In this article, we would provide all you need to know about Regnery Publishing and how it can benefit authors.

About Regnery Publishing

Since the establishment of Regnery Publishing in 1947, it still retains the title as the leading publisher of conservative books. Most of the books to the company’s credit defy the odds, trigger a debate and get people talking about issues and questioning the situation of things.  As a major force within the conservative movement, Regnery has published books of controversial authors like Russell Kirk (The Conservative Mind), William F Buckley Jr (God and Man at Yale), Whittaker Chambers (Witness), and many more conservative Americans.  Regnery Publishing, over the years, has also been able to build strong minds and nurture challenging discussions. This was initially carried out with collaborations with Human Events and Great Books Foundation in the 1940s. However, with the publication of Buckley’s God and Man at Yale, a book that sparked up political conflagration in academia in 1951, it started its line of high standard classics known as Gateway Editions.  Today, the Gateway imprint has grown to include hundreds of topics from diverse authors like Karl Max and Natsume Soseki. In 1993, it became part of Eagle Publishing and in 2014, it joins Salem Media where it resides as a family member of Salem Eagle companies.  Regnery faced the challenge of losing its readership when the Republicans returned to power. However, it never happened as the readership base remained very busy.

What Does Regnery publish? Genres of Books Published By Regnery

Regnery publishing publishes the following kinds of books;

Regnery History

Books published by Regnery bring rejuvenation to ancient topics that have been forgotten but deserve new light. Unrewarded heroes and broken myths are brought to the limelight and surrounded by accolades once more by this prominent publishing company. These include tales dated back to the discovery of America, the Civil War, World War 11, Cold, among others.

Regnery Kids

Regnery Kids concentrates on publishing fun, creative and original kids’ literature. One of the most profound of them is the national bestselling series of Ellis the Elephant picture books authored by Callista Gingrich. Another one is the informative and creative Freddy the Frogster series by Janice Dean, a Fox News weather personality. Most of these books published by Regnery are written and illustrated by award-winning authors and artists.

Regnery Gateways

These books analyze thoughtful works dedicated to solving cultural, social, and political issues. They include books written by conservative thinkers in form of classic works of literature, philosophy, and religion. God and Man at Yale, Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America, The Last Imperialist, The Reactionary Mind, etc.

Regnery Fiction

This is the arm of the company that publishes inspiring and exhilarating fiction with characters and plots centering on American values as well controversial issues. Examples of Regnery Fiction include The Armageddon File, Liberty’s Last Stand, and Undeniable.  SEE ALSO: IDW Publishing Review | Cost, Location, Contact

How Does Regnery Publishing Make Money?

In 2018, Regnery Publishing was a shining light in parent company Salem Media’s publishing division. The group’s total revenue fell 11% in 2018, to $21.7 million, and its operating loss increased to $2.2 million, up from $1.8 million in 2017. Regnery, on the other hand, saw a 7% increase in revenue and profits over 2017. READ ALSO: Tribune Publishing Company | Cost, Location, Contact

Is Regnery The Best Publisher For First-time Authors?

There may not be a direct answer to the above question. However, we will try to bring the best possible answer to it. Since the acquisition of the company by Salem, Regnery has worked with several authors to promote their books. The effect of this blend is that the company has recorded much growth in its sales of books. It has also published some of the biggest books in the history of America. The major focus of the company is on the title and content of the book. Though it might be difficult to sign a first-time author, there is never any harm in trying your best. What is most important is how much controversy the book can generate. 

How To Submit Book To Regnery Publishing

Regnery Publishing does not accept books, proposals, and manuscripts directly from authors. They must go through professional literary agents. If unsolicited agents or prospective authors submit unsolicited materials, the Regnery crew does not review, retain or return. If you are an agent, you can submit a proposal to

How To Publish On The Kendall Hunt Publishing

There are five steps in the publishing process with the Kendall Hunt:

1. Contact your editor

You will need to get across to the Acquisitions Editor in your area. You can get the contact of the closest editor on Kendall Acquisition. Both of you will make the necessary arrangements and discuss your project. The editor will assess your work and determine the cost for you.

2. The developmental process:

The developmental editor will help you in the early stage of the publishing process. S(he) will also coordinate every necessary information, including permissions and copyright. 

3. The production process

you will be directed to a production editor who will assess your project and discuss the cost. Then, plans for copyediting will be made, while issues like layout, cover, and interior design will be handled as well. The editor will coordinate the production of the book. 

4. Warehouse and distribution process

The final product will be housed in the company’s warehouse for distribution. The customer service will take care of all the orders and process them.

5. Marketing

You will be offered premium marketing from the company and this will help in maximizing sales.

How Can Authors Land Book Dealerships with Top Publishers?

It is one thing to write a book and it is another thing to get them published. Every writer needs to build a solid and lasting relationship with the publishers as they have the string to connect them to their prospective buyers. The relationship between the writer and the publisher can positively or negatively affect the number of books to be sold. Hence, to land a good deal with a publisher, you need to adhere to the following processes:

Literary agent sends the manuscript to editors

It is the editors that would champion the publishing of that book. Therefore, they are usually the people to whom the manuscript or proposal is sent. Oftentimes, the manuscript will be sent to several editors. The essence is for the book to have better chances of being published. Besides, this is carried out by the author’s agent. Most editors (especially the big fish in the industry) do not deal with the authors directly but through their agents.  YOU MAY WANT TO SEE: Best 5 Online Paper Writing Services Review | September Update 2022

Editors share the manuscript with their colleagues

Here, the editor gets to take the book to a meeting called the ‘acquisitions meeting’ where he meets with various publishing crews from various publishing houses. Individuals in charge of sales, marketing, publicity, production, and finance come together to determine the prospects of that book. This will involve such factors as target market, type of readers, etc. The estimated number of copies to be produced and the price of the book are also determined by this crew. 

An offer for the book is made by the editor

if the book was able to scale through the previous stage, then the editor makes an offer to the author. That is to say, the editor has to offer the author a publishing deal. This is done through the author’s agent. An open deal is sent to the agent in that regard. This is then followed by a pitch of how they would get the book published. 

You must note that this does not take days to happen

In some cases, it takes months and in others, weeks or even years. however, this might be discouraging as an author. Try not to let it happen. Publishing, like fashion or movies, moves in trends. The trend for your book may not be the right time yet. Nevertheless, editors are usually in need of ‘hot’ books because they sell faster.

Accepting an offer

If more than one publisher is interested in the publishing deal, it can be so tempting to go with the highest bidder, particularly if there is a great difference between the amounts. In this case, before taking any decision, find out if the publisher’s vision aligns with your vision for your book. When a publisher offers a tremendous amount for the book publication, he may also give the author some conditions that may not sit well with him/her. Such conditions include removing some scenes or names from the book, changing the title and design, etc. This could also affect the target audience and market. It is left for you as the author to decide whether the condition is favorable to you. If so, then, you can accept the offer, and the steps to publishing it begin.

What Is The Official Website Of Regnery Publishing?

The official website of the company is 


Regnery Publishing Company is renowned for its focus on conservative books. It has helped many American authors and beyond in publishing their books. You can be their next author if you can write controversial stories.


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