With the emergence of virtual activities, physical activities are limited to an extent. Besides, there are online volunteer opportunities for high school students that will help you achieve your dreams of service to humanity.  Although excellent grades and enticing test scores are usually the major focus, your resume and extracurricular activities speak volumes in terms of admission. To build your extracurricular activities, you need among many options, community service. Community service is a way to serve humanity without expecting anything in return.

How Does Online Volunteering Work?

Volunteering, in its simplest term, means an act of service. Online volunteering can be carried out over the phone or online. This is not to say that all volunteers are carried out online. No, because there are some offline volunteer activities too. Those with busy schedules and students alike can prefer to carry out online volunteering duty within their limited timeframe. In modern times, there are numerous volunteer opportunities for high school students.  READ ALSO: 10 Best Volunteering Virginia Beach Opportunities In 2022

Why You Should Take Up Volunteer Opportunities

Below are ways you can make a difference in people’s lives through volunteering:

It helps you to know what you are capable of doing: helping the elderly and less privileged, sending appreciation messages, proofreading books, caring for pets, helping to interpret languages, and other ways of volunteering, you are positively impacting other people. You may never know how much you can do until you start.You will know your worth: you may learn to appreciate your abilities and understand that success is not only achieved through academic excellence. By doing other things that can put smiles on people’s faces, you are elevating your self-worth. Hence, you will feel competent and you can identify your abilities through volunteering.It helps you to widen your social circle: of course, you are going to meet people of diverse backgrounds through volunteering. You will meet like-minded people and some of them are going to rub off positively on you. As a result, you will learn how to communicate, act and relate with other people.You will develop life skills. Not all life skills are taught in school. You can also learn them through practical means. You will learn hands-on skills like problem-solving, communication, public speaking, collaboration, teamwork, and others that are necessary for your resume.

If you are passionate about donating your time to a worthy cause, then, you have found the best place to explore. Below, we are going to consider the top 30.

30 Best Online Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

Here is a list of the best online volunteer opportunities for high school students:

1. Career Village 

For students seeking practical advice regarding their future profession, Career Village is the best online opportunity for you. Numerous volunteers are handy to give practical advice based on their experiences. As a high school student, do not think it is not for you, you can join and contribute your quota towards the ongoing discussions.

2. Cards for Cause

Cards for cause are established to enable individuals to craft a handmade card inscribed with the goodness of uplifting messages aimed to bring comfort and joy to the person who might be needing it. Amazingly, there is no limit to the number of cards you can send to Cards for Cause, the organization that ensures the card is properly distributed to the right individuals. With the cards, you can touch as many lives as possible. However, you do not just get to the platform and start sending in your cards, you must find out their terms and conditions.  VISIT WEBSITE

3. TeensGive 

Some students from low-income or minority countries do not have access to quality education. The pandemic did not even help the situation due to technological barriers and inadequate resources to offer quality educational training. As a result, those students struggle to learn with the limited resources available. Some of them include homeless children. Undeserved schools and ex-gang members trying to catch up. You can join Teensgive.org, to tutor underprivileged and other students online, especially stud,0ents in grades 9 – 11. The platform pairs students and online tutors. VISIT WEBSITE

4. Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes is an online volunteer for students who might be interested in the healthcare sector. It has a video app through which student volunteers might communicate with those with visual impairment by assisting them to do certain things like checking the expiration dates or reading instructions on items. VISIT WEBSITE

5. Translator without Borders

Students who are fluent in a second language can take up this volunteer role. They can carry out online volunteer service by helping in translating texts, audios, and videos for international organizations whose focus is on providing relief to crises situations, education, and health. VISIT WEBSITE

6. Bookshare

Bookshare aims to provide access to reading for people with certain challenges like dyslexia, visual impairments, physical disabilities, and learning disabilities. The volunteers for Bookshare also help in proofreading materials by scanning through new books to help improve the collections.  VISIT WEBSITE

