Well, you will get to find out in this piece of writing. As you know, college students frequently struggle financially and frequently lack free time due to the many obligations placed on them by their academic programs.  Planning a trip, on the other hand, is a fantastic option to consider if you’ve been wondering what to do after winter break, spring break, or summer break.  Taking a trip away from school can be one of the most effective ways to reduce the stress that comes with being a student.  Fortunately, many incredible destinations around the world are affordable for college students and can be visited on a student’s budget. Traveling allows you to try new things, gain a new perspective on life and your surroundings, and think about things from a different point of view.  You get the opportunity to learn about many cultures, a wide variety of people, and a variety of foods, all of which are extremely significant in today’s world because we live in a global environment. On the other hand, if you are a student and want to travel the world, there are places you may stay that are easy on the wallet, such as hostels, as well as places that offer favorable exchange rates. Continue reading to learn about some of the best vacation spots for college students. Check out this article: 15 Best Apple Laptops for College Students in 2022

What Is A Vacation? 

A holiday, sometimes known as a vacation, is a special trip or travel, or a leave of absence from one’s regular work, that is most commonly taken for recreation or tourism.  People will frequently go on vacation during particular holiday observances, as well as for particular festivals and celebrations.

What Are The Reasons For Vacation As A College Student?

It is a privilege to be able to travel, and many people believe that college students should make time in their schedules to do so.  Not only does traveling give you access to a world of opportunity, but it also introduces you to a wide variety of cultures, people, and experiences that you were previously unaware of. Because having the opportunity to travel may fundamentally alter both your outlook on life and the way you see the world, educators must encourage their students to make travel a part of their college experience.

#1. There are not many obligations holding you back 

When we finally graduate from college, we will be confronted with the harsh realities of adulthood, including the need to get employment, establish a stable financial situation, leave home, and even start a family.  While each of these unique experiences is incredible and will continue to be so, they will also consume the majority of our time and resources, which will leave us with fewer opportunities to travel. When you’re young, you have more energy, more time, and the ability to just get up and go wherever you want because you don’t have as many responsibilities to worry about.  When they are in college, students have the amazing opportunity to take advantage of various ways to travel.

#2. You’re young and vibrant 

It is important to keep in mind that many businesses, such as STA Travel and Student Universe, provide students with significant discounts to make it possible for them to afford to travel. If you travel while you’re in college, you’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of a ton of amazing offers.  It is now a lot simpler and more affordable for you to have the opportunity to travel, discover new things, and get a variety of information that you may not have had in the past. Check this article out also: Top 15 Cars for College Students | 2022 Ranking

#3. You will Learn Things that you won’t find in textbooks

Traveling allows you to try new things, gain a new perspective on life and your surroundings, and think about things from a different point of view.  The educational experience at a university often includes opportunities to travel.  You learn something that is not a theory from a textbook but is real life.  What you learn by traveling is something that you cannot find written in books. You get the opportunity to learn about many cultures, a wide variety of people, and a variety of foods, all of which are extremely significant in today’s world because we live in a global environment.  When you see the world for the first time through your own eyes, you are compelled to step outside of your comfort zone, and that is when your life truly begins.  Traveling forces you to confront your anxieties, which in turn helps you develop your unique identity.

15 Best Vacation Spots For College Students 

Here is a detailed list of the best vacation spots for college students:

#1. Ecuador 

Our first list of the top vacation spots for college students in Ecuador.  It’s possible that Ecuador won’t be everyone’s first choice for a destination in South America, but that’s one of the reasons why it’s a good option for college students looking for an affordable vacation.  You have been working hard on your Spanish abilities in class, and now is the perfect time to put them to use in a country that boasts some of the most beautiful beaches and other sites to see. The number of crimes committed against tourists has significantly decreased, and as long as you travel responsibly, you shouldn’t run into any problems related to your safety.  The Galapagos Islands are, without a doubt, one of the most alluring aspects of this destination; if you can fit it into your itinerary, you should go there if you get the chance. Read this: 15 Best Water Bottles For College Students in 2023

#2. Puerto Rico 

Since Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, traveling there does not require a passport, making it a convenient destination for American students.  Flights to Puerto Rico are typically not too long or expensive.  Hostels in San Juan are plentiful and student-friendly, with some offering rooms for as little as $15 a night. You’ll get the opportunity to socialize with other students and travelers from different parts of the world while also taking part in a lively party scene and drinking mojitos that are made with local rum.  Be sure to take a stroll over to La Plaza del Mercado in Santurce, an area that is known for having a large number of locals as customers of its original restaurants and pubs.  It’s a great spot to sample traditional dishes from Puerto Rico, watch the world go by, and take advantage of drink discounts during happy hour.  It is one of the top vacation spots for college students. This article is for you: 15 Best iPad Apps for College Students | 2022 Ranking

