These best-selling caregiver courses and training programs teach you about the various elements of caregiving ranging from basic workshops, and extensive certification programs to disease-specific training. On this list of the best-selling caregiver course online, you’ll find free webinars, long series with many training modules, and deep training programs that might take months or even years to finish. All these are geared toward helping you become a better caregiver. Read through to find something on our list.

About a Caregiver Course

Caregiving is a technical-vocational curriculum that teaches students how to care for infants and toddlers, the elderly, patients with disabilities and special needs, and end-of-life care.

What Qualities do I need to Possess to Become a Good Caregiver?

There is a long list of what a good caregiver can help out and based on that, what stands one out as a good caregiver differs from another. However, below are some great qualities that make you an exceptional caregiver.

Patience: Simple tasks take longer for people who require help. So, you must be patient enough to deal with their excesses.Compassion: Empathy and comprehension are essential and a good caregiver strikes a balance even when caring for an abusive person.Humor: Finding something to chuckle about can help you get through a difficult situation. Your sense of humor can keep your patients emotionally robust.Meticulous: A good caregiver doesn’t have to scramble rather they make routines, plan for emergencies, organize information, and are detailed to the latter.Assertive: When you stand up for your patients, they can always see you as an advocate. So, just as your patients pose questions and expect responses, it is in your will to be aware of their condition and give them the best attention they require.

20 Best Selling Caregiver Courses Online

#1. The Caregiverlist Basic Training for Caregivers

This best selling online caregiver course is a thorough, user-friendly curriculum that teaches you a variety of caregiving skills such as communication, safety tips, and emergency procedures. Several sections of this course talk about caring for those who have dementia and special needs people. Upon completion, you can download a shareable certificate to certify that you enrolled in one of the best-selling caregiver courses,

#2. Family Learning Center: Caregiver Training

This free Caregiver training is a great tool and resource for caregivers and professionally prepares you for what’s ahead. It trains you on knowing elder rights and caregiver responsibilities to emergency first aid and common ailments.

#3. aQuire Family Care Training

If you’re thinking of caring for a loved one, whether as a paid job or in your house, this best-selling online course is a great place to start as it covers the basics of what you should do to ensure that your loved one receives the care they deserve. These things include memory loss, compassionate care, personal care, etc.

#4. Caregiver Training Institute: Caregiver Training Course

This best selling caregiver course offers you a curriculum for professional carers . It covers a wide range of topics which include legal and ethical issues, comprehending service plants, mental health, special needs care, medication training, restorative skills and activities, and cognitively impaired care.

#5. Universal Class: Caring for Seniors

Taking on the job of a caregiver may be hard yet, rewarding. This online caregiving course covers everything from dealing with Alzheimer’s symptoms to loss of independence, security, and safety, and encouraging and enabling seniors to stick to their prescription schedules. Read Also: 13 Best Online EDD Programs In The World | 2022 Ranking

#6. Family Caregiver Education Program

This interactive online caregiver education curriculum was created for family caregivers who provide eldercare. It takes about 40 hours of intensive training to be through and here, you’ll find a plethora of topics. The topics include Alzheimer’s disease, aging, and prevalent chronic conditions, and handling challenging situations and behaviors. As a professional caregiver, you’ll also learn how to boost a family member’s independence.

#7. 75 Hours Basic Home Care Aide Training

This online caregiver course could be the answer you’ve been looking for. It is a well-rounded training in basic home caregiving and health aide services. It covers topics such as safety and legal considerations, general caregiving, and population-specific training.

#8. Caregiverlist Basic Training

Caregiver’s list basic caregiver training equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to develop your profession whether you’re hoping to be hired quickly or to get a big promotion. The course begins with normal caregiver obligations and protocol before moving on to communication skills, personal care and toileting, confidentiality, abuse and neglect, basic hygiene, infection control, and other pertinent topics.

#9. Mindful Caregiving Education

To every caregiver; both young and old, you need this unique and extremely beneficial online caregiver course. It helps you to effectively navigate that hard path of establishing a meaningful conversation with your patients. Also, if you’ve lost your touch of compassion and writing assignments, you may start from here to build that back.

#10. Diploma in Caregiving

Alison’s courses are a great way to learn about practically any topic, including caregiving. This online course is good for beginners, covering a wide range of topics such as physical and mental illness indications and symptoms, body mechanics, the effects of aging on health, cultural concerns, etc.

#11. Health and Safety for Caregiving

If you’re looking for more specific training, this best-selling caregiver online course on health and safety is a great place to start. It goes beyond the basics to prepare you for any emergency that may arise when caring for a loved one, and how to deal with the numerous medical conditions that your patients may encounter. Food safety, physical emergencies, and other health-related difficulties are among what this online caregiver course offers you.

#12. Introduction to Caregiving

Alison’s course will teach you the essentials of caregiving. You’ll learn how to communicate with all members of the care service team, from employees to patient families, and how to care for patients who are confined to wheelchairs, mentally disabled, or visually impaired.

#13. Dementia Care Certification

If you are caring for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, the first thing to note is that there are principles to being a successful caregiver. So, this online course takes a more in-depth look at caregiving as it relates to those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Also, it focuses on how to deliver person-centered, effective, and compassionate care to people under your care.

#14. Diabetes Care Certification

Diabetes treatment is a distinct field. You have distinct responsibilities and problems, and the goal of this training course is to educate and empower you so that you can do your job more efficiently and successfully while also enjoying it more. You’ll learn how to provide effective care to people with diabetes over the course of six class hours, including how to manage their dietary needs, daily exercise, and other issues.

#15. End of Life Care Certification

This certification course, which is offered by the Institute for Professional Care Education, prepares you for the physical, emotional, and professional demands of hospice and end-of-life home care. The course covers a wide range of subjects related to hospice and palliative care and how they affect your patients and their families.

#16. Family Caregiver Alliance

Do you have the zeal to learn but don’t have a lot of time to spare? This caregiving webinar will give you the push you need. By gradually learning how to be of assistance around the house, you would realize the enthusiasm to care for others. Follow this online caregiver course and make the most out of it. Related Article: Top Cisco CCNA courses to get you started in 2022

#17. Alzheimer Caregiver Course

This excellent instructional material from the National Certification Board for Alzheimer’s and Aging Care can assist you in providing better, more effective Alzheimer’s and dementia care. It is a complete, stand-alone training session that covers all aspects of dementia care, including medication updates, caregiver obligations, and current legal and ethical changes.

#18. CRTS Certification

The Certified Relocation & Transition Specialist (CRTS) is a unique caregiver online course. It qualifies you to assist seniors and their families with senior home transitions, senior relocation, and senior moves. You can as well handle anything relating to organizing, downsizing, and moving the aging population properly.

#19. Caregiving Skills – Dementia Care

If you work with dementia patients in your job as a caregiver, Alison’s Dementia Care certification is a great addition. You will distinguish between many types of dementia, assess the impact they may have on your patient, communicate vocally and non-verbally with dementia patients, and learn how to best communicate with their families by the end of the course.

#20. Generations Homecare

Family caregivers will benefit from generations Homecare’s online caregiver training. With over 40 hours of interactive sessions and 25 hours dedicated to Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, you’ll learn how to handle challenging situations and behaviors, emergency first aid, daily care, etc.


The best selling caregiver online courses have carefully been outlined. Go through each and find one that suits your calling and schedule. Good luck.



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