It can be difficult to learn English on your own, but it is achievable. Even if there is no one physically nearby to help you practice, there are ways to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Before we fire down let’s take a look at why it’s important you learn English at home.

Why Should You Learn English At Home?

One method to get started with enjoyable learning is to do it in the privacy of your own home. Your own home is a relaxing environment where you may learn at your own pace. There are also five other reasons why learning English at home is considerably more enjoyable:

It’s very relaxing

There is no spot on the planet where you can truly unwind. You don’t have to be concerned about how you dress, being late to class, or correctly answering problems. When you’re at ease, you’re more likely to learn effectively.

It’s practical

There’s no need to get out of the house and go somewhere else. You are free to study whenever you choose.

It allows you to be more productive

Instead of sitting about doing nothing, you can put your free time to good use. With all that spare time on your hands, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you learn.

It’s not a stressful situation

You are not under any pressure from your family to study. You may learn at your own pace without wondering if you’ll be able to keep up with your classmates. You’ll feel more at ease learning if there’s no pressure.

It’s entertaining

It’s quite astonishing to realize that there are a plethora of things you can do from home to improve your English skills and that you’ll have a great time doing them. You’ll also appreciate the fact that you won’t have to pay anything.

It’s the same as taking a class

While attending an English course or migrating to an English-speaking nation are excellent ways to learn English, don’t underestimate how much you can study English at home.

20 Easy Ways To Learn English At Home

Here are 20 ways you can learn English at home:

1. Make a plan

One of the most common mistakes people make when learning English is failing to set goals. Goals keep you focused on what matters most to you. They are also energizing. Setting objectives for yourself will help you stay on track with your English studies.

2. Draw a plan for your studies

It’s not difficult to construct your own English Immersion course. Immersion courses tailored to your needs might help you keep organized and focused on your studies. They can assist you in ensuring that you are engaging in activities that allow you to practice all of your talents. To learn English efficiently from home, start by establishing a plan.

3. Make time for it

We’re all guilty of procrastination. We don’t always get to do the things we want to do if we don’t make time for them. Every day, I recommend setting aside some time to learn English. It doesn’t have to be a long period of time, but it should be constant. You should try to incorporate some English into your daily routine.

4. Avoid multitasking as much as possible

I enjoy listening to podcasts while doing the dishes, and one of my favorite aspects about podcasts is their convenience. However, active learning is the most effective approach to learning: sitting down, concentrating, and processing the language. If at all possible, avoid multitasking when learning English. Surround yourself with English-speaking people. To be surrounded by English, you don’t have to be in an English-speaking country. Find ways to incorporate English into your daily routine at home, such as writing your grocery list in English, reading the newspaper, listening to the radio, keeping an English-language diary, or listening to English on your cellphone while driving to work.

5. Make acquaintances with English speakers

Even if you don’t reside in an English-speaking nation, you’re likely to be surrounded by foreigners. Attending foreign pubs and restaurants, joining sports and social clubs, or arranging language exchanges are all good methods to meet native English speakers. You might also volunteer as a tour guide at a local tourist attraction to meet people from all over the world who speak English.

6. Look for study partners

To improve your English, you don’t require native speakers. Find a study partner or start an English group and meet up on a regular basis to practice your English. You can encourage one another and learn by assisting others with their challenges.

7. Make use of genuine materials

It can be tedious to simply read English in textbooks. Reading English writings created for and by native speakers is a good place to start. It will be difficult at first, but once you master it, it will become much more enjoyable. If you can’t find English books or periodicals, read the news in English every day on the Internet. Check your skills with our free English exam, enjoy fun quizzes, study with our ebooks, and more with the EF English Live free English tools. Now you may test your English level for free! Start your English learning challenge by taking our free 10-minute EF English Live exam.

8. Get on the internet

When you go online, you can communicate with people from all over the world. Join online English forums or chat rooms, take an online English course, or find a penpal to improve your English while learning about diverse cultures. It’s easier than ever to keep in touch with pals from all around the world thanks to social media.

 9. Make reasonable goals for yourself

Give yourself a cause to study: do you want to advance in your career, be able to communicate with your international coworkers, study abroad, or spend your next vacation in an English-speaking country? Set short-term and long-term goals for yourself and keep track of your progress.

10. Pay attention to the radio

You can now listen to radio stations from all around the world over the internet. Because I am from Ireland, I use the software TuneInRadio to listen to Irish radio. You can listen to radio stations from all around the world and about any topic you like. If you’re visiting a place and want to practice listening to the accent, this is an excellent tool to use.

11. Listen to native English speakers

Even if you don’t understand everything, train your ear by listening to English spoken at normal speed. Also, practice listening without seeing things written down, and don’t be afraid to listen to things more than once to pick up on any intriguing or unusual words. It’s easy to obtain free English podcasts online, and most English-speaking countries’ news organizations provide audio and video news for free.

12. Come up with creative ways to learn new terms

Look up the lyrics of your favorite English songs if you enjoy singing. Alternatively, if you recall what you saw, write fresh words on ‘Post-it’ notes and post them about your home. To help you remember new terminology, make hilarious example phrases or draw little cartoons next to it.