7. Schools on Wheels

This is another amazing online volunteer opportunity for high school students. Volunteers are usually between 16 and 18 and must reside in Southern California. These volunteers work with children who live in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes as well the streets. They work with children between kindergarten and grade 12, offering them educational assistants.  VISIT WEBSITE

8. Learn to Be

This is an online community tutoring platform where students can volunteer their time to teach students within the range of elementary and high school on a one-on-one level by offering to tutor them on the subjects they need help with the most.  VISIT WEBSITE

9. Teenangels

The platform offers opportunities to students who dream of having a job in cybersecurity or are interested in varieties of computer topics. The volunteers must be between ages 13 and 18 and willing to teach parents, kids, and teachers how to safely and responsibly use the internet. VISIT WEBSITE

10. Mozilla

Mozilla does not just own the popular browser, Firefox, it also runs a nonprofit and is always in need of volunteers. If you are computer savvy and can perform online volunteer service, that means you can find this role interesting. Among your roles include designing, testing, and programming. VISIT WEBSITE READ ALSO: 20 Best Volunteering Week Activity Ideas In 2022

11. Donate Code 

If you have coding skills, you can start building your portfolios, develop your skills teach others who cannot afford the money. The platform, Donate Code, is a medium through which communities and groups meet with high school students who can donate their time and skills to teach them.  VISIT WEBSITE

12. DemocracyLab

If you have experience in technology and are willing to teach others, you can volunteer for DemocracyLab where there are loads of tech-for-good projects to benefit different industries like education civil infrastructure, and the environment. VISIT WEBSITE

13. TechSoup

This platform provides opportunities for high school students to provide tips and helpful advice. The company, on the other hand, uses the advice and tips provided to improve its products and services to reach a wider audience.  VISIT WEBSITE

14. Citizen Scholar

This volunteer service offers opportunities to history experts who are interested to work with the Smithsonian Institute, the largest museum and research complex in the world. The institute focuses on transcribing historic documents and papers of famous American citizens in addition to records from Smithsonian’s scientific collections and making them more accessible to the public and researchers, in particular.

15. Amnesty Decoders

Amnesty Decoders is a platform where volunteers use their phones and computers to search through the internet to get pictures, documents, and vital information that will help them to expose human rights projects. Such projects include tweets and posts that are abusive to women and vulnerable groups as well as other derogatory tweets that negate human rights. VISIT WEBSITE

16. Adopt a Nursing Home

The Texas Health Care Association, Adopt a Nursing Home, is focused on connecting volunteers with residents and staff while providing a platform where the volunteers can send online messages that will help in uplifting the spirits of the members and helping them to cope with their isolated conditions.  VISIT WEBSITE

17. Lifetime Connections Without Walls

Senior high school students who are interested in supporting the elderly are provided with the opportunity to help them in learning online. These elderly have a broad range of classes and activities they can join from the comfort of their homes. However, they need some reminders and assistance in assessing their online classes, of which you can be a part. VISIT WEBSITE

18. Best Buddies

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are the targets of Best Buddies. This is where you come in as a volunteer by helping the platform send mail to the learners on a biweekly basis. In their e-Buddies program, you are paired with a buddy based on interest, games, and location, which is great for networking and helping the person feel more included. As a result, people who live in the same location are not paired with one another. Related Post: What Is Virtual Volunteering? A Complete Guide On Virtual Volunteering In 2022 VISIT WEBSITE

19. Girls Inc.

If you feel you have limited time and may not volunteer, you might reconsider as Girls Inc. only requires your five minutes a week to work for them. You will become their social media ambassador and so, help in creating and sharing social posts that aim to teach girls how to traverse economic and social barriers as well as help them grow up healthy, educated, and independent. VISIT WEBSITE

20. Crisis Text Line

The organization hires volunteers who are willing to talk to individuals undergoing a range of emotional turbulence like depression, eating disorders, stress, and anxiety. You will be trained on how to carry out the counseling and intervention. Therefore, your commitment is required to take up the role. For the training, you will be expected to put in 30 hours of internet-based training and another 200 hours (broken down into four hours a week) to enable you to serve out your commitment once you join the team. Additionally, you may be required to work at odd hours aimed to help the victim find strength. VISIT WEBSITE

