The mission of the program is to “promote and advocate the development of higher education in Latinos through performance-based and needs-based scholarships”. LUCES Fellows receive a scholarship of $1,000 in two-$500 payments for two semesters during the academic year. Latinos United for College Education Scholarship acknowledges excellent and outstanding high school seniors, college students or returning adult students who have completed their GED/HSED and have previously participated in volunteering/leadership or community activities.

Host Nationality

The Latinos United for College Education Scholarships (LUCES) is a nonprofit organization (501)(c)(3) dedicated to providing a bright future for young Latinos in Wisconsin, United States by offering mentoring and multiple scholarships based on merit and achievement Need.

Eligible Nationality

LUCES Scholarship is open to outstanding Latino students.

Scholarship Worth

Scholarships are $1,000 in two-$500 payments for two semesters during the academic year.


To apply for the LUCES Scholarship 2022, applicants must do the following:

Have a grade point average of 3.0 for high school or college.Include a copy of their college or high school transcript.Upon receipt of the LUCES Scholarship, recipients must be registered at a recognized college or university in Wisconsin for at least 6 credits during the semester in which they received the scholarship.Be a Wisconsin resident who is attending/will be attending a university or college in the South Central Wisconsin area.Include two letters of recommendation from a classroom teacher, employer, volunteer program coordinator, or other community members who can speak about your motivation for higher education and address your academic, volunteer, and community achievements. The letter can be in English or Spanish.

How to Apply

Application for the LUCES Scholarship 2022 is yet to commence. However, the 2022 LUCES Scholarship Application form will be available on March 31. Notwithstanding, we have made provision of a previous LUCES Scholarship Application form for you to have an idea of how it looks. LUCES SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM Accompanying documents:

Print, sign, and date the application.2 letters of recommendation.Attach a copy of your transcript to high school.Letter of acceptance for registration or registration in the fall semester 2022 with at least 6 credits. (The writing may be in English or Spanish.)

Also when the application form is filled, it is scanned together with the recommendation letters and attachments and then sent as an email to

Application Deadline

As the application is yet to commence, no deadline has been fixed. However, previous deadlines fall in early June and successful applicants normally receive a Scholarship award notification in July. Visit the link provided in the application link below to keep up with updates.

For more information visit the link below: Scholarship Link