13. Take an English class online

Online English classes are an excellent approach to improve your listening and speaking abilities. The greatest websites for taking an English class are Cambly and Italki. You can speak with a native English teacher over the phone and set up an hour for a conversation. At home, this is a fantastic way to practice real English conversations. You can ask your teacher to explain a grammar topic or new word to you if you don’t grasp it.

14. Get to know the culture

Learn about the cultures and people of English-speaking countries. Learning a language is more than just memorizing grammar and vocabulary: it also entails engaging with others who think and talk in different ways!

15. Invest in a tutor

There are numerous individuals that offer to teach English online. You’ve most likely seen their ads on Instagram or on prominent websites like italki ($10 credit for new members), Preply, and Cambly. Hiring a tutor is an excellent option to learn English from the comfort of your own home. One advantage is that hiring a tutor or an English teacher provides you with access to native speakers. Some of them may even hold an English teaching certificate. Even those who aren’t trained teachers will allow you to engage in genuine English conversation. This is frequently less expensive than enrolling in English classes at a school. The disadvantage is that you can’t be certain of the caliber of the individual you’ll get. While most tutoring companies do interviews, they are generally not very comprehensive. Another downside is that you may not be able to progress in a linear manner unless you have the same individual each time. Furthermore, teachers who do not know your native language may find it difficult to teach you at a starting level.

16. T.V./Movies to Watch

Watching television is a great approach to improving your listening skills and vocabulary. In two ways, watching television can help you learn. The first is to include it in your research. That is, you watch a video slowly and try to grasp every single word with the subtitles while also writing down new terminology. The second (and most prevalent!) method is to passively watch television. This isn’t as effective as studying, but it’ll suffice if you’re too weary to study. If you have Netflix, check out my article on the top Netflix shows for learning English.

17. Have a good time

Learning a language takes time and effort, but if you like yourself, you’ll be more inclined to persist with it. Play games, crossword puzzles, sing songs, read comic books, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – making mistakes is frequently the most effective way to learn!

18. Karaoke Singing

Singing karaoke is when you sing along to a song that only has background music and no voice recording, so you’re the only one singing. It’s a lot of fun, but it can make you nervous and shy when you’re among other people. At home, on the other hand, you may simply unwind and sing your favorite songs as loudly as you like! It doesn’t matter if your favorite singers are Frank Sinatra, Lady Gaga, or One Direction; as long as you sing in English, you’ll enhance your language abilities while having fun. However, before you can sing karaoke, you must first memorize the lyrics and rehearse. Break the song down and learn the lyrics in a fun way.

19. Investigate Social Media

If you know where to search on social media, you can find a wealth of opportunities to practice English. Cambridge English, BBC Learning English, and Cork English Teacher are all excellent places to begin. Don’t forget to check out our Oxford House Instagram and Facebook pages for humorous idioms, English advice, and quizzes.

20. Read the text aloud

Reading silently might help you improve your English language skills. Reading aloud, on the other hand, will train your tongue to speak English properly. You may choose any book, poetry, or short tale and begin reading the words aloud. Before going on to these outstanding must-read English books, start with uncomplicated English reading materials. You should be able to tell if you’re saying the words correctly when you practice speaking English. You can easily check your pronunciation at home by downloading apps from the Google Play Store. You might attempt Kepham’s English Pronunciation. After you’ve installed the app, put in the word you’d like to hear pronounced. You can also use the Sounds: Pronunciation App to check the pronunciation of words in both British and American English. This software also includes a practice and quiz tester. Both of these apps are available for download for free.

Bonus 1: Monopoly is a board game that can be played in English

Playing games that require you to read or talk in English is another enjoyable activity. Monopoly is a fantastic example. Because the board and cards are all written in English, it’s a good idea to read them out loud while playing. Monopoly can be found at almost every toy store. You can move around the board, buying, selling, and renting out homes in this board game. The game concept is simple, however, reading the writing on the cards can be difficult for non-English speakers. So, if you’re playing, reading the text aloud might come in handy. Just for kicks, read the text with a bit of emotion. When speaking, use a commanding tone if you’re the landlord. Maybe you’re a sweet banker, or maybe the banker is a jerk. You make the call!

Bonus 2: Make a video of yourself

Making a recording of yourself will assist you in identifying your pronunciation errors. You can use your smartphone, iPad, or even your laptop to record yourself. Simply choose a piece you’d like to read, then open the Audio Recorder on your smartphone and begin recording yourself. Recording your own voice is only the beginning. The most critical step is to double-check that you have accurately uttered the words. Continue to videotape your English-speaking sessions at home until the article you’re reading is perfected. You can then move on to another item and challenge yourself with more sophisticated language.

Bonus 3: Create a blog, a podcast, or a journal

Journals and blogs are excellent tools to improve your writing skills. You can use them to keep track of your everyday activities, feelings, and fascinating ideas. Making a podcast is also an excellent approach to improve your public speaking skills. They’re simple to accomplish and can help you improve your writing skills. Starting a blog is also an excellent approach to learning how to build a website.


It should be enjoyable to learn English. It also doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. The key premise is that you should do what you enjoy. If you enjoy video games, you should play them. If you enjoy listening to podcasts, you should listen to them. If you enjoy scrolling through social media, then go ahead and do so. Do whatever you want, as long as it’s in English. The majority of English exercises can be completed at home. You also don’t have to limit yourself to just one option. Experiment, mix and combine, and try things out. You will become proficient in English if you constantly engage with it over a long period of time.


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