Courses like student finance, writing family history, and a whole lot of amazing courses will be offered all for free. Stay with me as I take you through the process. BYU is located in Provo, Utah and owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It is a private research-based institution that offers the best of online courses through the internet. Also, it seeks to develop students of faith, intellect, and character who have the skills and the desire to continue learning and to serve others throughout their lives.
BYU  prepares students to start or finish a degree by building spiritual confidence and teaching foundational academic skills in classrooms and outside the classroom. Don’t you think it’s time for you to leverage these opportunities and benefit from them while they last? Carefully read through for details. If you’re considering an online degree this year, you can take up any of the 10 BYU Online Free Courses. Before we go further, here’s a highlight of what will be discussed.

Why Choose BYU Free Online Courses?

Due to the widespread challenges facing the traditional ways of learning ranging from high costs to a rigorous style and approach to learning and a whole lot more, BYU offers a great way to learn something new at no cost to you. Here are some reasons why you should make the best out of free online courses offered by Brigham Young University;

Convenience and Flexibility

Online courses offer you an opportunity to choose a study pattern that accommodates your schedule. You can afford to study amidst tending to other activities ranging from your work to other necessary issues. In other words, it offers you a flexible approach to learning as you can combine activities and still cope with the course as far as you’re committed and focused. Course materials are also available online, making special library trips needless.

Little Or No Cost To Be Paid

Online programs present a more affordable option than traditional colleges. Free courses online offer an astonishing package that is extremely paid for offline, for free. You tend to pay little or nothing. Though not all online degrees offer less expensive net tuition prices than traditional colleges, associated expenses almost always cost less. For example, there are no commuting costs, and sometimes required course materials, such as textbooks, are available online at no cost. These free online courses can help students fulfill career goals and ambitions.

Variety of Programs and Courses

Online study offers a variety of programs and courses to all. That is to say, you can afford to apply for any course or program you wish to despite your discipline and area of specialization. For instance, someone with a degree in accounting can afford to take up an online course in science writing and reporting.


You can take up an online course from start to finish from the comfort of your home, workplace, toilet or even car. That’s how convenient a free online course can be. Students listen to lectures on and complete assignments sent to them electronically with no need to fight traffic, leave work early for class, or miss important family time.

More Interaction and Greater Ability to Concentrate

It is widely believed that students find it easier to participate and interact in online classes more than face to face offline sessions where there is no form of pressure, shyness, and fear.

Career Advancement

Earning an online degree helps one elevate career-wise as every online course is an added advantage that can be sited in one’s resume thus increase one’s viability and strength status. Also, earning a degree is a sure sign of ambitiousness to prospective employers and friends at large. You should get an online degree now. Click here to see options.

Transfer Credits

For college students who want to attend summer classes, but live too far from their colleges and/or work summer jobs, taking online classes from an accredited college and transferring the credits to their primary college can be highly advantageous. Summarily, taking free online courses helps students effectively manage their time, learn with online materials, and complete assignments on their own schedules. In the end, it turns out to be an added advantage.

How do I Access BYU Independent Study?

BYU Independent Study is a distance education program that serves students anytime, anywhere. Through Independent Study, BYU offers more than 200 university-level credit online courses, providing a practical and flexible solution for students to acquire university credit. Our flexible solution assists students, working students, armed forces personnel, teachers, and others who may need courses that accommodate their individual calendars. The courses are available online and require Internet access. Students have the option to obtain a printed course readings packet.

How To Take BYU Free Online Courses

These few tips will help you complete Brigham Young University online free courses;

Set Target Goals

You should be aware of the fact that the outcome of the online class solely depends on you. So, it’s your duty to plan yourself, set goals to guide you.  It’s up to you to make sure you’ve allotted enough time to complete the work as at when due.

