So, it is very important for you to prepare very well using this NDA test past questions. If you prepare using this NDA entrance exam past questions and answers, just be assured of admission.
Also, this information we are bringing for you will help you out in the upcoming NDA entrance exam in 2022. Well, the NDA teaches each cadet officer the skills, knowledge, and values that are needed to meet the requirement of a military officer in Nigeria. However, each year, the NDA admits 175 intakes (155 males and 20 females) into the Regular Combatant Course.

What is the Nature of the NDA Test Past Questions?

So, the NDA entrance exam has two parts. The first part is English, which is compulsory for all candidates. Then, the candidate is expected to pick any three other subjects, according to his/her course of study in the second part. However, the questions will comprise of Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,  Biology, Geography, History, Government, and Economics.

How many questions should I expect in the NDA Entrance Exam in 2022?

Well, it is very important to know the nature of the NDA test questions you want to take so that you can be battle-ready. However, there will be 40 questions for all the subjects.

What are the Requirements for the NDA Entrance Exam?

The requirements for admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Regular Combatant Course program include:

Reasons you should get the NDA Test past questions

Actually, we have noticed that over the years, Nigerian Defense Academy repeat their entrance exam questions. Honestly, once you get these past questions and answers, it will help you will prepare very well and you will score very high in the exam. Honestly, you MUST stand out after getting and studying these past questions. Firstly, Create an account. You must create a registry in the online system of the Nigerian Defense Academy. If you have already created an account, click to log in to the NDA portal. If not, follow the following steps:

Enter the first and last name in the required line. Do not forget the correct spelling.Then insert the mobile phone number and confirm it in the opposite column.Enter your email and duplicate it in the next column. This address must belong only to you.Create a unique but secure password at the same time and confirm it on the next line. Be attentive with letters and numbers. Do not make mistakes.

When you create an account, you will get direct access to the purchase form, but to do so, you must complete the corresponding request. The system will tell you how to do it. After creating it, click on send. Secondly, Buy the form. You can pay in the following way, by choosing online or any banking system in Nigeria. But make sure you have completed the creation of the account correctly. So, if you choose to pay online, click on sign in to the application form and make the payment, or if you prefer a banking system, click on remote payment. The guide will help you to perform all the steps correctly. As a result of the high number of students that wish to study in the Nigerian Defence Academy, the admission process is competitive and it is given based on JAMB score and O’level qualifications. Actually, below are the courses in the school as well as their cut off mark:

  1. I don’t know ….. (A) where is your pen (B) where your pen is (C) where your is pen (D) where is the pen of yours
  2. Gone are the days when he… enjoy patronage. (A) would(B) will (C) used to (D) could
  3. Three consecutive positive integers a, b and c are such that b2 = 4(a + c). Find the value of c. (A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 5
  4. Find the number of sides of a regular polygon whose interior angle is twice the exterior angle. (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9 Chemistry
  5. The principal constituent of natural gas is… (A) methane (B) ethane (C) propane (D) butane
  6. Which of the following gases can be collected by the method of downward delivery? (A) Chlorine (B) Oxygen (C) Hydrogen (D) Ammonia Physics
  7. If two equal charges each 1C were separated in air by a distance of 1km, what would be the force between them? (A) 2KN (B) 3KN (C) 9KN (D) 10KN (E) 4KN
  8. Starting from rest a car of mass 1000kg accelerates steadily to 20m/s in 10 sec, what is the average power developed? (A) 0.2kw (B) 4.0kw (C) 10kw (D) 15kw (E) 20kw Biology
  9. An ecosystem is composed of all of the following except (A) Plants (B) Animals (C) Temperature (D) Meadows
  10. Carbohydrates are stored in animal cells as (A) glucose (B) glycogen (C) maltase (D) starch Also, we have gathered past questions and answers from the past ten years to date. So, we are assuring you that the questions you get when you purchase this NDA Past Questions and Answers are real past questions that you may see during the exam. You can check: NDLEA Recruitment Test Past Questions and Answer

How to get NDA Entrance Exam Past Questions and Answers

The NDA Test’s past question costs N2,000. Kindly follow the steps below to get it: STEP 1: Select Your Payment Method
There are three methods of purchasing our NDA test past questions and answers. They are:
For any of the payment method above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:
Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech LimitedAccount Number: 0546392167Bank Name: GT BANK
STEP 2: Confirmation of Payment
If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get a mail of the past questions you had selected in Step One.
If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “NDA Test Past Questions” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly. If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

  1. Depositor’s name
  2. Teller number
  3. Amount paid CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283EMAIL:
    Also, if you want to be a cadet officer in the Nigerian Defense Academy, we advise you to read this article so that you can know the nature of the recruitment test questions and get it to help you.