generate ideas. SimpleMind is a great app for middle schoolers because it allows you to create your own mind maps. However, it has tons of auto layouts you can easily pick and fill it out. It also allows you to move topics wherever you want. In fact, Simple mind is a good mind mapping tool that helps you organize your thoughts, spark your memory and come up with new ideas. Click the button below to download now.

14. The Interactive Grammar of English

Generally, English is spoken in at least half of the total number of countries in the world. It is, therefore, important that you understand your English Grammar so well that you can communicate ideas clearly. This amazing app is quite progressive and spans concepts from basic level understanding to complex writing skills. So, whether you have challenges with your verb tenses and usage, or just simple sentence construction as a middle schooler. It is absolutely fine, which is really important now is your willingness to learn. Interestingly, this app together with your English classes will go a long way to fine-tune and polish your speech and writing skills in the English language.

15. Offtime

One of the greatest challenges middle school students face is distractions. Most high school students hardly spend thirty minutes on academic-related materials. Once they sit to study or finish an assignment, either a call or social media messages start trooping in with a buzz on their phones, this, in turn, distracts them for the next couple of minutes or hours. If that description above reflects you during your study time, then, download the Offtime app. This app is one of our foremost recommendations for high school students who are struggling with distractions. Offtime is an app that will aid you manage your time and distractions as well. This app simply shuts off other apps for a specified time. Therefore allowing you to concentrate on your acaedmic work at the moment. With this app, you can block incoming calls, texts, notifications, and track your usage of your phone. Don’t give me that look, you have been texting all day and smiling at your phone all night. What time do you have to study? Get the app immediately, please.

16. Prezi

Remember your elementary definition of a machine? A device that makes work easier and faster. Well, you can choose to call Prezi the PowerPoint machine. This app takes powerpoints to a whole different level. In a few minutes, you can simply import your materials or previously created powerpoints into Prezi and watch as your normal unattractive slide gets a beautiful touch with its new movement and flare. You never can tell when you may run behind time with a classroom presentation. As a high school student, Prezi lets you create a unique presentation from scratch within a few seconds. Even if you have no idea of what is best for your PowerPoints, Prezi offers suggestions and interesting tools that help boost even the most boring series of slides.

17. Study Music /Memory Booster

This app is excellent for high school students who are unable to study without a soul lifting and rejuvenating song. Psychologist says, listening to music can help clear your mind and get things done faster and better. With this app, you can read, study and learn new things while listening to music. The app allows you to set different songs for different tasks. That means you may choose to listen to only RNB’s while studying mathematics and probably Afro Pop while painting or drawing. Your choice, your decision, Study music make it possible. You can add nature sounds or alpha waves to your chosen music. This makes it a whole lot easier to relax and improve your focus.

18. Docs, sheets and Email: Google Drive

Google apps are a must-have for high school students. Ninety percent of your college work and after school may require basic knowledge of Google apps. This is also one of our foremost recommendations for high school students. Interestingly, with a google mail, you can access all other apps account from any device. The synchronization google offers is one reason why you should use their apps. On Google sheets, you can save both class work and even assignments. In years to come, you will still be able to recover them. Download these apps to save your images, access other accounts including school assigned email addresses, create tasks, play music, and a whole lot more. In fact, on google classroom, you can create assignments and submit homework without going to and fro your teacher’s office.

19. Fit Brains Trainer

Well, while we await tons of review by users, Fit Brain claims it offers training programs that train your cognitive skills including memory, attention, speed, and emotional intelligence. This is an essential and important app for high schoolers. It may not necessarily be an educational app, but it builds and trains your brain in a variety of ways especially through games and challenges. You need a healthy mind to excel in your academics and taking some time off to stimulate your mind while providing fun experience is a healthy thing to do at least thirty minutes a day. So. click the button below to download one of these amazing apps for students.

20. Graphing Calculator

It can be really stressful carrying tons of bulky scientific calculators for classes or study period. On our 20th best app for high school students is an app that culminates all those functions and very easy to carry around. It is in your phone or mobile device so you can use it anywhere and anytime, The Graphing calculator has both scientific and engineering notations. It solves problems including complex numbers, logarithms, inverse fractions, derivatives, and even graphs. It is a great app for high school students offering mathematics, engineering, and even physics courses in high school. As usual, download is simple, just click the button below now. Student Planner is, basically, one of the best apps for studying. It aids you to manage your time and curb your distractions. With a student planner, you can track how much study you have done, how much you need to complete, how many assignments you have left, and even your next examination date. Well, depending on what help you need with the school. There are tons of apps to help you get through school. However, SimpleMind, SuperCard Flashcards, and Google Drive are great apps to help you through High School. Except you are looking for a magic app that simply solves every question for you, there are tons of apps that can help you with your homework. You should download Offtime to keep off distractions and Student Planner to aid with your homework.


Programmers are always on the lookout for the best ways to make studying easier for students. High school students are usually teenagers and at this point of their lives struggle with a whole lot of distractions. Well, information they say is power. There are tons of app there to help you live a better life. Organize your daily schedules, learn and improve your communication skills even help you overcome oversleeping and running late for classes and other school activities. Virtually, every thing you need help with, there is always an app to help you get a high GPA from High schools. While there are numerous apps out there, this article highlights the 20 best apps and simply, allows you to download immediately. Do read the article above, it is certain you will find an app to aid your High School Experience.

