Scholarship recipients of My College Laptop Scholarship are determined by essay submission. The recipients of this scholarship are those who wrote top essays. This article will examine all the information about My College laptop scholarships and how the top essays are judged. In the meanwhile, the table below will form the basis of all we will discuss in this article.

College Laptop Scholarship Requirements:

For individuals who are interested in applying for this scholarship, they are to take note of the following eligibility requirements:

Participants must be considering attending college but NOT currently enrolled.Participants must be a high school graduate or GED recipient.

Test your English

High level of proficiency in the English language is required of participants. Hence it is necessary for participants to prepare for their study by having a schedule with an IELTS test –  the most popular and most accepted English language proficiency test.

Scholarship Worth:

Students who scale through the screening process will receive free laptops for college.

To submit an application for this scholarship, applicants are to write an essay of not less than 250 words about “how a laptop would help you” and submit at It should be noted that My College Laptop Scholarship does not in any way have an affiliation with any school or university, the US Department of Education, or any other government entity. My Laptop College Scholarship does not have any affiliation with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Application for My Laptop College Scholarship is free hence there are no financial requirements attached to the application for this scholarship program. The Scholarships are awarded by the 15th of the subsequent month after the submission period ends. Laptops given out to successful participants are shipped via a third party. Making delivery arrangements is the winner’s responsibility. Scholarship recipients of My College Laptop Scholarship will be notified via email or phone call. Scholarships will be awarded directly to the winner. Scholarship recipients of My Laptop College scholarship will be required to send in a photo of themselves along with the award and sign a photo release. After the submission of the essays written by applicants to My College Laptop Scholarship, the essays become the sole property of My College Laptop and may be used for marketing purposes.

Tips for Winning My College Laptop Essay Scholarships

There are many tips for winning college scholarships but I will relate the most important to you

More work = fewer applicants = better chances

For scholarships that require a lot of work such as videos, essays, and projects., many students avoid them. Due to this, the number of applicants pooled is quite minute which leaves greater chances for you. Scholarship programs that require submission of essays with over 1,000 words often have less than 500 applicants, compared to the 5,000 students who enter easier scholarships.

Get personal

Some students burn themselves out via applying for every scholarship they qualify for, but instead of doing this, it would be nice that you have some fun by applying for scholarships that fit your interests and that you’ll enjoy. There are lots of scholarships one can apply for: zombie lovers, vegetarians, and et cetera. For there to be a better submission, it is dependent upon how personal the scholarship is like the more personal the scholarship, the more likely your passion will show through.

Don’t introduce yourself in your essay

A platitude can possibly disqualify someone. Blind readings are conducted by many scholarship committees, and essays that include names or other identifiers are immediately discarded.

Don’t repeat the Essay Prompt

No one would appreciate rereading the same sentence hundreds of times a day hence it is necessary that applicants be original! Use the beginning of your essay to showcase your personality and set yourself apart from the crowd.

Don’t use quotes

Applicants’ essay should be about them. Being original and using one’s own words  makes best essays which are unique and stands out from the competition

Satisfy all the requirements

Applicants are to ensure that they answer every question and accurately meet every requirement.

Stick to the word limit

In writing essays, applicants are to ensure that they get as close to the word limit as they can, but not to go over as exceeding the word limit might be tantamount to disqualification.


A popular axiom that goes with proofreading is the more eyes,  the better.  Disqualification can come from spelling and grammar mistakes hence applicants should make sure to proofread their essay at least twice and ask their parents and friends to look it over too.

Submit early

Early submission and not waiting until the due date is necessary because there might be a problem with the site, the Internet connection, or your computer.

Apply for as many scholarships as you can

Scholarship recipients have always spoken the most about applying for as many scholarships as they can. As long as one is in school,  he/she should continue applying for scholarships.

Don’t give up!

For any applicant that doesn’t win, he/she should not take it personally either give up. The most successful scholarship winners are the ones who keep trying. The secret to being a scholarship recipient is finding scholarships that one is passionate about and then keep applying. All the best!

#1 Dell Scholars Award

From the year that marked the onset of Dell awarding 300 laptops to college students and years afterward. Dell has been on this award program. In their issuing out this award, they make use a standard – GPA, but in their case GPA doesn’t mean Grade Point Average but refers to the student’s Grit, Potential, and Ambition. They seek out low-income, highly motivated students. To qualify for being a recipient, students must

complete an approved college readiness program,graduate from an accredited high schoolearn a minimum of a 2.4 GPA and et cetera

#2 HP Scholar Award

This scholarship award program, The HP scholar award, is specifically for students looking to study engineering. The worth of the full scholarship is $40,000 and includes the productivity package from HP. The scholarship award from this program comes alongside a laptop, printer, and PDA that will be awarded as well as three paid summer internships at Hewlett Packard. Eligibility Requirements The eligibility requirements to be attained by applicants in order to qualify is that applicants must be an African American, Latino, or American Indian high school senior, or community college transfer student, who will be attending an HP Scholar partnership university. In addition to this, applicants must be majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering.

Some Great Places to find Scholarships

Some digging is seemingly required of students who want to find a scholarship that includes a laptop. Students looking out for such should check with enrollment and financial aid advisers to see if they know of any scholarships. Furthermore, they can call local tech companies to see if they offer scholarships, and track down non-local opportunities. Advisably, don’t put all your eggs in one basket via limiting yourself to only scholarships that offer laptops as many scholarships are not paid directly to the school, but to the winner so that you can use that money to purchase a laptop. Here are some great places to find scholarships include college board and fast web

a. College Board

On an annual note, the College Board publishes a book of available scholarships and many of these scholarships are non-school specific, meaning that one can use the award at any school he/she chooses. Their database contains over 2,300 scholarships, totaling nearly $3 billion in award money.

b. Fast Web

This is the leading online resource for helping students find funding for the school. They have a database that contains thousands of scholarships available along with criteria and instructions to apply and it is updated on a daily basis. The fast web also offers help with financial aid and student loans.


My College Laptop Scholarships is here for you to apply to. Your college education will be easier with a laptop, therefoe write that essay today!

