MBAs are no joke, it’s the gap between most people and a better salary package. MBA holders are entrusted with very sensitive business issues and this why one must earn his or her degree in a reputable Business school. ENEB is one of many business schools in Europe and they offer both graduate and post-grad degrees. Therefore, in our bid to ensure you get the best, we will be reviewing the school. We will be looking at its programs and tuition fees. Additionally, we will talk about the school’s acceptance rate, accreditation, and more. Before that, however, we will be giving an overview of ENEB. Meanwhile, below is a table of content that summarizes this article in bullets. According to The Wall Street Journal, fully 75% of those who earn an M.B.A. switch careers, a new survey shows, and they can double their salary by doing so.  The survey polled nearly 7,000 alumni that earned MBA between 2012 and 2015. According to this survey, Alumni reported making tens of thousands of dollars a year more after graduating from the two-year programs.


Online MBA schools are no longer what they used to be. The stereotypes around while not totally non-existent had drastically reduced. As a matter of fact, most employers would prefer to see their employees get an online MBA. This is because it gives them the time to study and work. ENEB is one of the many online business schools, and one of the best in Europe. Therefore, if you are interested in getting an MBA you might want to consider doing it online.

Overview Of Eneb

ENEB is a business school specializing in high-performance Masters and Postgraduate training programs based on distance teaching methodologies. They are committed to quality and excellence. Their Master’s, Postgraduate, and Higher Education courses are accredited by ENEB Business School, collaborating with the Barcelona Centro Universitario. ENEB’s Master’s, Postgraduate, and Higher Education courses are also accredited by Isabel I University. The ENEB Business School’s headquarters are in Barcelona, the ​​third-best business city in Europe, after London and Paris. Founded in 2014 by expert professionals in the private sector, ENEB Business School has a high-performance faculty in its management. Its sole purpose is to train professionals who provide added value to meet the changing needs of businesses. Eneb is Integrated into the contemporary educational trend in which the need for training in the field of business becomes one of the fundamental pillars and success of organizations.

Why should I choose ENEB

According to the European Cities Monitor report, conducted by the consultancy firm Cushman & Wakefield ENEB is located in the second European city with the greatest potential as a business center. ENEB offers high added value between the business world and the academic world. This is to improve the performance and competitiveness of organizations and ensure they make most of their human capital. ENEB offers an advanced learning model, incorporating Coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques. This ensures that students can communicate, direct and delegate in the most efficient way possible. ENEB’s philosophy trains the best business leaders and promotes quality education available to everyone. At the end of the studies, their students will be fully prepared to enter and grow successfully in the business world. Furthermore, they can build a promising career within a company with their triple degree. Emphatically, you should join ENEB because they run a distant program. This helps you enroll and study from anywhere. Also, it allows you to study at your own pace.


Committed to the environment, all their courses are run 100% in digital format. Their study model will allow students to download all the content of their training programs study from anywhere they are. If you want to obtain the syllabus in physical format, get in touch with them, and discuss your options.

Is Online MBA Program A Good Idea?

Prospective Master of Business Administration (MBA) students have to decide: is an online program or on-campus learning experience better? Online MBA programs haven’t always had the best reputation, but that is beginning to change. According to the Application Trends Survey Report by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 47% of online MBA programs reported more people applied in 2017 than ever before. As the stereotype begins to change, here are a few things to consider before deciding if an online MBA program is right for you.

1. It is often faster.

A traditional MBA program will require you to commit to a two-year program. However, an online program can be done in as little as 14 months.

2. Online programs are getting a better reputation.

In the past, online MBA programs weren’t as well-respected, but now this is changing. Employers often prefer that their workers attend an online MBA program because it gives them the flexibility and freedom to work and study at the same time. Many top universities offer great MBA programs online now. One of the top-rated online MBA programs is at Kelley Direct at Indiana University – Bloomington. It allows students to receive an MBA degree from a well-respected business school. 100% of students admitted to the program are already employed and have two to five years to complete the program.

3. Online programs offer financial aid and scholarships.

GMAC’s Application Trends Report also found that nearly 40% of online MBA students anticipating receiving employer support to help people with their education. Online MBA programs that are Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business ( AACSB) -accredited schools will have a similar financial aid process to traditional programs. Many schools even have specific scholarships to help offset the cost of their online program. For example, Babson College provides a $5000 Blended Learning MBA Diversity and Women’s Leadership Scholarship. The University of North Carolina will also offer partial scholarships to outstanding applicants.

Reasons Not To Choose An Online MBA Program:

While the pros seem like good enough reason to get your MBA online, there are Cons that say otherwise.

1. Missing out on real-life connections. 

Studying online and in-person are entirely different experiences. While on-campus, you can meet and form relationships with your peers, attend presentations, and meet with professors. This type of human interaction can’t be replicated online. However, this is changing, with some programs allowing for more in-person interactions. The Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University has a part-time online MBA program that offers an online hybrid format. Twice a week, students participate in live, interactive classes. Students can also attend Access Weekends that are held in different locations, giving them a chance to meet and network with peers, alumni, and professors.

