Alumni and current students of Babcock are of the opinion that the surest guide to getting at least 70 percent of your Post UTME questions correctly is the Past questions and Answers for Babcock Post UTME. So, to quickly get yours follow the prompt below or read on to get vital information about BABCOCK Post UTME and the Past Questions. Pay the sum of one thousand Naira into this bank detail to get a copy immediately.Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech LimitedAccount Number: 0546392167Bank Name: GT BANKCONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.comIt is really important, however, that you read this article to the end to get other vital information.

What is the Nature of Babcock University Post UTME?

Babcock university’s school fees range from two hundred thousand Naira to five hundred thousand Naira. For this reason, the Post UTME council are quite strict with their selection process. This is basically to be certain that only a few students who are willing to study get a placement in BABCOCK get admission. Nevertheless, pay attention to the following to prepare for admission in BABCOCK University.

What is the General Post UTME cutoff mark for BABCOCK University?

Babcock University UTME cut off mark is 180. This simply means only candidates who score 180 and above in UTME are eligible to register for Babcock Post UTME. It is, however, important to note that 180 is a general UTME score. Gaining admission with 180 into Babcock solely depends on how many students are seeking the same position, and what they have scored that year. In fact, you may score 180 and still not stand a chance especially if you do poorly in Babcock Post UTME screening exercise. Also, considering professional courses at Babcock simply means you must score at least 200 in the last UTME examination. See the Post Utme Past questions for other schools here. Get one and start practicing immediately.


Simply get a sheet of paper, write out all you would loose this year if you fail Babcock University Post Utme. Try attaching a price value to them and try equating it to one thousand Naira. If it is more, then quickly get a copy of BABCOCK University Post UTME. Also, students and alumni of this very competitive university are of the opinion that 70 percent of the questions they met on the exam day was not foreign to them. When asked why they all insisted that they had seen something similar in the past questions during their study. So, get a copy immediately. Their testimonial is a clear indication that Babcock randomly repeats questions from previous years. Interestingly, getting a copy of Babcock Post Utme past questions and answers will give you direct access to information and tips that will help you gain admission into the university from our team of experts. Aside from that, this team will connect you with your colleagues; so you can easily share ideas and relevant information and even new discoveries.

How to Get the BABCOCK POST UTME Past Questions and Answers

The BABCOCK Post UTME past question cost N1,000 for your subject combination and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Subject Combination

You will write the same subject combination you wrote in UTME for the BABCOCK Post-UTME. So, we have compiled the subject combination you wrote in UTME based on the course you applied for in BABCOCK. Therefore, all you need do is specify the course you applied for in the description of your payment.

STEP 2: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original BABCOCK Post UTME past questions and answer. They are:

  1. Debit Card2. Bank Transfer3. Direct Bank Deposit For all methods of payments, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech LimitedAccount Number: 0546392167Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 3: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll get the full pdf file Downloaded to your device immediately. Click the button below to download the available BABCOCK Post UTME Past Questions and Answers. Please contact us on 07012040283 or mail us at to request past questions about other courses at BABCOCK University. If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “The Type of BABCOCK Post UTME Past Question you’re purchasing.” e.g “BABCOCK Medicine and Surgery Past Question.” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly. If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

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Free BABCOCK University Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers

There are fifty (50) questions comprising English Langauge, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Note, each subject expect Mathematics are of two groups A and B. Below are the questions

Post UTME Past Questions for the English Language

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s) 1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the… (A) break out(B) break up (C) break-in (D) break into Ans: C 2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed (A) begged for mercy (B) made a plea for mitigation (C) made an ovation (D) made a plea for litigation Ans: B 3. The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. (A)seize (B) cease (C) sieze (D) sease Ans: A 4. If you are going to the market, may I… please? (A) follow you (B)come with you (C) come by you (D) come as your second Ans: B 5. Thank you for the party, we really… (A) enjoyed ourselves (B)enjoyed (C) enjoyed very much (D) enjoyed too much. Ans: B

Post UTME Past Questions for Mathematics

1. The second and fifth terms of a geometric progression are 21 and 567 respectively find the first term and the common ratio of the progression. (A) 3, 7 (B) 7, 3 (C) -7, 3 (D) -3, 7 Ans: B 2. Tunse bought a house for =N=1,250,000 and spent =N=350,000.00 to renovate it. He then sold the house for =N=2,000,000.00. What is the percentage gain? (A) 40% (B) 65% (C) 35% (D) 32% Ans: D 3. List the integral values of which satisfy the inequality -2 < 7 – 3x≤ 10 (A) -1, 0, 1, 2 (B) -2, 0, 1 (C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 0, 1,2 Ans: A 4. In a class, 120 students speak English or French or both. 70 speak English and 55 speak French. How many speak English but not French. (A) 45 (B) 50 (C) 55 (D) 60 Ans: C 5. The lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle are ym, (3y – 1)m and (3y + 1)m, find y. (A) 12 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 4 Ans: A

Post UTME Past Questions for Biology

1. The muscle cell fluid of an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid. Explain what could have caused this. The (A) athlete must have eaten food containing a lactic acid (B) athlete must have injected lactic acid into his blood just before the race (C)athlete must have carried out anaerobic respiration during the race (D) athlete must have inhaled lactic acid from the environment during the race. Ans: C 2. One of this is not a continuous variation (A) height (B) weight (C)tongue rolling (D) skin colour Ans: C 3. One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened(A) molluscs (B) insects (C) nematodes (D) annelids Ans: C 4. The roots hairs are for (A) strength and support (B) conducting liquid (C)absorption of water and salt (D) penetration into the soil Ans: C 5. The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to (A) genetic variation (B) phenotype (C) genome (D) genotype Ans: A

Post UTME Past Questions for Physics

1. Starting from rest a car of mass 1000kg accelerates steadily to 20m/s in 10 sec, what is the average power developed? (A) 0.2kw (B) 4.0kw (C) 10kw (D) 15kw (E)20kw  Ans: E 2. A gun of mass 0.1kg has a bullet of mass 0.1kg , the bullet leaves the piston when fired at a velocity of 200m/s , find the final velocity (A) 20m/s (B) 23m/s (C) 30m/s (D) 45m/s (E) 15m/s Ans: A 3. Which of the following pairs has one vector and one scalar quantity? (A) displacement, acceleration (B) potential energy, work (C) speed, power (D)kinetic energy, force (E) velocity, momentum Ans: D 4. If p is the momentum of an object, then the expression P2/m has the same units as(A) acceleration(B) Energy (C) force (D) impulse(E) power Ans: B 5. A ship floating in the clear water of density 1000kg moves to sea-water of density 1050kg where it floats, the upthrust on the ship then (A)stays constant (B) decreases (C) increases (D) increases by 0.05 times (E) decreases by 0.05 times Ans: A
