The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship that helps US high school students pay for college. What makes it all the more respected is that the Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Fund awards students scholarships based on their ability, individuality, and potential. The scholarship is more of a meritorious scholarship than a financial need scholarship. Thus, if you feel you have what it takes to have Bruce Fishkin invest their time and money in you, start thinking of applying. Of course, every individual is unique and have something worth investing in. Still, the Bruce Fishin scholarship is not for every high school student in the United State. So, in this post, we will let you know what you need to be qualified for the Bruce Fishkin 2019 scholarship. We will also guide you on how to apply and stand the chance to become a Bruce Fishkin scholarship recipient. In addition to this, we will share some tips from Bruce Fishkin scholarship finalists on writing a good scholarship essay.

About Bruce Fishkin Scholarship

The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship fund began its operation in 2010 and has been awarding scholarships annually ever since. This prestigious scholarship is interested in young students who are passionate about reaching greatness. Thus, the scholarship fund searches for high school students in their senior year who challenge themselves and attempt what others think is impossible. Right from inception, the Bruce Fishkin scholarship board has been awarding six (6) scholarships to these high-achieving high school seniors. Meanwhile, the board restricts the scholarship to students who either reside or attend high school in any one of the following areas: Although the scholarship is quite restrictive, the beauty of it is that it grants successful applicants an award that covers the entire cost of their college education. However, since the Bruce Fishkin scholarship is not a financial need scholarship, it is highly competitive. Applicants will pass through a rigorous selection process that involves writing an essay as well as personal interviews. So, if you have always known within you that you would achieve greatness if you get the chance, the Bruce Fishkin scholarship is your chance. Follow us through the following sections of this post to see how.

Level/Field of Study

The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship 2022 is available to high school seniors from the above-listed regions in the United States. However, since the scholarship is for attending college, it is for graduating high school students. Also, the selected finalist for this scholarship can apply it to any discipline and college of their choice.

Host Nationality

The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Fund is based in the United States and you can only take this 2022 scholarship in the US.

Eligible Nationality

Only students from the United States of America can win this scholarship. You can also be eligible for the scholarship if you are a US Permanent Resident residing in the catchment area of the scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

Bruce Fishkin awards this US high school scholarship in various amounts, up to a “full-ride.” By full ride, this scholarship is a fully funded one that covers up to 8 semesters of the student’s undergraduate education. The funding can cover tuition, room and board, books, supplies and equipment which the winner’s course syllabus requires. Also, students may transfer from one institution to another and still retain the award.

Scholarship Number

Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Fund awards six (6) students from the United States this scholarship towards a college education every year.

Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for the Bruce Fishkin scholarship, you must meet the following requirements: Must be a student entering your senior year of high school in the fall of 2019.

Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Essay Tips

Every year, the Bruce Fishkin scholarship board provides an essay prompt which applicants must write in not more than 500 words. The 2022 Bruce Fishkin Scholarship prompt is: The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship uses an online application form which you can access on their website. However, we will take you on a step by step guide on how to apply for this US high school scholarship.

If you were on the board of a scholarship selection committee 20 years from now, would you award the 17-year-old you a scholarship? Why or why not? On the application form, the scholarship board provides you a box, to type in your essay. However, the box may not show you how many words you have written. Also, you may not see if your essay is free of grammar error if you don’t have apps like Grammarly installed on your browser. So, for the best result, type your essay in your choice of a text editor (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then cut and paste it in the space below.

Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Essay Tips from Finalist

You may already be wondering how you’re going to go about the essay. Essay writing could be challenging and tricky as you may not know what the scholarship committee is looking for. Anyway, we have you covered. To be more specific about this scholarship, here is what Kivrea, a 2015 Bruce Fishkin Scholarship finalist said about writing the scholarship essay. Hey all, I did advance as a finalist. I have a 4.6 GPA, but not the best SAT scores. They actually emailed me before they decided who to pick because I told them I do independent astrophysics research and have derived multiple theories, but my math score was low, so I had to explain that. I did prove to them that I know my stuff and I told them that my Math 1 SAT Subject Test was scored a 710, so that was enough to pass me through.My essay was about my passion for quantum theory, math, and physics in general; the hardships during my academic career (moving a lot and trying to afford extra textbooks to learn new things); and my choice to transfer to a dual-enrollment school in hopes to get a better education than that which was available to me. I also mentioned their mission statement, early academic achievements, and that curiosity and fire is more important than a transcript. Hope that helps! PS. Just as a guideline, please tell your kids to never stretch the truth to make themselves seem more impressive. I had a friend who applied for college saying he ran his own business when he really only sold two tie-dye t-shirts to his friends. That’s a drastic situation, but important to keep in mind. Meanwhile, don’t play down on the academic qualification. Sandeep Bharadwaj, 2013 finalist of the Bruce Fishkin scholarship proceeded to win the National Merit Scholarship in the same year. He scored an almost perfect 790 on his SAT Chemistry subject test.

How does the Bruce Fishkin Scholarship Work?

When you proceed from a finalist to a recipient, Bruce Fishkin Scholarship fund expects you:

Important Dates

If you’re interested in the 2022 Bruce Fishkin scholarship, take note of the following dates: 01 SEP

Application Opens

The Bruce Fishkin Scholarship application for 2020 starts at exactly 12:00 AM CDT 15 OCT

Application Ends

The online application ends on this date at exactly 11:59 PM CDT. 15 FEB

Semi-Finalist Notification

Those who the scholarship board selects as semi-finalists will receive email notifications on this date. Semifinalists will have to attend a personal interview in their home city. 15 MAR

Finalist Notification

Those who the scholarship board selects as finalists will receive email notifications on this date. Finalists will have to attend a personal interview at a location which the scholarship board will determine. The Scholarship fund will also provide all travel arrangements for Finalists and one parent or guardian. 30 APR

Award Notification

The scholarship fund will notify finalists who will receive a scholarship on this date. Please do ensure to add to your email address book or “safe senders list” so these important emails don’t go to your junk mail folder. Meanwhile, you can get all the information about this scholarship by visiting the scholarship website below.


The Bruce Fishkin scholarship recognizes your uniqueness as an individual and gives you a chance to make your dream become a reality. The application for this prestigious scholarship began on 1st of September and would be ending on the 15th of October. It is available to only graduating high school seniors of selected regions in the United States, however. Read through the post and ensure to start your application today.

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