#3. Costa Rica 

Costa Rica is one of many fantastic Central American destinations for college students due to its low costs and abundance of exciting activities.  Hostels in this area tend to be relatively cheap, and some of them even provide free breakfast.  As a result of the recent decline in the value of the dollar, international flights departing from the United States have become quite affordable. To prevent falling into tourist traps, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the local establishments before visiting.  There are restaurants in the area called “sodas” that offer traditional Costa Rican fare at reasonable prices. You can save money on drinks by buying Costa Rican beer in bulk at local grocery stores in the area where you’re staying.  Among college travelers, this is one of the best vacation spots for college students.  Read also: 15 Best Headphones For College Students | 2022 Ranking

#4. Bolivia 

Bolivia is becoming increasingly popular among tourists, but it still ranks as one of the most affordable travel destinations for young adults.  The cost of the plane ticket may be prohibitive, depending on where you’re departing from, but once you get here, you’ll see that many enjoyable activities are well within the reach of even the most frugal traveler.  If you’re frugal and book your trip in advance, you can get by on less than $20 each day, and that includes transportation, food, booze, and lodging.  Bolivia is also one of the top vacation spots for college students. 

#5. Panama City, Florida 

Florida has always been a popular destination for college students on spring break; however, if you want to take advantage of lower hotel rates and fewer tourists, you should go during the off-season.  You might want to think about going to Panama City in the fall, specifically in September or October. The weather is pleasant, the sun is shining brightly, the beaches are less unpleasant, and the prices for flights and accommodations are fairly affordable.  Examine the vacation rental properties that are located along the beach during the shoulder season.  During this time, you may be able to find nightly deals for as little as about $50 per night and still be within walking distance of the sand.

#6. Albania 

Albania is one of the few countries in Europe where it is possible to travel on a budget, even though it is widely known that traveling in Europe is notoriously expensive.  The cost of living in Albania is significantly lower when compared to that of other countries in Europe, which is a positive for tourists who are traveling on a limited budget. This stunning country in the Mediterranean is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, making it an ideal destination for those in search of some much-needed R&R.  In addition, the regional cuisine served here is simply out of this world. It is also one of the best vacation spots for college students to visit.  A related article: Top 50+ Best Books For College Students Of All Time 2022

#7. Cambodia 

Another one of the top vacation spots for college students is Cambodia.  Asia is still considered to be one of the more wallet-friendly vacation destinations for college students, despite the increasing popularity of countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.  And which of the Asian countries is considered to be one of the finest for college students looking to travel on a budget? Cambodia is the country in question.  This charming nation provides tourists with starred hotels at prices that are significantly lower than those offered in other locations across the world. Angkor Wat, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, does not charge visitors an entrance fee, and food and transportation charges are also relatively inexpensive here.  Even better is the fact that many of Cambodia’s most beloved sites, such as Monkey Island, which is said to be the real-life inspiration behind the story of King Kong, are completely free to visit. A recommended article: 15 Best Luggage for College Students │2022 Ranking

#8. New Orleans, Louisiana 

It doesn’t matter whether it’s not Mardi Gras, New Year’s Eve, or Halloween; New Orleans is always a good time to go out and have a good time.  It is a truly one-of-a-kind location in the United States, packed with interesting history and culture, mouthwatering cuisine, and a lively nightlife scene that actively promotes the use of cocktail to-go cups. Students can find very affordable room rates at a few hostels located in or close to the French Quarter.  These hostels cater specifically to the needs of young travelers.  Because of the high cost of hotels in New Orleans, travelers should investigate the many hostel options as far in advance as possible to avoid disappointment.  Instead of driving and having to pay expensive parking costs, consider using the streetcar or just walking to go about. A must-read: 15 Best Computers for College Students | Best of 2023

