Irrespective of your body size and shape, becoming a model in 2022 is outright possible. And, how this can be achieved has been compiled in this article by the World Scholarship Forum. You don’t have to give up on your dream of becoming a model. Whether tall, slim, slender, fat, or chubby, follow the steps in this piece to become a model now. Wikipedia opines that modeling as a profession was first established in 1853 by Charles Frederick Worth, the “father of haute couture”. His wife, Marie Vernet Worth, modeled the clothes he designed. And, the term “house model” was coined to describe this type of work. Since then, the modeling career has grown to become a household name. With no age restrictions, anyone burning with passion can become a model. In fact, Kendall Jenner who is the highest-paid model in 2022 started off her acting career at 14 with a gig for Rocker Baes. Basically, if you want to be a model, there are a few things you must know. And, most of them listed by experts are found in this piece of writing. You can quickly take a glance at the table of contents below to get an idea of the steps discussed in detail in this article.

Who is a Model?

Generally, model refers to a human construct that helps us better understand real world systems. In this piece, model is used to refer to a person charged with the responsibility of promoting, displaying or advertising commercial products. Usually, models serve as visual aids for people who are creating works of art. They also strike a pose for photography. Models are inevitable to fashion clothing lines, fashion shows, beauty companies, and hair brands.

Who can Be a Model?

Anyone can be a model. Actually, the first model is a woman following the history and origin of modeling. Over the years, many people now think only women can become models. To add to this premonition, others actually expect only slim and slender girls to succeed in their modeling careers. Well, the reverse is the case. Modeling is not reserved for slim, slender ladies. Virtually anyone who has the passion can become a model in 2022. So, you may just ascertain what type of model you wish to become. Then, take the toil to become one. For instance, the requirements to become a runway model differ from the requirement to become a commercial model. Also, the modeling career is broad enough in recent times to accommodate both the slim, plus size and very young aspiring models. This means you can also become a model at 14 years as much as 24 years is not too old. In addition, if you are male, you can become a male model too.

What Do you Need to Become a Famous Model?

What you need to become a model depends on what kind of modeling you wish to do. Generally, to become a model you would need patience, the right body and ability to try again. In fact, John Horner, CEO of Model 1 breaks down the requirements to become a model into confidence, ability to catwalk, coping with rejections and being friendly with your camera. He has this to say;

“You’ve got to be confident,” he says first and foremost.“You’ve got to learn to cope with rejection because they’re rejected from more jobs than they’ll accept.“If you’re a catwalk model, you’ve got to learn how to walk.“You’ve got to learn how to perform in front of a camera.“And – you’ve got to build your book, your portfolio, and build it to the look that we want you to portray as a model.”

Physical Requirements to become a Model

Generally, models are assumed to be slim slender if not skinny. But here is what Model 1 CEO has to say; “We really support strong, not skinny. And if we ever say lose weight, it’s just trying to tone up, change their shape”. This implies that you need a strong body and not necessarily a skinny body to excel as a model. Horner goes further to posit that the demand for slimmer girls is on the high side. For most commercial products requiring the services of these models, models of a certain proportion is usually on demand. This is to make sure their clothes look better on them. In recent times, the demand for curvy models is becoming quite significant. In fact, Model 1 is one of the few agencies that have the curve division. This means there is a growing appetite for a wider variety of body shapes in campaigns. In a nutshell, below are notable physical requirements to become a model

Training Required to Become a Model

Like earlier stated in this piece, you would need a lot of patience and determination to become a model. You need to learn modeling basics from scratch. And, attending a modeling agency or training could go a long way. Basically, the right training required to become a model should teach you physical fitness, the right facial expressions, posing, and confidence.

The Right Modeling Tips for Beginners

This is crucial in becoming a model. In fact, without the right modeling tips, you fall out so early in your modeling career. And, it is best to get these tips from models who have been in the business of modeling for so long. Consider these modeling tips for beginners by ModelScout Experts below:

 Get a Review by Experienced Models

One thing you must not do is start off your acting career based on assumptions. Experts advise that aspiring models get a reviews from professionals in the field. To be on a safer side, listen to the evaluation of more than two agents and scouts. Preferably, let the agents evaluating you come from different areas of the modeling career. From their honest review, deduct if you have the right body, complexion, and physical fitness to excel in the type of modeling you wish to venture into.

