Thailand is a gorgeous country with pristine beaches, delicious food, and friendly people. One of the most popular reasons for going there is to study abroad. But; there are a lot of other reasons too. Studying in Thailand is a hot topic for many people. It is one of the most popular destinations for international students. It’s both economically and culturally cheap to study here compared to other countries.  The country also scores high for its great weather, beaches, and food. You’d think that getting a student visa would be hard or impossible, but it’s easy to find out how to get a student visa in Thailand easily. 

Who Can Apply for a Thailand Student Visa?

A Thailand student visa is a residence permit in Thailand for students studying at a university, college, or other educational institution on a full-time basis. The visa can be issued for the duration of study in Thailand or for one year. You can apply for a Thailand student visa if you:

Have been offered admission by an accredited Thai university, college, or other accredited educational institution; andHave adequate financial resources to cover your expenses while in Thailand, andAre not accompanied by dependents (spouse and children).

Thailand Student Visa Requirements

The Thailand student visa requirements are quite strict, especially for younger students. But, worry not. We’ll help you become a legal resident in this wonderful country in the South East Asia region. Through years of research and many trips to Thailand, I have done my best to put together this step-by-step guide to making your journey as smooth as possible.

1. Passport

 To apply for a visa to Thailand, you must first have a passport. Your passport must be valid for at least six months after your intended arrival date, and it should contain at least two blank pages.

2. Photocopy of your passport

The Thai government requires all foreign students to provide a copy of their passport to the Thai consulate in their home country. The photocopy must be a color copy and include all pages in your passport, but it does not need to be an official copy made at the Thai consulate. The date on your passport should be only six months old, and it should show that they have granted you permission to enter Thailand.

3. Thailand Student Visa application form

The Thailand Student Visa application form is a document that you need to fill out in order to apply for a Thai student visa. The Thailand Student Visa application form is available on the Embassy website and can be gotten if you apply in person.

4. Letter of Admission 

Letter of Admission from your school in Thailand. You will need this document to prove that you have been accepted into a recognized educational institution. This letter must be on official school letterhead and should include details about the program, start date, and duration of your studies. The letter needs to be on official letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the educational institution. This document will confirm that you have been accepted as a student at that school. If you are planning to study at multiple institutions, you will need to send copies of each letter with your application.

5. Passport photograph

Passport photograph: 1 color, 4 cm x 6cm, front view with a straight-on, neutral facial expression, and closed mouth. A passport photo is mandatory and must be taken in advance. You will need to attach your photo to the application form when applying for your visa.

6. Proof that you are financially sufficient

You don’t have to be a millionaire in order to study and live in Thailand, especially if you can find affordable education. The Thai Consulate requires that you provide actual proof of your financial means to cover your study and living expenses while in Thailand. To prove that you can afford your studies, you will need to provide evidence of a financial guarantee. This can be as bank statements, savings certificates, or an affidavit from a parent or guardian.

7. Police Clearance Certificate

Students are required to get a police clearance certificate before they begin their course of study in Thailand. The police department of the applicant’s home country usually issued this document, and it must be valid for at least six months at the time of application.  If your country does not have a police clearance system, you may obtain a certificate from your embassy or consulate in Thailand instead. The certificate can be issued in either English or Thai, and it must include information about any criminal convictions or pending charges that have been recorded against you in the past five years. It should also include any information about pending charges that are being investigated but have not yet been resolved by court proceedings. The purpose of obtaining this document is to prove that you aren’t currently wanted for any crimes against Thailand or its citizens, nor do you have an outstanding warrant for arrest from another country.  For example, if somebody from another country tried to kidnap one of your family members while they were visiting Thailand on vacation one year ago but never got caught because they escaped before the police could catch them up with them again.

How Can I Get a Thailand Student Visa?

Now that you’ve worked and study in Thailand, how do you go about getting a Thailand student visa?

1. Contact the Thailand embassy

If you’re a student looking to study in Thailand, there are several steps you should take before making the trip. First, contact the Thailand Embassy in your country to request a student visa application form.  This will help you plan out your trip and understand what documents you’ll need from your school and from yourself. Once you have these documents in order, you can fill out the application form and submit it to the embassy for processing.

2. Make an appointment

If you’re looking to apply for a Thai Student Visa, the first step is to make an appointment with your nearest Thai embassy or consulate. Make sure you have all the information before you call:

Your full name, date of birth, and addressThe name and telephone number of the school you plan on attendingYour passport details (e.g., passport number and expiration date)

Once you’ve made your appointment, it’s time to prepare documents and other paperwork.

3. Collect the required documents for a Thai Student Visa

Get the documents you need to apply for a Thai student visa. The following documents are required:

  1. A letter of acceptance from your university.  This letter must be on the university’s official letterhead and signed by an administrator or professor in charge of international students.  You can submit this document when applying for your travel visa or student visa at a Thai embassy/consulate in your home country, as long as that country has diplomatic relations with Thailand.
  2. A copy of certified academic credentials You should ask your school if they will provide these copies for free or if there is a fee associated with getting them from them; some schools may not provide transcripts in English, so double-check with them first before sending away any money. If they have to charge any fees, this could add up quickly depending on how many classes per semester are included on each transcript, so keep an eye out for any unexpected costs.
  3. Submit the documents and visa application Finally, fill out your application online and submit all of your information along with any other required documents (such as transcripts) at least three months before your program starts. Before then, you can find out if your school requires an IELTS test or another type of exam. This is a good idea even if it isn’t required, it shows the school that you’re serious about your education and can speak English well enough to succeed in their program.

4. Wait for the application to be processed

The waiting time depends on the embassy you are applying to. The time to process an application may vary depending on which Thai embassy is processing your application, and whether the application is complete.  Generally, if you are a citizen of one country and planning on studying in another country for over three months, you will need to apply for a student visa.  If you have never been issued any kind of visa before or if the passport that you use to apply with has ever been lost or stolen then it is likely that it will reject your application when they check their records. If all goes well, though, then after waiting some time (again this depends on where exactly) your passport should arrive with its new visa inside.

5. Collect the passport and visa

If everything looks good on your passport, then it’s time to check the dates of entry and exit for your student visa. The first page of your student visa will tell you exactly how long it is valid, usually anywhere from one year up to three years or more.


This free super simple guide on how to get a student visa in Thailand will help you so much, it is a step-by-step process anyone could follow and you could do it in no time. It is all about where to start, what type of Thai student visa and where you need to go, and of course the steps to get there. Applying for a Thai visa can seem difficult compared to some other countries especially if you have never done it before.  Thailand is a very popular destination for students looking to relax, study or discover new cultures in country. You can either get your visa in your home country before you arrive or once you are there. Your choice will depend on how long you intend to spend in Thailand and whether you plan on visiting neighboring countries. We hope that you will find this information useful and if you have any questions about getting a student visa in Thailand, please contact us! We’ll be happy to help.



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