You’re not a drug dealer quite alright, but the treatments usually received will make you look like one. The worst nightmare ever is getting a deported stamp on your visa but funny enough, people get deported every day over an overlooked minor issue.

How You Can Avoid Getting Deported While Studying Abroad

Let’s explore these minor issues that can get you deported while studying abroad.

Pay attention to your immigration documents

One of the major reasons why people get deported on a daily bases is when they are in possession of the wrong documents. Check out for work permits, study permits, and visas. Be sure they are still valid and be ready to renew or get back to your country when the validation date expires.

Country’s Pedestrian Laws

It will be hilarious to tell your friends back home that you got deported simply because you don’t know how to cross the road. The pedestrian law in your country might be different from your host country and that’s why you must acquaint yourself early with the needed pieces of information.

Your HIV status

Oops! Sorry. Your heart just skipped. Probably because you’re yet to know your status or the virus is already in you. Some countries are so strict when deporting HIV+ foreigners. Why do they do that? Is their entire populace free from the virus that they need no contamination? Anyway, be wary of countries like Israel, Taiwan, Egypt, etc they are nightmares to HIV victims.

Violation of Immigration Laws

Violating the immigration laws like dealing on hard drugs, participating in a fraudulent marriage or helping smuggle an individual illegal into the country might trigger your deportation. Abiding by the laws means, keeping yourself free from headaches.

Firearm conviction

You can be deported for conviction of domestic violence, child abuse, stalking or child abandonment. Getting into fights and other forms of violence is enough to inscribe a deport stamp on your visa.

For Being Too Handsome

This is going to be hilarious indeed. Three gentlemen from UAE were ejected from the Jenadrivah heritage and culture and sent back home simply because they are too handsome and female visitors could easily fall for them. So, when traveling to a country that’s easily intimidated by your physical beauty, try and disguise yourself to be the ugliest.

For Speeding

1,258 ex-pats were deported from Kuwait for traffic offenses within one month. Using the road without a license, ignoring the red light more than once or breaking the speed limit for more than 25 miles per hour is enough reason to get deported. Deportation is a nightmare many pray not to encounter. Is very embarrassing to get sent home over some minor issue that could have been prevented. Pay more attention to your host country and immigration laws to avoid violation of any law that gets you sent home.

Editor’s Recommendation

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