Contrary to conventional thoughts, you can go back to school without going broke. There are scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs that can help you pay for college, without taking much out of your pocket. Though it might sound exaggerating, it’s the truth. You can pay for your college from the scholarship pocket. This post gives you detailed information about the College is Power Scholarship and how you can apply for it. See the table of contents below to get an overview of all this post entails.

About College Is Power

This is one of the platforms whose main goal is to provide you with the information and tools to help you go back to school for those that have lost hope and they also provide you with their own scholarship known as the College is Power scholarship. College is power has been working with adult and non-traditional students and as such understands their ideology and psychological basis for many years and know that making this transition is not easy. College is power knows that most times just a little bit of information and some helpful guidance is what a person needs to head in the right direction. One unique thing about this platform is, that they don’t just expose and guide you to scholarship opportunities, but they also have their scholarship opportunity as you explore College Is Power you’ll find articles written by experts, tools to help you find scholarships, and even our very own Scholarship program. We are constantly adding new articles and resources so please come back often. We hope you find College Is Power informative and helpful. If you have feedback or suggestions on how college is power can improve, please do not hesitate to contact them. Stay glued to see links.

College Is Power Scholarship 2022

Unlike most scholarships, college is power scholarship is open for students from 17 years and above who are entering higher education the scholarship is like a wake-up call for students to go back to college by providing financial aids and making the expense not too heavy on the students. The fact is that college is expensive. Luckily, there are a ton of scholarships out there to make it a little more affordable, which College is Power Scholarship is one of them. This article is here to share a super easy one in form of a College is Power scholarship that could earn you $1,000! This Scholarship is one scholarship with the easiest steps in processing. All you’d have to do is fill out a basic contact information form online and write a short (150 word or less) response to the question below for a chance to win. It is quite easy because no cumulative GPA or any test for academic excellence is required, all you need to do is to submit an application online and write an essay on a topic you would be required to write on another thing about the scholarship is the fact that it is open to full-time and part-time students even for adult students who want to return to college. As the name implies College Is Power, they’ve been living up to the meaning of their name and will continue to, continue reading to know the eligibility and other requirements and also how to apply for this prestigious scholarship.

Level/Field Of Study

College is power scholarship 2022 is by implication an open scholarship for any and every field and level of study. If a student is up to 17 years of age and lives in the US or has a permanent residence permit in the US, the person is allegedly qualified for this scholarship,  even adults who want to go to continue school is also qualified for this scholarship. It is a good thing to know because most scholarship opportunities are limited to the level of studies and course of studies which most of the time make it difficult for some people who are really in need of those scholarships to apply for them, therefore college is a power scholarship is not in the category of scholarships to worry about for level and field of study. College is power made their scholarship open to reach almost everybody in the nooks and crannies of the study sector of America.

Host Nationality

America is proudly one of the most countries in the world with the largest scholarship providing platforms. With millions of dollars been invested in education every year, the College is Power Scholarship is another one from them. The United States has always been the initiator and provider of scholarships like this and this one is no different.   The primary aim of hosting this scholarship is to send those that have lost the hope of college back to college by giving them financial aids and other little incentives to make their college experience cool.

Eligible Nationality

The College is Power Scholarship is open to only citizens and permanent residents of the United States of America. This limitation is so as to make sure they reach the American citizens/residents who couldn’t afford to go to college because of financial constraints. It was the zeal to make the American citizens and school system better that triggered the provision of this scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

The first-place award of the College is Power Scholarship is worth $1,000. This is directly payable to the applicant or designated school.


To apply for the College is Power Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Students 17 years of age or older who are considering starting a higher education program within the next 12 months or who are currently enrolled in a higher education program.Candidates can be full-time or part-time students and take a program online or on campus.Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

How To Apply For College Is Power College 2022

To enter, complete the online application. If multiple applications are received, only the most recent will be used as the applicant’s official application. All valid entries will be reviewed by a judging committee. Based primarily on the submitted short essay, one winner will be selected. The decision of the judging committee is final. Step-by-step procedure of applying for the College is Power Scholarship:

Fill out a short form online.In 150 words or less, answer the following question:

What is your primary goal for going to school? Visit the web address below to fill out the required form:

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission for the College is Power Scholarship falls on May 31 or August 31 annually. For more information on the College Is Power Scholarship, applicants should click on the link;

More Scholarships For Adult Students

This is actually different from what most people believe in. Contrary to popular belief there are scholarships for adult students. To find scholarships that you have the best chance of winning, you are going to need to do some detective work. There are no shortcuts. But by doing so you will be able to not only find more awards but also awards that really fit your background and goals, which will dramatically increase your odds of winning. As an adult, you’ll find that there are two major types of scholarships. The first are scholarships specifically for adult students. There are a number of scholarships for “non-traditional” or “returning” students. Follow the link to find out more.

Financial Aid For Adult Students

Getting Your Share Of Federal Financial Aid; each year more than $143 billion is awarded in financial aid. With this much money being paid out, you definitely need to make sure that you get every penny that you deserve. Unfortunately, the biggest mistake that most adults make is not applying for financial aid because they assume they won’t qualify. Some adults even assume that financial aid is only for high school students! As long as you are working toward your first undergraduate or graduate degree, you can apply for financial aid regardless of your age.

Starting The Financial Aid Process

This is huge! The financial aid process begins by providing detailed information on your personal finances through a form known as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. Using your previous year’s taxes you will reveal all of the money that you have in savings, investments, and hidden Swiss bank accounts. If you are applying to a private college you may also have to provide additional information through the college’s own financial aid form or the College Board’s CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE form. Like the FAFSA, it asks similar questions about your finances. Here’s what happens. First, you submit the FAFSA to the government for processing. The government will in turn, pass on the results of their calculations to you in the Student’s form Aid Report (SAR) as well as to each college that you are applying to. The SAR provides your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), the amount that you are personally expected to contribute to your education. It is important to understand that all the government does is crunch the numbers you provide on the FAFSA and pass the results to the colleges. This means that you need to show on the FAFSA which colleges should receive the results.
