Well, do not be dismayed, extensive hard work, extra study and preparing rightly is a guide to excel. This is me saying in clear terms that you can be a beneficiary of this scholarship. You deserve this opportunity and you can get it. Hence, this article is written providing details on how to prepare rightly for this examination. If you strictly adhere to the rules here and go the extra mile to cover all the questions, you are 70 percent sure of passing the NDDC scholarship test. As it stands, it will take lack of confidence and not concentrating on the exam day not to come out in flying colours.

What is NDDC Scholarship Test?

Basically, the NDDC scholarship test is the first step to getting a fully-funded scholarship. Aside from applying properly, you will have to prove to your sponsor that you ‘re worth sponsoring. So, in clear terms, the NDDC scholarship test is an examination that serves as a screening process. So, everyone who shows interest in the scholarship is expected to write the test. In addition to writing the test, you must pass to meet the passing score slated by the examiner. Since the  NDDC Scholarship Scheme is a foreign-based scholarship program available to Niger-Delta students, only Niger delta students are eligible to write the exams.

What are the Requirements for NDDC Scholarship?

Only students with either a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree from a reputable institution in Nigeria from any of the Niger Delta states are eligible to apply. Also, the student must be willing to study abroad for a post-graduate program. In fact, students who are already studying at a foreign university should not apply. In addition to this, you must get a guarantor who may be a member of the National House of Assembly, A high court judge, chairman of LGA or a first-class traditional ruler. Basically, one of them will have to attest to your behavior categorically stating that you are of good conduct. Now aside graduating with at least a second class lower division you must have completed the mandatory one-year NYSC prior to the application deadline. If you have done all these, please apply carefully following the rules and uploading all the documents. Now to my favorite part, you have been shortlisted for the test, let’s see below what you require to excel. If this sounds foreign to you, get full details on NDDC Scholarship and apply now.

What are the Requirements for NDDC Scholarship Test?

Majorly, all you require for NDDC scholarship test aside applying is preparing. Like we said earlier, inability to prepare for this test is an indirect way of saying you do not need an all academic expense paid scholarship.
So, you must prepare.
Firstly, the basic requirement for the NDDC scholarship test is getting an invite. To get an invite simply means you are eligible and have applied properly. Secondly, you need past questions on the said test. An advantage you have is not being the maiden set to write this test. Do you know what they say about conquering a strong man? Yea, serve him till you learn his weak points. Apparently, this is highly applicable here, get the past questions, understand what type of questions to expect. Be sincere and disciplined enough, in fact, leave no stone unturned while studying. Thirdly, while preparation is important, be certain and be confident enough on the exam day. Then, you’re good to go!

What questions should I expect in NDDC Scholarship Test?

Basically, you will have 50 t0 60 questions to answer in 60 minutes. Consequently, you must not spend more than one minute on each question if you must finish. In fact, studying the past question below will help you measure your speed. The 60 questions cover mathematics, physics, chemistry, and, English language. The NDDC Scholarship test as you will see in the past question with detailed answers comes in two parts. The first part comprises general questions, every shortlisted candidate is expected to write this part. The second part is the candidate based. Questions in this part are discipline-specific. While engineering postgraduate students will see questions on Maths, English, Physics, and Chemistry: medical students should expect a mix of Maths, English, biology, and Chemistry.
Interestingly, our NDDC Scholarship test past questions and answer study pack covers every discipline. Like we said earlier, you must prepare and a practical way to prepare is to study all the general questions first. Then, all questions based on your discipline should not be left out.

What Tips do I need for NDDC Scholarship Test Preparation?

Critically, analyze the questions understand the pattern and why the answer has to be the answer. This is because passing an exam is more dependent on your understanding of an exam question pattern than studying. If you don’t understand the logic behind a question, but you know the answer to that particular question: what happens if the question is rephrased, restructured or entirely different from what is obtainable in the study pack? This explains the importance of an extensive and intuitive study pattern. For instance, if a section in the English language says; It is important to understand the logic behind the question than just knowing the answer to the question. Actually, in the question above, the examiner is more interested in if you understand parts of speech than he is interested in if you know the meaning of a verb.

In fact, this explains the pattern of questions you will see in our study pack. If you understand that every year a question to test your knowledge on parts of speech will suffice, you will engage in an extensive study and leave no stone unturned.

