More surprising is the fact that only a few students actually pay the hefty college fees of these universities. But because of the complex nature of the admission process, very few students end up having time to study in prestigious colleges. And to those learners, the scholarships and grants available are numerous, from tiny book allowances to full-ride scholarships. In this post, we explain how you can get a scholarship to your Ivy League school of choice. Let’s get right to it.

Have the Right Requirements

First, the admission process for Ivy League Schools is the most competitive in the world. These schools only admitted 10% of the applicants in 2020. To qualify, you need to prepare yourself early enough. These universities assess more than school grades for admission eligibility. You need to be an all-around person with abilities way above the average student. Secondly, have all the admission requirements for your college of choice. Check the test score grades required, academic achievements, and recommendations needed. Add relevant activities to your resume and volunteer in your community. When it is time to apply, take your time and craft a unique and appealing college admission essay.

Fill in the Right Applications

Most scholarships to Ivy League schools are need-based rather than merit-based. The main reason is to bridge the gap between the haves and have-nots. To be eligible for financial aid once you get admitted, fill in the FAFSA or CSS applications. If you are a US citizen, you qualify for a need-blind admission, getting access with or without the ability to pay. The scholarship packages vary depending on the individual colleges. For instance:

Princeton University offers a full tuition and boarding scholarship to learners whose families earn less than $54,000 annually. The same university offers free tuition to students whose families make $120,000 and below.Brown, Cornell, and Columbia Universities offer full scholarships to students from families making less than $60,000 annually.Harvard and Yale University have a higher minimum annual income cutoff–$65,000.Dartmouth College has a more lenient scholarship cutoff amount. All students whose parents earn an annual income of less than $100,000 qualify for free tuition.

You Can Get a Scholarship to Your College of Choice

Ivy League Schools are pricey to attend, and their admission criteria are the highest in the world. But once you get admitted, the financial aid options at your disposal are many. Attending an Ivy League School sets you on an almost certain path to success. Since you now know how to get a scholarship to one, overcome your fear and start applying for admission. And while you’re at it, fill in the FAFSA or CSS applications to qualify for financial aid. If you don’t qualify for a full scholarship, you can work part-time or get title loans using your car. Success is within your reach.