For more than fifty years, the Istituto Europeo di Design has been operating in the fields of education and research in the disciplines of design, fashion, visual communication, and management. In order to apply candidates need to show proficiency in the course language at minimum level B2.

Scholarship Type:

Offers are available to pursue a Masters’s degree program.

Field of study:

Scholarships are awarded to Learn the following courses:

Courses In Italy

Courses in Spain

MADRID:  Comunicación y Moda, Dirección y Gestión de Comunicación, Marketing y Publicidad, Dirección de Marketing Digital,Diseño de Moda, Diseño Textil y de Superficies, Diseño de Accesorios de Moda, Dirección y Gestión de Empresas de Moda, Dirección y Gestión de Producto de Moda, Diseño de Interiores, Diseño de Iluminación, Escenografía y Espacios Expositivos, Motion Graphics Design, Diseño Editorial: Medios Impresos y Digitales, Professional Photography, Digital Fabrication and Media, Strategic Design Labs, Communication Design Labs, Product Design Labs BARCELLONA: Diseño de Espacios Interiores, Diseño Sostenible, Diseño de Moda, Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda, Fashion Management, Design Management, Space Design Methodology, Planificación Estratégica y Creativa de Comunicación de Marca, Interaction Design, Innovation Strategies and Entrepreneurship

Scholarship Benefits:

IED – Istituto Europeo di Design fosters talent by making a total amount of 235.000 euro available for scholarships open to creative students. The scholarship covers 50% or 70% of the tuition fees for the Master Courses. The best project will be awarded an 11.130 euros scholarship.

To be taken in(Country):

Spain and Italy

Scholarship Number :

Up for grabs are 37 scholarships

Eligible Nationality:

Brasil, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, India, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, CIS, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

Participation is subject to registration.Participation is strictly reserved for candidates who have reached 18 years at the moment of application, in possession of a bachelor’s degree or – equivalent qualification – or having a job experience in the relevant field.Graduands are eligible, as long as they obtain the academic diploma within 30 days before the discussion of the Master course’s Thesis Project.Candidates must show proficiency in the language of the course, B2 as minimum level required.

Candidates must show proficiency in the language of the course, B2 as minimum level required.

Application Deadline:

The international scholarship competition is currently not available.

Application Procedure:

To apply for the scholarship, choose the course you want to apply for and register using the form on this page. Then follow the instructions provided. Read carefully the Regulationand arrange the papers according to the “Concept features and format” and the “Required documents” (art). Each candidate may apply for only one course and with only one concept. You can begin the application by clicking on Scholarship Link To access other opportunities, click Spain Scholarships