Sample Questions

  1. One of these is not a method through which Drug Abuse Preventive Information are passed across by NDLEA(a )Lecture or talks such as seminars, workshops, public rallies.(b) Use of Church and Mosque Campaigns.(c) Use of print media such as Newspapers, Magazines, poster, etc(d) The use of electronic media such as jingles, drama, documentaries.
  2. The NDLEA was established by Decree Number 48 which was passed into law in what year? (a ) 1988(b ) 1989(c) 1979(d) 1978
  3. The full meaning of the abbreviation NDLEA is ………..? (a ) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency.(b ) Nigeria Drugs Law Enforcement Agency.(c) National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency.(d) Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency.
  4. The NDLEA is a …………… agency found in Nigeria? (a ) An International Faith-Based Agency.(b ) A Federal Government Agency.(c) A National Agency.(d) An International Drug Agency.
  5. Who is the current Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency Chairman? (a ) Muhammed Mustapha Abdallah.(b ) Bello Lafiagi(c) Ahmadu Giade.(d) Abba Kyari.
  6.  The Core function of the NDLEA is———? (a ) The Prosecution of Drug Dealers and Smokers of Cannabis.(b ) The control of the borders to prevent the entering and exit of drugs and drug dealers.(c) The elimination of the growing, processing, manufacturing, selling, exporting, and trafficking of hard drugs.(d) The Conduct of Awareness campaigns against drugs and reporting of drug barons.
  7. The NDLEA as an entity has how many functional units? (a ) 4.(b ) 6.(c) 5.(d) 3.
  8. The Headquarters of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is located at? (a ) Zaria, Kaduna(b ) Ikoyi, Lagos.(c) Gwagwalada, Abuja.(d) Orji, Enugu.
  9. The most widely cultivated drug in Nigeria is? (a ) Marijuana.(b ) Coartem.(c) Cannabis.(d) Cocaine.
  10. Which among the following opiates is generally said or considered to be the most potent and strongest? (a ) Paregoric.(b ) Codeine.(c) Tobacco.(d) Morphine.
  11. Which category of drugs does Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) (a ) Hallucinogen. (b ) Laxative.(c) Analgesics.(d) Supplements.
  12. What is the substance from which heroin is synthesized from? (a ) Methane.(b ) Ceramic.(c) Mesoprane.(d) Opium.  13.The active component in marijuana that makes it a hard drug is? (a ) Tetraethyl amine.(b ) Tetrahydrocannabinol.(c) bihydrophenicol.(d) Diamine Ethene.
  13.  Which of the following is a brainchild of the NDLEA that is made to tackle the menace of drugs especially among students?(a ) Drug-Free Club.(b ) Drug-Free Class Rooms.(c) Drug-Free Sports.(d) Drug-Free Schools.
  14. The NDLEA according to Decree 48 of 1989 has the power to do which of the following? (a ) Monitor the private accounts of people suspected to have committed an offense under this Decree.(b ) Arrest and detain suspected drug offenders for as long as they will be charged to court.(c) Prosecute a drug trafficker that has committed an offense under this Decree.(d) Cause investigation to be conducted as to whether any person has committed an offense under this Decree.  16. The following are Ways by which NDLEA carries out the task of treatment and rehabilitation include drug victims except?(a ) Counseling.(b ) Retribution Therapy.(c) Combination therapy.(d) Evaluation, Assessment/diagnosis.
  15. One of these is not an objective of the Drug-Free Club?(a ) Identifying and reporting students involved in drugs to school authorities, not just for panel action but to be helped.(b ) Promotion of activities like sports and quiz that lead to drug involvement.(c) Increasing the understanding of students about the effects and dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.(d) Promotion of alternative activities to drug involvement.
  16. Which of these zones in Nigeria is said to have the highest production of hard drugs by NDLEA?(a ) South-South.(b ) North East.c) North West.(d) South West.
  17. What are the most commonly abused drugs in the world?(a ) Depressant.(b ) Analgesics.(c) Surfactants.(d) Antibiotics.
  18. Which of these days is the set side and celebrated as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking?(a ) June 12th of every year.(b ) June 26th of every year.(c) June 31st of every year.(d) June 1st of every year.

Why Should I get NDDC ScholarshipTest Past Questions and Answers Study Pack?

NDDC scholarship is an opportunity to get the best education abroad for free as a Nigerian graduate student. Only a little portion of the total number of applicants who apply for the opportunity will get placement. The secret to the selection of a successful student is the Past Questions. We have discovered that over the years, NDDC repeats questions. If you get this past question, you will be better equipped to pass the NDDC scholarship test in one sitting and be among those selected for admission. We have gathered past questions and answers dating as far back as inception and have discovered that most of the questions are repeated. So, we are assuring you that the questions you get when you purchase this NDDC scholarship test past questions and answers are real past questions that you will likely encounter on the exam day.

How do I get the NDDC Scholarship Test Past Questions and Answers?

The NDDC Scholarship past question cost N2,000 and to get it, follow the steps below: STEP 1: Select Your Payment Method There are three methods of purchasing our originalNDDC Scholarship past questions and answers. They are: For any of the payment method above, you’ll be paying into the account details below: Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited Account Number: 0546392167 Bank Name: GT BANK STEP 2: Confirmation of Payment If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get a mail of the Past question you had selected in Step One. If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “NDDC Scholarship Test Past Questions” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly. If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below: CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283 EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com


Interestingly, all you need to prepare is right in front of you. It offers you a study pack that gathers all past questions. In addition, it proffers answers to each of them. This will aid you study extensively and be prepared to excel once you have been shortlisted. Actually, statistics show that 3, 100 students applied for this scholarship last year. So, it is an honor to get an invite. Hence, you can’t just wake up and throw a jacket over your body to go show that you don’t deserve this scholarship award. You have to prepare and you must start on time. Whether you’re looking at applying next year, or have sent in your application awaiting an invite: get this study pack now. The NDDC Scholarship Test past questions and answers is a major way to prepare and come out in flying colors.

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