According to NIH, Flexner stated in 1910 that the physician’s function is fast becoming social and preventive rather than individual and curative. While that transformation did not take place, a broadened view of the physician’s role has been developing. This view sees the physician as encompassing health-promoting functions and emphasizing caring and curing. In this article, we will discuss the accredited PA schools in Minnesota, what it takes to become a PA and the important roles they play in society. The table of content below clearly outlines all you’ll learn in this content.

Why Study Physician Assistant PA In Minnesota?

Minnesota is one state in the United States of America with a lot of lakes in it. However, some people love the view of seas and see it as a perfect residential area. Indeed, the community keeps growing every coming year. Because of the growing community, there are few medical personnel available in the city that can attend to the growing population. In fact, it wasn’t until recently that the University of Minnesota added PA programs to their offerings. So, as we know the role of a physician is very necessary. There are few physicians in this state that can contain the growing population problem. So, if you’re thinking about becoming a physician assistant, now is the right time to enrol into any of the PA schools in Minnesota.

How Long Is a PA School In Minnesota?

PA schools are not like the normal schools you attend. It takes a lot of diligence, patience, hard work and practice. Most times, you might have to use your bedtime to practice and study. Above all, for PA schools in Minnesota, it takes about 12 to 24 months to complete a PA program. So, be ready and prepared.

What Is The Job Outlook and Salary Of A Physician Assistant in Minnesota?

The Department of Employment and Economic Department has projected that the number of jobs for physician assistants in Minnesota will explode between 2012 and 2022, with an expected job growth rate of 34.5%. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics published a report which shows that the salary analysis of physician assistants in Minnesota which shows that over 90% earn $138,216. As the need for more physician assistants arises, this salary will experience a shoot up as their duty is vital to human survival.

Can I Be Accepted Into a Physician Assistant PA School In Minnesota Without GRE?

The Graduate Records Examinations (GRE) seeks to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that you may have gotten. The exam usually comprises certain specific algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and vocabulary sections. Furthermore, it is a computer-based exam administered at testing centres and institutions owned or allowed by Prometric. In summary, there are PA Schools in Minnesota that don’t require a GRE before you can get admission. One of those schools is Bethel University.

What is the least GPA for admission into a PA School In Minnesota?

CGPA is your Cumulative Grade Point Average which is a calculation of your total performance while you are in or just completed a program. Before you can gain admission into a PA school in Minnesota, it’s very important that you know that you must have a good cumulative grade point average which should be nothing less than 3.0

Accredited Physician Assistant (PA) Schools in Minnesota

Understanding how difficult finding a PA school already is, you would understand why you can experience a higher level of difficulty finding an accredited one. However, the schools below are the best PA schools in Minnesota you can find. These schools include;

#5. St Scholastica

St. Scholastica has always had the respect and admiration of other institutions because of their professional health programs. Although they didn’t have certain programs, they still did well. Hence, in order to further build their strength, they introduced the Physician Assistant program. Participants interested in this program will bridge the knowledge gap created by the lack of physicians in Minnesota. Increased health care costs also added to this project as well which has become very successful. A beautiful aspect of St. Scholastica’s program offering is that you can pursue a Physician assistant program without a degree. However, in order to do this, you must complete a Pre-Physician Assistant program successfully before you proceed to the Master’s program. Since accreditation for this program was completed, thousands of students keep sending applications to become Physician Assistants. So, you can send in your application to become a PA at one of the best PA schools in Minnesota.

#4. St Catherine University

St. Kate’s Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) is the PA program that St. Catherine University offers. All interested candidates for this program will eventually learn how to lead and manage healthcare teams and hazards. A beautiful part of the program is the supportive environment which propels hard work and research among the students. In this program, you get access to experts within your community, rigid support systems, dedicated and supporting faculty, and quality clinical sites as well. The school has a creative curriculum which allows them to combine social justice, professional responsibility and ethics into their program. It takes at least 28 months to complete the PA program at St. Catherine as every student has to take at least 110 credits. The first year is completely spent on classroom interactions and hands-on experience. The University advises students not to joggle between their studies and another job as it can be very tedious. Instead, they encourage them to seek scholarship opportunities in Georgia for students.

#3. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science

The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science is one of the best PA schools in Minnesota. By a wide scope, they surely stand out as an exceptional place to become a physician assistant. Their 40+ health career programs support this statement. This school offers numerous different programs on PA including nurse practising as well. All their programs are fellowship programs which span for one to two years depending on your choice of program. As an interested candidate, you only need to ensure you fit the requirements listed for your program of choice. Then, you produce the required documents and start your program if Mayo Clinic College believes you can work with them.

#2. Bethel University

Bethel’s Master of Science in Physician Assistant program assists students to become competent and compassionate physician assistants. The program focuses on pioneering healthcare programs and equipping its students to work closely with senior physicians. The curriculum of this program is solely interested in helping you better faster with their state-of-the-art training facility which uses technologies to embrace learning. More so, each professor uses and integrates the Christian faith into their lessons. This PA program is a Master’s program that helps students provide meaningful care to society. The learning is purely face-to-face as it is highly practical and insightful. All the students must complete their 112 credits.

#1. Augsburg University

Augsburg PA program has a foundational belief in respect and sensitivity towards an underserved population seeking medical care. Indeed, the program promotes a strong dedication to excellence as well with due observation of the highest standards of ethics and commitment. Each student gets training using an active-learning model that incorporates hands-on-skill workshops and small group interactions. Before each practice, every student gets the assignment material which they will use to practice their medical knowledge. Augsburg’s PA department has experienced great levels of success as 100% of its students have passed the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam. Indeed, they remain creative as they gradually expand their borders. Hence, it would be inconclusive to list the best PA schools in Minnesota without listing Augsburg. You can become a physician assistant in Minnesota when you pursue a program in PA at any of the accredited institutions. Yes. The University of Minnesota is starting up a PA program in association with the Mayo College School of Medicine. A PA attends medical school while an NP attends nursing school. A PA school costs an average of $70,000 for the period of study. Physician assistant school is difficult at all. You must work hard and be focused to avoid making mistakes.


You can’t rely on what you hear from your associates to define whether you become a physician assistant. If only you can perform your personal research, you would be shocked at the amazing results you would encounter. You’ve probably seen the statistics and read the whole post thoroughly. Indeed, you would see that there is a whole bright future ahead for any Minnesota indigene interested in the PA career path. You wouldn’t know the possibilities that are available for you when you cannot take up such an opportunity. Of a truth, you can make an impact in your little community when you contribute towards their growth as a physician assistant.
