That is why our update today will cover Missouri teacher certifications, teacher certification Missouri, how to become a teacher in Missouri, teaching certification Missouri, How to get Missouri Teacher Certification in 2022 as well as Missouri teaching certification requirements.

Missouri Teacher Certification

To keep up with the national standard expected of teachers, every intending teacher in Missouri is expected to tender a recognized Missouri teacher certificate. The certification verifies your professional ability to teach in schools as well as relate to students. Before the Missouri state issues you a teacher’s certificate, you must have acquired a Degree with other attached teaching programs. Irrespective of where you obtained your degree, you will still need to be vetted by the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education before Teacher Certification Missouri can be issued to you.

What are the requirements to teach in Missouri?

If you are looking for how to become a teacher in Missouri, you need to start by gathering Missouri teaching certification requirements. The requirements are outlined below.

Bachelor’s Degree in Educational field or any related programMissouri Teacher Preparatory course work.Sit for ExamMissouri Teacher Certificate Application.

How do I get a temporary teaching certificate in Missouri?

A temporary teaching certificate in Missouri is considered one of the alternative ways of teaching in Missouri without having the full required credentials. Before one can be issued a temporary teaching certificate, certain requirements must have been met already. A temporary Missouri teaching certificate or Authorization certificate can be issued if the candidate has been recommended for such by the hiring school. A minimum of 2.5 GPA. A mentor is also assigned to the candidate who will rate his/her ability. The certificate is valid for 2 years and can be renewed provided you have complete 9  college semester credits. This remains a vital part of learning How to get Missouri Teacher Certification in 2022.

How long does it take to get a teaching certificate in Missouri?

Teachers undergo two years of mentoring and continuous assessment of performance. During this period, candidates must have participated in many teaching evaluation programs which last for a cumulative of four years. Upon satisfactory completion of this stage, a Career Continuous Professional Certificate (CCPC) and a Continuous Career Education Certificate (CCEC) are issued to the candidates. The certificate is a lifetime license. However, any unprofessional act can lead to the Missouri teaching certificate being revoked. Additionally, during the four years of assessment salaries and incentives are given to the teacher.

How much money do teachers make in Missouri?

If you are looking for how to Missouri teacher certification in 2022, it is also important you get an idea of Missouri teaching salary. The teaching salary in Missouri is not the same for all teachers. The grade and position in school are major contributors. Nevertheless, statistics obtained by our team here show the breakdown of the salary below. Teachers are also entitled to vacations, national work-free days, and lifetime retirement benefits.

How many hours of student teaching are required in Missouri?

Student teaching remains an integral part of Missouri Teaching certification process. This stage presents a hands-on preparatory experience for life as a teacher. With series of teaching engagements, candidates are exposed to the varying sides of teaching as well as classroom management. It is expected that you will spend over 6-7 hours student teaching under the close supervision of a mentor. Which approximately translates to 30-35 hrs a week in the classroom. However, it tends to reduce as you progress. This part cannot be substituted because it is core Missouri teaching certification requirements.

Can you teach in Missouri without a degree?

A master’s degree is non-negotiable for Missouri teacher certification. A degree in the educational field is mandatory. However, you can act as a substitute teacher. A substitute teacher can only teach in a K-12 classroom. 6,000 hours of related experience in a vocation related to the degree field would be needed.

How to get Missouri Teacher Certification in 2022

Similar to what we outlined earlier, getting a Teaching certificate in Missouri takes different definitive steps. With the help of our research associates and educational guidelines in Missouri, we have outlined below the steps on how to get Missouri teacher certificate. It might also interest you to know that a provisional teaching certificate in Missouri is of national standard and can be accepted anywhere in the United States. Unless revoked for some reason. A Bachelor’s Degree: Just like we said earlier a Bachelor’s Degree is mandatory for Education Certificate Missouri. One can also tender a related vocational certificate. But, its relevance must have been vetted by authorities. Additionally, coursework of preparatory details must have also been made available. Preparation Program: There are preparatory programs that involve series of field assessments for candidates. In this phase candidates are introduced to some classroom rudiments, start spending hours in the classroom. This stage is mostly done under the supervision of a mentor. Candidates must have completed a mandatory 90 hour classroom time. Missouri education department won’t give you clearance for the next step if you fail to complete this preparatory stage. Your mentor must also acknowledge satisfaction with your classroom management as well as student relationship. Missouri Teaching Certificate Exam: Missouri issues an Initial Professional Certificate (IPC). This certificate is issued to successful candidates of Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments. The certificate validates your professional status as a teacher in Missouri. It remains an indispensable part of getting to know how to become a teacher in Missouri. The exam evaluates your competence in areas like English language arts, mathematics, writing, science, and social science. There are a couple of other assessments that deal with social skills, behavioral traits, and other off-classroom traits. All of these must be certified by MoEGA before you can be issued an Initial Professional Certificate (IPC). Furthermore, IPC is valid for a period of 4 years. The certificate shows your readiness to get a licensed Missouri teachers certificate. It remains an integral part of Missouri teaching certification requirements. Missouri Teaching Certification Application: This involves lots of background checks, Fingerprint checks to know if there are some criminal records the applicant is associated with. The school plays a crucial role in students’ social and educational development. That is why Missouri state runs a thorough background check on intending school teachers. A non-refundable fee is also paid for this process. Successful Applicants of this phase are issued a Career Continuous Professional Certificate (CCPC) and a Continuous Career Education Certificate (CCEC). This certificate lasts a lifetime and can be used to get any teaching Job in Missouri. However, just like we said earlier, it can be revoked or suspended if the teacher is found wanting in professional ethics. The process on how to get Missouri teacher certificate in 2022 is the same as in previous years. Changes might have been tweaked over the years but the core process of becoming a teacher in Missouri still remains. Visit to commence your application.

Missouri Teaching Jobs

If you have followed to this extent, it’s only right we expose you to some available teaching Jobs in Missouri. A teaching career in Missouri provides experience on how best to relate with children as well as the length of experience needed to thrive in other related sectors. A teacher can thrive as a Psychologist, Guidance Counsellor, or work in businesses targeted at producing children’s consumer goods. Visit for available teaching jobs in Missouri. Websites like Indeed can also come in handy. The entry-level salary for Missouri teachers is $31,320. Officials from the Missouri education department have reported a 25% decline in the number of K-12 teachers in Missouri. English, Maths, Science, and Special needs education teachers are the most in-demand in Missouri. Missouri teaching certificate is of national standard and can be accepted across all states in the US. The current passing score is 220.


Missouri has one of the most developed educational systems that cater to both teachers and pupils. The state presents a good opportunity for one to start a teaching career in the United States. Ensure you perused through the details we gave on how to get a Missouri teacher certificate in 2022 before commencing.