 Get As Much Exposure As Possible

Nobody will know you are a model or fit for modeling if you don’t get the right exposure. So to be successful in finding representation and ultimately booking jobs, you must get all the exposure to all the agents and scouts. These agents will help promote you and easily get you booked for modelling jobs. To easily get exposure to the agents and scouts, use any of the means below:

Email your photos to agencies: Though this is not always a fast way to reach agencies, it can be productive at times. Send your photos out by mail to hundreds of agenciesAttend a modeling conventionCreate a profile with has direct connections to all the top modeling agencies in the world. ModelScouts will give you the right exposure you need to agents and scouts. Your profile will be visible to over 250 of the world’s most powerful agencies.

Don’t Spend Money on Expensive Photoshoots

Avoid expensive photoshoots if you are just starting off your modeling career. Simple snapshots with very little makeup and simple clothing will do the trick experts advice for beginners. Most agencies will cover the expense of a professional photoshoot. Usually, you can pay back once you start booking modeling jobs.

Only Work With Legitimate Modeling Agencies

Experts advise finding a legitimate modeling agency can also help grow modeling career. As a beginner in modeling, you need to find an agency that have your best interest at heart. Though it may not be easy to wade through the minefield of legitimate and illegitimate agencies, it will be more disastrous to get caught up with shady characters. One best place to begin your search is at This industry has over 35 years of experience scouting, managing and promoting models. So, its staff can help you find the most reliable and respected agencies for you. With the right modeling agency, attending a modeling school may not be necessary as the right agency will guide you through the journey f becoming a famous

What are the Ways to Become a Model?

Basically, the only way to become a model is to make yourself visible to customers and agencies looking out for models. According to Model 1’s CEO, the agency has a number of ways to find new faces. So, to get found you must align yourself and be visible in any of these ways. Most times its always the quiet one at the back of the loud group of girls that gets scouted easily by agencies. What this means is you don’t need expensive photoshoots to join the modeling agency. John Horner went further to posit ” We go out on the streets, we go into shops, we run competitions, we go to music festivals. We get what we call ‘wannabes who turn up close to 2000 each year.” From this submission of the a top model scout, you can join modeling industry through any of the following ways;

Four Ways to Get into Modelling

Apply online to modeling agencies: Model 1 agency opines that it gets close to 20, 000 applications online. This means you can be among the few who could be invited for an interview if you apply online. Contest in Competitions: Enroll for any modeling competition. It is absolutely great to win the competitions but even if you don’t, keep attending it gives you the right visibility and exposure you need to join the modeling industry. Attend Festivals: If you aspire to become a model, you should attend festivals. Especially, those related to the type of modeling you wish to do. For instance, you should attend fashion shows if you want to be a fashion model. Most model scouts just attend such shows to scout for models they can sign up. Walk into Agencies and make your intentions known: While the success rate may not be so encouraging, it is still a great option. So, try walking through the door of famous and notable agencies to submit an application.

What are the Types of Modeling?

Depending on your body physique and passion there are quite a number of modeling options for you to harness. Basically, you can dabble into multiple types of modeling. This will definitely aid you to find the best fit for you. Below are some creative modeling options for you to explore; Becoming a fashion model simply means becoming one of those faces you see in high fashion magazines. Usually, you should be tall slim and in fact, a full package in regards to other requirements to become a fashion model. These models are known for their excellent skills in the catwalk. Usually, they are hired to display designer clothing to viewers or audiences. Basically, these types of modeling require models to be at least 5’9 in height and size. To become a swimsuit and lingerie model, you need to be a plus-size model. Usually, this type of modeling accommodates voluptuous and curvy models. They are used to display sleepwear, summer wear, and other undergarments. Just as its name, commercial models are usually used to advertise a wide range of products. So, there is no restriction via age, height, or size. This explains why anyone can be a model, For instance, a short lady may advertise for products for short ladies while an 80-year-old man may advertise products for aged men. Becoming a fitness model means you are fit, toned, and athletically built. Fitness models are used to advertise fitness attires. Also, they could be used for commercials that demonstrate fitness routines. This modeling type is also more accommodating and flexible. Its requirements is not as strenuous as runway models. Hence, all you need is to have a clean clear part of the body you wish to model for. Parts models are used to model or display products for a specific part of the body. However, most agencies tend to use their runway models and other types of models for part modeling. This reduces the demand for parts modeling. As a part model, you can specialize in modeling their hands, arms, feet, and legs. Fit models also accommodate different sizes and body shapes. Usually, fit models work behind the scene to aid designers to produce clothes for different body shapes and body sizes. The sizes used by different clothing lines are usually sampled by fitness models before they are released into the markets. Promotional models are personable, outgoing, and are usually found in tradefairs and other live events. Glamour models have an alluring appearance which includes facial beauty and nice body shape. Print models are often used for magazines, billboards, campaigns, and flyers. You may find these models with clear skin and a nice smell on posters and booklets.

