And like I would love to guess, you love to give yourself a dose of soft getaway from time to time while still grinding your grades. Okay! In this article, I’ll show you what I’m so sure you’ll really love to see. So, for an overview of what to expect in this article, kindly click the table of content below. Find the best universities in Barbados and browse through their programs to find the ones that suit you in this article. Ride on with me, I promise, it’s surely going to be a very smooth ride.

Interesting facts about Barbados

Barbados is one of the most stable locations in the world for business with prime investment opportunities and incentives. As you would love to know, it is the hub for fun. The Barbadians have been blessed with a cool and serene atmosphere that is refreshingly different. Barbados is a small English speaking country found on the eastern Caribbean island in North America. The country has the purest of souls with the most beautiful culture known to man. The people of Barbados are usually known as Barbadians officially but they know themselves by a local name ‘Bajans’ which is pronounced as Bay-juns. Barbados was colonized by Britain and continued to remain under British rule right up until 1966 when it gained its independence. For so long a time, sugar has remained the primary agricultural product in Barbados and the major source of revenue but there has been a terrible reduction in the number of cane fields. As a result of the reduction in the number of cane fields, the economy has diversified into tourism, including golf courses, hotels, and upmarket residential communities. It also has offshore reserves of oil and natural gas.

Tourism in Barbados

Currently, tourism is now the backbone of the economy, followed closely by international business services and technology-based industries. Bajans are commonly described as quick-witted, chatty and very friendly people. Boasting a long history of high educational standards, Barbados has supplied the world with a phenomenal array of scholars, professionals, artists, musicians, sportsmen, leaders, and one-of-a-kind characters, to say the least.   When you want to describe Barbados in the simplest term, you would say it is a melting pot of people coming from many different cultures and influences. Now let’s see some of the best colleges and universities n Barbados.

What are the best Universities and Colleges in Barbados?

There are various schools in Barbados where students can acquire undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. In the list you will find below, we have given some of the best universities and colleges in Barbados where you can pursue your programs. We have ranked these schools majorly according to their popularity, the number of courses they offer and alumni base. Do really take your time to see them. Please note: The following schools are also open to international students who may also want to attend. What you will find next will give you an in-depth knowledge of all the listed schools. Do really have a good read. Apply now for the 2021 Caribbean Innovation Competition (Win Prize of US$5,000)

University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus Barbados

The University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus’ is unarguably the best university in Barbados. Cave Hill Campus is a renowned tertiary institution in Barbados and a beacon of academic excellence both regionally and internationally. The campus was initially designed to accommodate only 500 students. However, the demand for quality education coupled with the Campus’ growing tradition of excellence led to an exponential growth in student number. Cave Campus is now home to a vibrant and diverse student community from over 35 countries of the world which include China, Brazil, USA, UK and Italy. As a result of the increased demand for quality for education by local and international students, the student number rose to the range of 7,000 – 9000 students per annum. The university’s academic programs offer diversity at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. There are 5 faculties with supporting academic departments; various research units & centers; and two graduate institutions and more than 250 programs. The UWI, Cave Hill is accredited and it might interest you to know that the Cave Hill campus of UWI was in 2011 ranked in the global ranking for masters programs as follows:

MSc. Building and Construction Management was among the best 100 programs globally.MSc. International Management was ranked among the top 200 best Master’s in International Management;MSc. Project Management and Evaluation was ranked among the top 200 Master’s in Engineering and Project Management and;MSc. Management with Concentrations was ranked among the best 200 globally.

You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

University of the West Indies Open Campus

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus is one of the four campuses that make up the pillars of The UWI, which was established in 1948. The institutionally accredited UWI serves the people of the region by offering higher, distance, and continuing education products, research and innovation, and outreach services from all of its locations across the Caribbean region. The Open Campus has developed a unique approach in the Caribbean region to enhancing the student experience in innovative continuing and professional education, undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education study programs and courses by distance, blended, online, and face-to-face learning modes. The school got its accreditation on July 10, 2014, and ever since has stood out as one of the best in the region. The school which has about 23,000 students has offered 104 postgraduate awards while 79 of its undergraduate students have graduated with first-class honors. Interestingly, the UWI offers online programs too. In addition to all their online and blended programs, the Open Campus has almost 50 in-country site locations in 17 Caribbean countries where they offer more than 200 full academic programs and numerous short continuing and professional education courses. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Barbados Community College

The Barbados Community College is the third-best college in Barbados after the UWI Open Campus. The school is a dynamic center of learning which has been established to meet the changing education, training, and development needs of the Barbadian community. The school was established in 1968 and endorsed in 1990 and ever since the school has been providing its students with a range of courses and programs of study in its conducive learning environment.
Students who attend Barbados Community College will find the following programs:

Associate Degree Programmes

Applied Arts ProgrammesApplied Science ProgrammesMajor in ArtsMajor in Science

Non-Associate Degree Courses

Certificates & DiplomasPost-Associate Degree DiplomasPost-Graduate Degree Diplomas

Bachelor Degree Programmes

B Ed (Technical/Vocational Training)Bachelor of Fine ArtsBachelor of Science (Tourism & Hospitality Management, Pharmacy, Nursing)

You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

American University of Barbados

Another notable university in Barbados is the American University of Barbados, School of Medicine. Over the years, the American University School of Medicine in Barbados has stood out as a beacon of excellence in the Island nation of Barbados. With the strength of its highly accomplished faculty and effective teaching methodology, AUB has been providing quality medical education to students from around the world. The mission of this school is to provide the world with a generation of physicians who are not just equipped with the most contemporary medical knowledge but are also empathetic in their practice. The conducive learning environment at the AUB has in no small way promoted professional and personal growth all the years. AUB teaches with a USA medical curriculum known as USMLE. The school has a small teacher-to-student ratio which allows for a more personalized learning experience. The school is accredited by CAAM-HP which is The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions. Furthermore, the school has accreditation from the Barbados Accreditation Council (BAC). The AUB has been licensed & recognized by the Ministry of Education, Barbados, and also certified by ECFMG and World Federation for Medical Education. It is also recognized by the Medical Council of Canada and the Medical Council of India. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

American University of Integrative Sciences

If what you desire is to become a practicing physician in the United States or Canada, you should understand that one of the requirements is that your education meets US medical standards. On this premise, AUIS has a track record of producing doctors who make this match right on their first attempt. As one of the best colleges in Barbados, this school has a mission to really educate and inspire leadership in healthcare. Additionally, they are interested in creating excellence in people and while also creating an environment where all people feel included, valued, celebrated, and respected. At AUIS, students can find programs such as Bachelor of Medical Sciences awarded as BMSc. They can also find M.D. Programs which leads to the award of Doctor of Medicine. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Washington University of Barbados

If you desire to study medicine in the Caribbean, then consider Washington University of Barbados and study on the beautiful island of Barbados. As one of the cheapest colleges in Barbados where you will attain a high-quality medical education at rates that you can easily afford. At WUB, you will have access to 13 Medical Specialty Schools and where you will experience a touch of excellence. In a nutshell, WUB has the best medical minds in the Caribbean imparting knowledge to students. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Victoria University of Barbados

Victoria University of Barbados is one of the top medical universities in the Caribbean. The school takes its position as the 7th best university in Barbados. VUB offers a perfect blend of quality medical education and quality life for its students. Victoria University of Barbados offers a 4-Year and a 5-Year Program for MD. The program is an undergraduate program and is equivalent to MBBS. This syllabus of the MD Program is based on the US medical curriculum and follows the standard of MD in America. At Victoria University of Barbados, students are enabled to become exceptional doctors. It might interest you to know, VUB is chartered/ licensed and recognized by the Ministry of Education. It also has an endorsement from the Government of Barbados and is also recognized by the Medical Council of India. A visit to the VUB Campus will convince you of the University’s serene accommodation facilities required for productive daily student life. The campus is air-conditioned and provides a free Wi-Fi facility, packed with 24/7 security. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Bridgetown International University

Bridgetown International University is one of the notable and renowned universities in Barbados. The school came alive in 2016 with a clear mission to provide quality and affordable medical education to aspiring doctors. Furthermore, the school aims to add more physicians to the healthcare ecosystem of the world thereby contributing to the betterment of health for all.  The MD programs at BIU have been designed (equivalent to MBBS) based on the US medical curriculum which adheres to international standards. BIU is thoroughly equipped with the latest state-of-the-art facilities. It has an anatomy lab, microbiology lab, computer lab, library. Some of the programs students can find at BIU include 5-Year MD Program, 1-Year Pre-Medical, 2-Year Basic Sciences, 2-Year Clinical Sciences. BIU has accreditation from various appropriate bodies such as the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below. READ Best Universities In Guyana For International Students 2022 | Rankings

Queen’s University College of Medicine Barbados QUCOM

I tell you, your journey towards a beautiful medical career begins with this beautiful school. Queen’s University College of Medicine is one of the best universities in Barbados to reckon with. Queen’s University College of Medicine offers a college track four-year medical program. The four-year program is specifically for those who have a college degree and have satisfied the pre-med requirements.  The school also offers a 5.5-year program for international students who have graduated from high school and desire to complete pre-med as part of their path to medical school. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Ross University School of Medicine