2. Less internship and job fair opportunities.

Most traditional MBA programs give their students plenty of opportunities to participate in an internship. While there are some MBA programs online that have started to incorporate an internship program into their curriculum, there are many that still do not. If a student is far away from the university, they might not be able to participate in job fairs either, which could affect future employment opportunities. For many business professionals, taking advantage of an online MBA program is a great way to achieve your career goals. While it won’t be the right fit for everyone, it can be a good option for someone who wants an adaptable and flexible schedule. As you consider different online programs, find one that fits with your career goals and timeline to help you get the best results.

ENEB’s Business School Location And Contact Address

ENEB is a private educational center specializing in online learning training based in the International Business Center of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain).  It is located in Carrer de Llull, 321, 08019 Barcelona, Spain. It works in collaboration with numerous professionals specialized in the educational field as well as in private enterprises. They help to maintain a high level of training, which is continuously updated. You can contact ENEB through the following:  Phone from Spain: Call them at +34 933 792 437. The Academic Department is available from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday (Spain Timezone). If you need to reach them outside of these hours, you can leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Email. Write to them at, and they will answer all your questions. 

ENEB Business School Ranking

At the time of writing this content, ENEB business school was not ranked in the first 100 business schools in Spain. However, with the knowledge that ENEB is an online institution, it’s understandable to see only brick-and-mortar schools ranked in the rankings.

Acceptance rate

The school has an open policy in its admission. Therefore any can be admitted. Nevertheless, the candidate must have a first degree in a business-related course.


ENEB Business School is registered by the Ministry of Industry and collaborates with the Barcelona Center University. All the school’s master’s, postgraduate, and higher-education programs are accredited by the Universidad Isabel I, which has been designed within the European Higher Education Area. Below are some of the accreditation of ENEB business school:

Universidad Isabel I (Spain)Trinity College, LondonSpanish National Association of eLearning and Distance Learning CentresMCA Business & Postgraduate School (Florida, USA)EFQM Excellence Model SealBarcelona Centre UniversitariInternational Certificate of Educational ExcellenceBarcelona Chamber of CommerceCum Laude Quality Seal 2019

However, a review on Reddit suggests otherwise. According to the user; ENEB does not have the seal of approval from Equis nor AMBA, two other agencies that make up the so-called “Triple Crown” of accreditation and are the three most commonly acknowledged accreditation agencies for business schools. The information also suggests that the school is also not accredited by either the AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), which accredits IESE Business School, IE Business School, and ESADE in Spain.

Tuition Financial Aids

ENEB, we believe that education should be available to everyone. This is why they have a scholarship system for their Master’s and Postgraduate students. Vacancies are limited and they are granted in order of enrolment. The list of scholarships is as follows:  Direct Scholarship: It has no requirements or limitations in each enrolment period. Get your Direct Scholarship now without administrative procedures.  Scholarship for Academic Excellence: Intended for those students whose academic and professional qualifications have a profile of excellence.  Entrepreneurial Talent Scholarship: Designed for all those entrepreneurs who wish to study for a Master’s or Postgraduate degree in order to apply it to their professional career.  Women and Equality Scholarship:  Designed for female candidates who want to grow professionally and achieve the highest level of education. ENEB is committed to gender equality and they encourage woman’s integration into the workforce. 

More Scholarship Opportunities

Management Scholarship: Intended for all those professionals whose roles of responsibility require them to continually grow and evolve.  Corporate Scholarship: Intended for all those professionals who want to boost their careers and opt for higher positions.  Scholarship for self-employed professionals: Intended for a self-employed professional who wishes to pursue a Master’s or Postgraduate degree to gain an in-depth knowledge of their sector or to acquire the necessary skills to grow their business.  SMEs Scholarship: Designed for entrepreneurs who wish to increase their knowledge to contribute to the growth of their company.  Scholarship for the unemployed: Intended for all those who wish to pursue further studies in order to re-enter the job market.  Geographical Mobility Scholarship: Intended for all applicants who wish to study from anywhere in the world and thus, acquire a global view of the business world.  Additionally, they help finance their students’ tuition. ENEB has three different modes of payment: By debit/credit card. We will give you a 10% discount if you choose to pay by card.  Bank transfer. We offer the possibility of paying in two installments. Direct debit in 11 installments. We finance your studies without a deposit or interest applied.


ENEB has a specialized teaching team divided into the areas of Accounting, Human Resources, Management, Administration, Marketing, and Languages. Each of the faculty members and collaborators is active professionals that will help the student throughout the learning process. Throughout the course, our team of tutors will get in touch with the student to ensure a close follow-up of their progress and will support and guide them in all their doubts. ENEB has over 35 seasoned tutors ready to give you the best learning experience.



You need a first degree in any business related to be able to apply to ENEB. It’s an online school and gives you the freedom to do other things while studying. Yes, they have a number of financial aids and scholarship programs to help students pay tuition.


ENEB business school offers its students flexibility which allows them to pursue their MBA degree at their own time and pace. We’ve thoroughly looked at the school and all it stands for, and we’d like to think that it is enough to help you decide to either join or not join the institution in your quest for an MBA. Good luck.