How Much Can I Make as a Model in 2022?

The salary of a model in 2022 is not regulated. In fact, how much you make as a model depends on how many bookings you get often. This, in turn, depends on how famous you become as a model. According to ZipRecruiter, a model salary in 2022 ranges from as high as $401,500 to as low as $11,000. An average model in the US earns $125,457 annually. On an hourly basis, models earn an average of $23.43.

How to Become a Model in 2022

Whether you are seeking to become a fitness model, fashion model or a model at 14, these steps will guide you. Generally, becoming a male model may be more tasking and demanding than being a female model. Because most agencies and customers prefer using female models, the competition seems quite tough for male models. As a matter of fact, becoming a female model is not entirely easy to. You would need more than just determination and passion. One great way to start hunting for job bookings is by reading and adhering to these great tips by experts in the industry. Some of these tips have been compiled and elaborated into these basic and simple steps to become a model in 2022.

#1: Evaluate Yourself Honestly

The first thing you must do as an aspiring model is to evaluate yourself honestly. The modeling agency is so broad and can accommodate virtually everyone seeking a place in modeling. However, you must find what kind of modeling best fit both your skin type, height and body size. For instance, this article explains the physical requirements of a fitness model, commercial model and virtually all types of models. So, an honest evaluation will go a long way in aiding you choose what kind of modeling you will do on the long run.

#2: Match your Body Type to Your Modeling Goal

This is quite essential. Once you evaluate yourself and ascertain your body type, what you should do next is create a modeling goal that best suit your body type. Interestingly, you can become a model at 14 even at 70. But the question remains what type of modeling can you do? For instance, if you have the right curves and quite voluptuous, lingerie modeling seems absolutely right for you. Also, if you have a big body size, you can become a plus size model. In fact, you can dabble between commercial modeling and fit modeling. While slim, slender and tall body size models may focus on becoming runway models, editorial models and other type of models requiring that body size. Furthermore, if you have a very pretty face with awesome facial features, you should consider part modeling for facial products and companies.

#3: Master the Basics of Modeling

Once you find the best modling type that best suits your body type, the next big thing to do is master the basics of that kind of modeling. In fact, if they type of modeling you wish to do doesn’t suit your body type, then you should learn how to twerk and make adjustments. For instance, if you are size 8-10 and you intentionally wish to be a runway model. All hope is not lost. All you need to do is loose some weight if you have the right height. Yes, you can still model as a runway model. Generally, in mastering the basics of modeling, as a female or male model or as fitness or fit model, you must learn to eat right and stay healthy. A lot of sacrifices come with being a model. One of such is eating healthy not just the desire to remain fit and keep your body intact for your kind of modeling.

Basics of Modeling to Master to Become a Model in 2022

Healthy Eating: You need to exercise right, eat healthily and drink a lot of water. Maintain Your Look: You don’t need hazy skin in modeling. You must maintain your skin with the right skincare products, exfoliate when necessary and keep clean beautiful hair always. Also, remember organic products are more healthy for your skin. Learn all You can About the Industry: One way great way to start is listen to model scout interviews, professional models and experts in the industry.