21. Tarjimly 

This is a platform that also provides language assistance to people who face language barriers.  You must be bilingual or multilingual to be able to navigate this platform.  As a result, you will engage and chat live with refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, and humanitarian workers who need language access to quickly resolve an issue. The chats involve video and voice calls, and also sharing images and documents. This might cost you between 30 seconds and five minutes of your time. By doing this, you are helping humanity. VISIT WEBSITE

22. The Kids Circle Foundation

The purpose of the organization is to virtually provide guidance, support, and companionship to kids in the hospital or those with learning disabilities. You can also tutor online by helping with assignments, becoming a social media manager, graphic designer, web developer, or joining the outreach team. All you can do is pick up the project you can handle and focus on it. In the end, every one of you contributed to your quota and offered immense help to the kids. VISIT WEBSITE

23. iMentor

Youths in underserved communities are offered help to find their way to college by this foundation. They work closely with participating schools and students are paired with college-educated professionals who can provide support for their goals. Members can meet once a week online and once a month in person. Hence, the volunteer opportunity is not virtual. Nevertheless, every commitment you made towards it is worth every penny. VISIT WEBSITE

24. Writing Wonders Organisation

This organization came into existence amid the COVID-19 pandemic to spread kindness to the world through writing letters and creating original artwork. The letters are as short as one paragraph and as long as four paragraphs, while the artwork is digitally drawn and they are sent to individuals who are passing through some unfortunate challenges. There are many organizations on the WWO platform that will help in passing the message across to the recipients but another set of volunteers will select the right organization for the job. If you send your writing or artwork, you will receive a certificate from the WW platform that serves as credit for the hours you put in for the volunteer work. VISIT WEBSITE

25. United Nations

There are innumerable volunteer opportunities on the database of the United Nations. Volunteers with remote work are connected at government agencies, UN inclusive, and they contribute to a range of civil advocacy initiatives. Other volunteer services at the United Nations platform include writing, translation, research, social media, as well as art and design. You can choose the one you can volunteer for as much as your skills can accommodate. VISIT WEBSITE

26. Citizen Archivist

You can work with the National Archives by preserving and sharing public records which detail the story of the United States and its people. Your duties include transcribing, tagging, and adding comments to these public records. As a result, they will become more easily accessible and searchable online. VISIT WEBSITE

27. Humane Society

You may not be able to work with animals safely in a physical situation but you can do so online. The Humane Society needs your help to phone the bank. You must not be below 16 years old. Your duty is to place calls to support the Human Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. VISIT WEBSITE

28. Project Guttenberg

The organization has more than 60, 000 free books. Therefore, it needs volunteer proofreaders to ensure the books are error-free. As a student within the age bracket of those who still enjoy reading and writing, you may become interested in this project. VISIT WEBSITE

29. Operation Gratitude

The organization gives opportunities to students who enjoy writing to send gratitude letters to first responders, troops, and veterans as a way of appreciating their efforts. You may wish to join the volunteers. VISIT WEBSITE

30. Volunteer for Meals on Wheels

Volunteering for this organization will help you to deliver meals to the disabled or the elderly. It will require you to have a car or ride to enable you to deliver your message swiftly. If you do not have any means of transportation, you can volunteer to help out in the kitchen and prepare meals for delivery. This is why you can help to bring smiles to the faces of people with diverse challenges.  VISIT WEBSITE


Becoming an online volunteer may not be the ideal way you planned to spend your summer or even your weekend, but it will offer you a sense of purpose and fulfillment when you see your peers learning and becoming academically sound through the seed you sowed. We encourage you to see the much you can do to help humanity. Online volunteer work may be one way you can discover more about your hidden talents.


Online community service for high schoolers24 volunteer opportunities to make real impactsVirtual volunteer opportunities for high school studentsBest virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students27 volunteering opportunities for teenagers

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