Be Time Conscious

Creating your own schedule is a highly important task to do while taking online classes. But that freedom can also be ineffective if you do not have a firm time management skills. Without them, you might easily find yourself doing what you didn’t plan to do or what is out of schedule. However, how you manage your time will depend on your schedule, learning style, and personality, here are some tips that will help you improve your time management skills.

Take The Online Course Serious

I understand there will be distractions and side attractions while taking online courses. But, you need to have the devotion to actually follow through and stick to the outlined course structure. Treat it like it’s an offline face-to-face lecture where participation is compulsory and you wouldn’t want to miss a class.

Find A Way To Eliminate Distractions

From the buzzing social media updates, calls, YouTube videos and even distractions from friends and family, you’ll be faced with many distractions that are capable of diverting your attention. It will be in your best interest to set aside time for other activities and focus on the online course when it’s time for it.

Adopt A Learning Pattern That Works For You

You need to figure out how you learn best and align your schedule to that pattern. If you like taking classes in the morning, make sure you create time for the online course in the morning likewise if you’re an evening person.

Actively Participate

For you to get the best out of the online course, you need to actively take part in the session through partaking in the assignments, online discussions, question and answer sessions and all that. Through this way, you’ll be able to build yourself through interacting with fellows, teachers and mentors alike.

Can I Get A Degree From BYU Online?

Online degree programs are offered through BYU-Pathway. These online degree courses provide the flexibility to take courses around a student’s busy schedule and responsibilities. BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to nearly 40 BYU-Idaho online certificates and degrees in the various disciplines. One good thing about BYU is that their online certificates don’t cost much unlike what other schools charge per year. Furthermore, with BYU online certificate programs, students can choose from several different programs, earn a certificate and an associate degree on their way to a bachelor’s degree, gain the relevant knowledge and also improve their employability status. For more details on BYU online degree programs, click here.

10 Best Free Online Courses at Brigham Young University in 2022

We’ve put together a list of 10 online free courses offered by BYU for you in 2022.  Our selection criteria are focused on the duration, nature of course work offered and ease of access. We also considered the quality of education, average earnings of graduates, accreditation, number of enrolled students and several other relevant factors. Here’s a list of the top 10 free online courses offered by BYU;

The New Testament

New Testament 71 is an introductory course dealing with the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. The principal source of information for this study is the New Testament Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—which serve as testimonies of who Jesus was, why he came to earth, what he said, and what he did. An underlying connotation of this course is that the four Gospels are reasonably accurate accounts of the Lord’s ministry among men in the flesh. These accounts will be placed side by side with the other standard works, as well as by the words of the latter-day prophets and apostles. Additional information will sometimes be included from other sources to aid you in understanding and acknowledging the Lord’s ministry and its historical and cultural context.

Marriott School of Management: Personal Finance

The aim of this course on personal finance is to help you understand that personal finance is not separate from, but simply part of, the gospel of Jesus Christ. This lesson covers six chapters. Our goal is to give you a broad introduction to the many different areas of personal finance, with the hope that you will continue your study to understand better the topics covered in this lesson. The topics are:

French Research

French research is probably much easier than any type of research that you have done before because French records are very good. My objective is to help each of you find the information that you need, whether you are a beginner in French research, an advanced researcher, or even a French native doing research at the Family History Library. This course is designed to serve the needs of a multitude of people. As you go through the material, you will soon be able to discern the things that you need right now and the things that you may want to leave for later. Because a topic is here does not mean that it is going to be of equal value to everyone at the same time. To succeed in this course, you only need a desire to do so.

Germany Research

Unless you are a full-blooded Native American, your ancestors came to America from one or more countries. In most cases, they gave up almost everything they had, including families who they left behind in order to begin a new life. while in some cases, they did it to improve the quality of life of their family and their descendants. In other cases, it was to gain religious freedom or freedom from oppression. There are many different aspects of German research that could and maybe should be covered, but it is not the intention of this course even to try to cover the majority of these. This course is designed to help you learn the basics of German family history research. It is a course for beginners, not for advanced genealogists. By choosing to enroll in this German research course, you have taken a major step in committing yourself to learning German reference and research tools and using important research principles that will assist you in identifying your ancestors.