Ross University School of Medicine is one of the oldest and most accomplished Caribbean medical schools. It is listed as the 10th best university in Barbados. Founded in 1978, Ross University School of Medicine has been providing students with the foundation they need to pursue successful careers in medicine for over 40 years. Ross has a number of programs for students looking to pursue a medical degree. The school has more than 14,000+ alumni who are practicing all over the United States and Canada.
Ross University School of Medicine is accredited by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions and many other appropriate bodies too. See all accreditation here. You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Codrington College

Codrington College is an Anglican theological college situated in St. John, Barbados now affiliated with the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill. The school is the oldest Anglican theological college in the Caribbean. Students attending Codrington College can find various programs they can offer in theology. Some of the programs are found below: Diploma in Theological Studies: This is a two-year program designed for laypeople who are leaders in their church. It is designed to teach and equip them with the principles of church and Christian leadership. Bachelor of Arts (Theology): The BA (Theology) degree is also designed to prepare individuals to become Anglican ministers. This comes in two packages, one is as a three-year program and the other is as a four-ear program. Students may opt for a three-year program or a four-year program. The entry requirements are the same as entry to the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Students can also find a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in theology.  You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below. See this list of Best Universities in Jamaica for International Students 2022 | Ranking

Erdiston Teachers’ Training College

The Erdiston Teachers’ Training College is one of the best universities in Barbados, located in Pine Hill, Bridgetown, Barbados. It is affiliated with the School of Education of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Erdiston is basically involved with the training of teachers and as a result, offers the following programs: Diploma in Education: This is a part-time, in-service post-graduate diploma program for practicing teachers who have university degrees but have not participated in professional education related to pedagogical techniques. Usually, the program starts with four weeks introduction into the program in the summer and then continues with twice-a-week evening lessons which last one year. The school also offers Certificate programs in Early Childhood Education, Care & Development, Physical Education, and in Special Needs Education. This one is particularly for teachers and non-teachers too with special interests. Bachelor of Education: This BSc. program at Erdiston is designed to prepare and equip students who wish to enter the teaching profession. Practicing teachers who have a diploma or an Associate Degree and who wish to upgrade to a bachelor’s degree can enroll for this program. Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership: This program specially prepares and equips teachers for leadership roles in schools. Applicants must have a university degree and a teacher education qualification. Erdiston Teachers’ Training College is registered with the Barbados Accreditation Council but is not yet accredited by it You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology

The Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology is a technical and vocational institution founded in Pine Hill, Bridgetown, Barbados. On average, 3,000 people apply annually to SJPI, which accepts roughly 50%. One of the constraints of this school is the space to accommodate all of its students. Sometimes they turn down some applications so as not to keep them stranded. At Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology, students can find programs in the following:

Agriculture (including crop husbandry, animal husbandry, and landscaping & horticulture)Automotive and Welding Engineering (including welding, auto-body repair, maritime operations, motor vehicle engineering, and small engine repair)Building Studies (including carpentry & joinery, masonry, plumbing, painting & decorating, and cabinet & furniture making)Business Studies (including accounting and office administration)Electrical Engineering (including electronics servicing, electrical installation, refrigeration & air conditioning, microcomputers, and network technologies)General StudiesHuman Ecology (including nursing auxiliary, catering, cosmetology, aesthetics, garment technology, hairdressing, beauty therapy, and home economics)Mechanical Engineering and Printing (including mechanical maintenance, and graphic design & print)

On completion of these programs, students are awarded certificates in diploma. SJPI is registered, but not accredited, by the Barbados Accreditation Council
You can take a quick flight to the school using the link below.

How much it will cost you to study medicine in the Caribbean largely depends on the school you are getting your training from. Tuition fees differ from school. Depending on the school, you may spend between $10,000 to $45,000 in school on tuition.

St. George’s University School of Medicine is the best Caribbean medical school.

Attending medical school in the Caribbean takes an average of 4.5 years to 5.5 years

According to, St. George’s University School of Medicine, American university of the Caribbean School of Medicine, Saba University School of Medicine, Ross University School of Medicine

Education in Barbados is based on the British model. It is free and compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16


Attending one of these best universities in Barbados will leave you with an experience you won’t forget in a hurry. Aside from attending the best schools and acquiring degrees, you will get to see some of the beautiful places around the country and catch a feel of nature’s gentle touch.

Author’s Recommendation
