Basically, the 5th African Energy Innovation Challenge aims to promote the sustainability of early-stage energy companies across Africa. So, if you are interested in developing clean, innovative and profitable energy services for homes and businesses: kindly read through this post. Here, you will find eligibility criteria and application procedures.

About Nigeria Energy Forum (NEF)

Basically, the main energy challenge across Africa now is how to electrify millions of homes, communities, and businesses as quickly as possible. That is why the 5th Nigeria Energy Forum 2022 (NEF2022) is focusing on safer, cleaner, and more sustainable energy services for all. Through capacity development, training, and development program for policymakers, business leaders, energy innovators, engineers, industry experts, and academics in Nigeria and other African countries. In fact, the NEF is the main platform for the promotion and political dialogue on energy in Nigeria. NEF2022 will feature high-level participation from the Government of Nigeria, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Also, they intend to also feature the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / PowerAfrica, the (USAID)/PowerAfrica, UK Department for International Development (DFID), and the African Development Bank. In NEF2019, Ambassador Ketil Karlsen, head of the EU delegation in Nigeria and ECOWAS made an introductory presentation. In addition, NEF2017 had the representation of the Vice President of Nigeria; Professor Osinbajo, and the Minister of Power; Mr. Fashola, both represented by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Mr. Edozien. The 5th NIEEE-NEF2022 is proposed to hold in Abuja, Nigeria, under the slogan “Advancing Clean Energy Sustainability”. And the forum aims to:

About the 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2022

Specifically, the 5th African Energy Innovation Challenge has the slogan “Advancing Clean Energy Sustainability.” The objective is to develop clean, innovative, and profitable energy services for homes and businesses, based on low carbon technologies. Above all, this competition places African energy entrepreneurs in the early stage to collaborate with local research institutions or industries to develop a prototype model of a key device/team for a social energy company or management system using local resources.

What is the 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition Eligibility?

Just in case you now have a great interest in participating in the 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition, and you are wondering ”What are the eligibility criteria.” But we strongly advise that you adhere to these instructions because, without it, you might never be eligible for the challenge. So, in order to be eligible for this 5th Africa Energy Innovation Challenge, read through the instructions below:

Prizes and Recognition for the 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2022

Definitely, after the 5th Africa Energy Innovation competition, there are prizes and honors that will be given to the finalist. The team or teams that make it to the finals will receive prizes. Basically, the selection of the finalists and winners will be by a panel of experienced academics and development professionals from public and private institutions. The winners of the contest have the opportunity to:

How to Apply for the 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2022

In case you are looking for the best way to apply for this competition, then you are in the right place. To apply, you have to submit a proposal for a prototype model. And the submission of your proposed prototype model should not exceed 1 side of an A4 page and should include the following: Submissions must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format by email to Note

The 5th Africa Energy Innovation Competition Deadline

Open Call for Proposal: 15 Dec. Proposal Submission Deadline: 30 Jan. 2022 Shortlist for Final Round: 14 Feb 2022 Deadline for Final Submission: 28 Feb. 2022 Live Pitch, Poster Exhibition & Awards: 01 April The NEF is the foremost energy advocacy and policy dialogue platform in Nigeria. The aim is to develop clean innovative and bankable energy services for households and businesses, based on low-carbon technologies. In order to be eligible for this 5th Africa Energy Innovation Challenge, read through the instructions below: 1. Young professionals from 18 to 35 years old from Africa are invited to participate in the competition and to designate a relevant local research institution or organization. 2. Applications can be sent by a team of up to three people.3. At least 1 team member must come from the research institution or the local industry. 4. Teams can be formed in different schools, institutions, companies, countries, etc. Individuals or teams can send multiple requests. Basically, in order to apply, you have to submit a proposal for a prototype model. And the submission of your proposed prototype model should not exceed 1 side of an A4 page and should include the following: 1. Project title2. Your Solution (250 words)3. Partner Organization (s)4. Expected Impact (50 words)5. A short abstract (50 words)6. Design tools and method (50 words)7. Problem Statement (50 words)8. Estimated costs and timeline (50 words)

In Conclusion

Basically, the 5th African Energy Innovation Challenge aims to promote the sustainability of early-stage energy companies across Africa. Generally, every competition has laid down rules and criteria for the selection of participants. So, it very important that you carefully read through this post. This will help you know if you are eligible to apply. Also, it will aid you through the application process.