Huguenot Research

This course is designed to serve the needs of a multitude of people. As you go through the material, you will soon be able to discern the things that you need right now and the things that you may want to leave for later. Most people often wonder if Huguenots truly existed. However, It is certain that these people are real. They have had their turn on earth and have prepared the way for us. They have struggled through the difficulties of their time, hoping to create a better place for their posterity to live in. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to

Scandinavia Research

Scandinavian research is designed to help you understand many aspects of family history research which will be helpful to you if you are researching Scandinavian lines. In this course, you’ll learn the following;

the jurisdictional levels upon which your ancestors’ records are based.the handwriting style you are most likely to encounter when researching Scandinavian Families.and lastly, feast days and church records, census records, probate records, and other records unique to Scandinavian research.

At the end o this course, you’ll be able to;

Determine where your Scandinavian ancestor’s place of origin is located.Read handwritten Scandinavian records.Translate feast days into calendar days.Utilize church records and census to identify ancestors.Use probate and unique records to identify your ancestors.

Strengthening Marriage and Family: Proclamation Principles and Scholarship

Welcome to FAMLF 71, “Strengthening Marriage and Family: Proclamation Principles and Scholarship.” This course is an opportunity to study in-depth a proclamation made by prophets and apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding the family and to reflect on its application to our lives, to our families, and to the benefit of families worldwide. The purpose of this course is to make The Family: A Proclamation to the World live in the hearts and minds of students—in your heart and mind! In an environment of faith and scholarship, we will engage in a careful study of this inspired document, and its importance in relation to societal changes and scholarly research on marriage and family. At the end of this course, you will;

Strengthen your understanding and testimony of the principles of the restored gospel pertaining to marriage and family life.Move forward with faith in applying principles from revealed truth and supportive scholarship to strengthen your marriage and family relationships.Confidently share and defend principles of successful marriage and family life using support from sacred and scholarly sources.

Rearing Responsible and Righteous Teens in a Wicked World

We live in a world where most times parents find it difficult to raise their kids, especially in an unfriendly environment. However, this course seeks to teach you how to do the following;

Assist your children to resist temptation and negative peer pressure.Help your children internalize religious beliefs and grow personal spirituality.Aid your children to feel more connected to the family.Imbibe in your children with the right disciplines, rules, and regulations.Grant your children psychological autonomy.

The writings of John: The Gospel

This content is offered to you to enhance your study of the scriptures. It is hoped that through this course you will not only develop a familiarity and a working knowledge of the writings of John the Apostle, but also feel and receive the testimony of Jesus Christ as borne by one who was an eyewitness and intimate associate of the Savior. This course will strengthen your love for Jesus Christ as the Redeemer and Eternal God of all mankind. As you obtain a knowledge of your responsibility as a faithful, obedient Christian and learn how the Lord is preparing you for your celestial destiny, you should attain the assurance that faith in God shall triumph and commitment to his gospel shall succeed.

Benefits of Online Certificates

In as much as the importance placed on online certificate differs according to sectors and industries where it is applied, the advantages and knowledge gained in the process is golden. It gives you an edge where need be. In a nutshell, the aim of the online course shouldn’t be just to get the certificate at the end of the course but to gain morally sound knowledge backed up with a certificate. Yes, you can get a whole lot of free online courses on coursera. Yes! Online programs are accredited and recognized therefore their certifications are valued. Yes, Brigham Young University offers a whole lot of free online courses. Yes, there are actually a good number of free online courses on the web. Yes. It is a good idea to put Relevant completed online courses on your resume, especially if you have a certificate for it.


You will agree with me that online learning has grown into a viable educational medium. Instead of the conventional offline courses taken in physical classrooms, people now resort to online courses from the comfort of their homes using their phones, laptops or tablets. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity offered by BYU now. Good luck!!


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