#9. Latvia

A notable accomplishment for Latvia was being selected to serve as the European Capital of Culture for the European Union.  This did a lot to bring attention to this stunning country, which is often overlooked and is quite easy on the wallet.  Riga, the capital city of Latvia, is an excellent vacation destination for college students who are traveling on a tight budget. Joining a guided walking tour of the city’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which include some of the city’s most impressive buildings, is a simple and convenient way to experience these landmarks.  The Riga Cathedral and St. Peter’s Church, both of which date back to the middle ages, offer free admission as well. Food, transportation, and lodging options are many, and most of them are extremely reasonably priced in comparison to those available in the majority of other European countries. Don’t skip this: Top 15 Best Graphing Calculator For College Students | 2022 Ranking

#10. Portugal 

Have you ever wished that you could travel through Europe but avoid paying exorbitant prices?  After that, you should go to Portugal! This stunning nation is frequently skipped over by vacationers, which is a shame because it offers a lot to see and do. While the coastal cities of the Algarve are perfect for lounging on the beach and enjoying the sun and sand, Lisbon, the nation’s capital, is an excellent destination for seeing historical and cultural landmarks. As a result, Portugal’s overall cost of living is 30 percent lower than the cost of living in the rest of Western Europe, and lodging is significantly lower in Portugal. Related article: Top 30 Best College Notebooks for College Students in 2022 | Why They Stand Out

#11. Romania 

College students that make the long journey to Eastern Europe to see everything that Romania has to offer will be rewarded with an unforgettable and unforgettable experience.  In this economically friendly country, getting by day-to-day may require spending as much as $40 per day on things like sit-down meals, clean housing, and public transit.  All of Romania’s most appealing features, like its interesting culture, kind hospitality, and historic buildings, are completely free to enjoy.

#12. Colombia 

A Renaissance is taking place in Colombia right now.  As a result of the desperation shown by local businesses, tour companies, and even the government to attract tourists and demonstrate that they are a worthy destination. Colombia is quickly becoming one of the most affordable travel destinations for college students. Both the nation’s capital, Bogota, and the picturesque city of Cartagena, which is a historic walled city filled to the brim with architecture from the colonial era offer a wealth of attractions and activities for visitors. Large hotels in both cities may be reserved for less than $100 per night, but we recommend looking for something more interesting, such as an eco-friendly coffee farm, where you can stay for just $30 per night.

#13. Savannah, Georgia, USA 

It may sound like your parents are going to Savannah to celebrate their anniversary, but in reality, Savannah is a really fun town to stroll around and feel as if you’ve been transported to another era and location.  This is yet another southern city that has embraced the “to-go cup culture,” which means that you may explore this southern treasure while holding your preferred beverage, be it a cocktail or a brew. If you’re a foodie or even if you’re just interested in finding out what all the fuss is about when it comes to southern cooking, you really must come here.  If the temperature is mild, you could go to Tybee Island for the day so that you can relax on the sand and take in some rays of sunshine.  Georgia also ranks among the top vacation spots for college students. 

#14. China 

China is another one of the top vacation spots for college students.  Since cheap flights and all-inclusive vacation packages are relatively widespread in China, this economic superpower is an excellent location for college students looking to travel on a shoestring budget.  Every publication would benefit greatly from the inclusion of the megacities of Shanghai and Beijing. Both locations include a large number of secure lodging options that cost an average of ten dollars per night and come with little extra frills.  It’s possible to spend as little as a buck on a meal at a popular chain restaurant or some street cuisine.  Even visits lasting only a single day to well-known landmarks like the Great Wall of China may be accomplished at very reasonable costs, and tourists have a wide variety of excursion alternatives to select from.  It also ranks among the top vacation spots for college students. 

#15. Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is one of the best vacation spots for college students.  A trip to the Dominican Republic is an excellent option for financially-restricted college students who are yearning to see a beach destination.  Online travel agencies such as Groupon and Expedia make it simple to book extremely low-cost stays at four- and five-star hotels. Once you get to the Dominican Republic, there is a wide variety of inexpensive things to do, ranging from renting a kayak to paddle through Los Haitises National Park to lazing away the day on one of the country’s world-famous, white-sand beaches.


As a college student, going on vacations shouldn’t be a problem for you. As you know, all work without play makes one a full student. Going on vacations should be to the end that you’re refreshed from the terrible stress that comes with each semester.  As a result, we took our time to compile to you, the best vacation spots for college students that are also affordable for you. We hope this piece of writing was helpful to you. 


triptodiscover. com—11 Affordable Travel Destinations for College Students in 2022 besthospitalitydegrees. com—15 Best Travel Destinations for College Students on a Budget easytrip.com— Best places to travel as a college student 


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