#4: Create Your Modeling Portfolio

This is obviously the next thing you must do. Now you understand how the industry works, what type of modeling best suits your skin and body type, you should create a portfolio. Dabbling one or two types of modeling is awesome at least till you pick a niche. However, you may get more attention and exposure if you are consistent with a portfolio. To create a portfolio, you need some photo shoots. Basically, taken nice shots with your Iphone or sharp smartphone camera is not enough. You need professional shots that best describes your portfolio. For instance, if your portfolio indicates runway modeling, then you need shots that show you catwalking on a stage. You should also take shots that clearly show your body type and size. So, that when you submit to agencies, you can easily get job bookings. In addition, you need some clear headshots if you are considering part modeling like facial modeling. Duplicate your modeling portfolio into online and traditional modeling portfolio. The traditional portfolio is like your resume. You should submit it to agencies whenever you apply in person or invited for an interview. On the other hand, your online portfolio is great for visibility to model scouts.

#5: Go Out and Network

In building a portfolio, you need to make love to your camera. Basically, take both face shots and full body pictures. Also, add tear sheets to your traditional portfolios and link to publication to your digital portfolios. The next big thing to do is network. You would need to get off your comfort zone. To become a famous model, you must build a strong network. First, get all the exposure you can get. Walk into modeling agencies to submit your portfolio, contest in competitions to create visibility. A strong network will not only get you job bookings, it will also make you a famous model. Follow the steps below to build a good network.

Ways to Build a Strong Network in your Modeling Career

You need to go out there and hustle for a place. No matter how good and perfect you are for the modeling job, no one will assign you one if they don’t know. In fact, you should be more concerned about the publicity that how you would make initially. Firstly, Keep building and Expanding your Portfolio: Generally, runway modeling seems to be the hardest to get into. However, runway models can also be part models or fit models. So, you should take more shot for any of these other related niches. This increases your scope, and, chances of getting job bookings. As a matter of fact, be consistent, resilient and don’t give up in submitting your portfolio both online and traditional. Volunteer for Small Companies: Since you are concerned about visibility, you should volunteer to model for retailers and new companies. Basically, if they are good enough, your next big project may come from it. Attend Events and Related Places: This is a major way to build network. You should attend festivals, competitions and social gathering. You never can tell where model scouts are combing for new faces. Also, attend places that are closely related to your niche. For instance, if you wish to be a fitness model, you should work in close proximity with a fitness trainer, visit the gym often and attend yoga classes.

#6: Get Signed By a Registered Agency

Once, you have got the right exposure, many agencies or at least some of them would love to sign you. It is important you settle for a registered and trust worthy modeling agency. Agencies are now casting a much wider net to find talent via social media. Inviting Instagram users to add a hashtag to their posts allows recruiters to view thousands of potential models without ever leaving their office. This explains why your digital portfolio should be as enticing as your traditional portfolio. You should submit to as many agencies around you as you can. If online, simply, email your portfolio alongside an attention -grabbing cover letter. The right agency for you will not demand hundreds and thousands of dollars from you upfront. usually, they get you signed, get you job bookings and get their pay on installments through your first set of projects.

#7: Stay on Your Game

Once you have got some job bookings, what makes you stay on your game depends on you. First, you need to keep up with the body type and clear skin that brought you here. Secondly, your clients are everywhere, you must be careful with both your social and offline presence. Now you are a model, to become a famous model in 2022 do the following; To start modeling, you need to choose the type of modeling, submit to agencies and get all the exposure you can get. Also, attend festivals, contest in competitions and apply to agencies. Models earn as much as $23.5 per hour, $10, 444 per month, and an average of $125,457 annually. According to Forbes list of highest paid models, Gisele is the highest paid model on earth. Kendall Jenner and Karlie Kloss are runners-up of the highest-paid models in the world. There is a clear dearth of opportunities for male models, the Competition is intense and bookings are limited. Unlike female models, clients are always on the lookout for perfect options. Sean O’Pry is the highest-paid model and earns an average of US $1.5 million a year.


Generally, modeling is an interesting career to explore. However, many people give up on their desire to become models because they feel they do not fit into descriptions and the physical look of models. On the other hand, anyone can become a part model, fitness model, or commercial model. These modeling types have fewer body and physical requirements. Whether you wish to become a Victoria Secret model, Nike model, Instagram model, Webcam model or hair model, these experts tips and guide is all you need. So, if you sincerely wish to become a model, read through this piece first to find the best modeling career for you and secondly, to get the best steps and tips from experts on becoming a model.


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