
UNESCO has launched the fourth edition of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Funded by the Government of Japan, the Prize annually rewards three outstanding ESD projects and programs with US$ 50,000 each. Governments of all Member States as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are now invited to nominate up to three individuals, institutions or organizations engaged in ESD for the 2020 edition.




education sustainable development

Eligible countries:


To be Taken in:



Individuals, institutions, organizations, or other entities engaged in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).Nominations must focus on a specific ESD project or program of the nominee, meeting the eligibility criteria.


Nominations must be written in English or French and need to focus on a specific ESD project or program of the nominee.They will be assessed by an independent jury of five international experts on the basis of their potential for transformation, integration, and innovation.Projects must have been running for at least four years, already show evidence of a high impact, be easily replicable and scalable and contribute to one or more of the five Priority Action Areas of the Global Action Programme on ESD (GAP).Self-nominations are not accepted. Interested candidates are advised to contact the National Commission for UNESCO in their country or an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO.

Application Procedure: Complete the Online Nomination Form The nomination form must be completed online in English or French via a platform accessible through the UNESCO website at this link (for nominating entities only – the fields of the nomination form can be viewed here).

Nominations must be completed online by the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO of the concerned Member State, or by an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO, through their official account.It is possible for National Commissions to UNESCO to access and complete the online form. However, any nomination by a National Commission will need to be submitted by the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO of the respective Member State. An automatic notification message will be sent to the official e-mail address of the Delegation to this end.If a National Commission or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO wishes that the form be completed electronically by the nominees, UNESCO can provide the nominees access to the platform. A request should be sent to esdprize@unesco.org(link sends e-mail). After completion of the online form by the nominee, the concerned National Commission and Permanent Delegation will receive a notification e-mail and can review the nomination before the Permanent Delegation submits to UNESCO.Attention should be paid to presenting the project/program of the nominee in a clear and structured way, following the instructions given in the form.All supporting material (e.g. publications, photos, videos) must be transmitted electronically through the online system.While completing the form, please also keep in mind that the project/program will be assessed by the Jury on the basis of the selection criteria.

  1. Submit the Online Nomination Form

Nominations have to be submitted in the online system by the concerned Permanent Delegations to UNESCO or the NGO by midnight of 30 April 2021 (UTC+1, Paris time).Kindly note that each Permanent Delegation or NGO may not submit more than three nominations.

For any questions regarding the UNESCO-Japan Prize on ESD or the submission process, please contact the Secretariat of the Prize at the Section of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship of UNESCO: esdprize@unesco.org(link sends e-mail). Application Deadline: 30 April 2022 (midnight, Paris time). For More Information: Visit the Official Webpage of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development