Each year, the Bethesda Auxiliary, in partnership with Bethesda, awards college and seminary students with scholarships for their commitment to the disabilities field and Lutheran ministry. Registrations are accepted every year. Five winners will be selected to receive the prizes. In this, we will be telling you in detail more about the Bethesda Auxiliary College Scholarship, like eligibility, scholarship worth, etc.

More About the Bethesda Auxiliary College Scholarship 2022

Bethesda is offering $30,000 in student scholarships for the 2022 school year. Looking at today’s students as the future of our organization, she supports youth planning to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She invites students, university/college, and up, to apply for one of our two Bethesda Student Scholastic and Service Scholarships. This year, Bethesda is awarding $30,000 in scholarships.

Level/Field of Study

The Bethesda Lutheran scholarships for college students will be awarded to junior and senior students pursuing undergraduate degrees in any academic field that will prepare them to serve and support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Host Nationality

Scholarships are awarded by the Bethesda Auxiliary in partnership with Bethesda in the USA. The Helper is a national organization committed to faith, word, and action by sharing Jesus’ love with people with intellectual disabilities in partnership with Bethesda.

Eligible Nationality

US citizens can apply for this Bethesda Lutheran Community scholarship program from Bethesda Auxiliary College.

Scholarship Worth

Each recipient of the Bethesda Lutheran scholarships for college students is awarded  $3,000.


To qualify for the Bethesda Lutheran student scholarships 2021, applicants must adhere to the following:

Be an active and communicative member of a Lutheran community.Be a junior or senior at a recognized college or university.Have a minimum total GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.Have a career goal in the field of mental disability and development.Be a US citizen.

About Scholarship Scheme

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has as its mandate to develop and regulate the Information Technology in Nigeria. Developing and regulating IT will support in transforming Nigeria into an IT driven economy for global competitiveness and the dire need of digital literacy. The Agency has since 2010 established a scholarship scheme for Masters and Doctoral degree in relevant areas of Information Technology (IT) and ICT Law obtainable in Nigerian (Government and Private) Universities. Minimum requirements: Ph.D.: Only University and Polytechnic Lecturers with MSc in any Information Technology-related field are eligible to apply for sponsorship.MSc: Holders of First Class or Second Class (Upper) Honours Bachelor’s degree, in Information Technology related field and Law.

How to Apply

Download the application form and fill in the link below: Bethesda-auxiliary-college-scholarship Applicants are to write a 250-300 word essay on how the intended academic course of study will support their career in the field of intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission is May 17, annually.

For more information on Bethesda Lutheran student scholarships 2021, interested applicants should click on the link below: Scholarships