College is all about finding that perfect balance between having an active social life, and a strong academic record — and there are actually quite a few things you can do to prep for both of these goals. Your freshman year, in particular, is one where you can really put yourself out there, and subsequently, the first week of your freshman year is the most important for doing just that. Learn the 10 Things to Do During First Week of College by reading this article.

The table of contents below gives you an overview of what To expect.

Those of us who have lived every moment of college life will never forget our first year at college. Although it was the hardest year of college, it was still a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. Here are some of the practices you can start in college.

#1. Meet as many people as possible

In an engineering college, you meet a huge line-up of people. Everyone socialize and no one wants to be left behind. A variety of culture lives under a roof as your new classmates this heightens up the enthusiasm and obviously, you don’t want to be left all alone.

#2. Class, where is my next class?

You thought to solve math problems was hard, try to solve a college time table, try scheduling and locating your classes. A vast campus and classes are held in two different buildings, far apart from each other than in a building having hundreds of rooms. Solving time-table, memorizing the path and corresponding room numbers. This will help you to avoid ending up in different classes.

 #3. Try to fit in

According to Wikipedia, Scopophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen or stared at by others. Everyone gets this in the first week. All you have to do is try to blend in so that no one makes a fun out of them. Although extra stress is given on items of clothing because everyone wants to look nice, the first week is all about blending in. Nobody will want to be a friend with an ugly one or a laughing-stock, so get acquainted with students around you. Read Also: 10 Ways To Cut Costs in College And loan

#4. Pick teams; be sure you’re in the right league

Apart from familiarizing yourself with everyone around, the first week in college is also the best time to choose your friends. There is no such thing as a lone wolf in college you need to have your pack. Normally, some go for “you know he /she is just like me, we should be friends”, some go for party lovers, some for introverts, and some for geeks actually geeks go for geeks, sports lovers, gamers. Choose base on your personality. Make friends that have same or similar interests you have. But if at all you choose the wrong team, it doesn’t matter. Everyone changes throughout the four years. A fake one will come and go, a real one will stay.

#5. Decide on the club to join

“Time and tide wait for none”, neither does any of the clubs in a college. The dance clubs, robotics club, automotive clubs, fashion clubs, drama clubs, entailment clubs, etc. Everyone joins a club and so must you? but which one? Well, you better a decision fast, you don’t want to left alone from social activities and besides four years and no clubs, no responsibilities will just make a college life “BORED”

 #6. Grade the prof

There is nothing new. It’s something we all are doing since we gained consciousness about studies. But in an engineering college, we say it out loud. You know just to be on the safe side. The “Hitler-wale-sir”, the “friendly-wale-sir”, the “khadus-wale-sir”,” the hot-ma`am”, the “tharki-wale-sir” and the famous one “arey apne sir h”. Well, basically it’s ritual.

#7. Get to know your Room mates

This is different from making friends, although it’s similar a bit. Make sure you get to know your Roomies, their likes and dislikes and how to relate to each and everyone of them. Doing that will help in bring understanding among you guys and they might allow some things to slide under the radar some times. 

#8. Meet your Academic Advisor

As a new student, you will be assigned an academic advisor who you are expected to meet during your first week in College. Try to know the person and go over the requirements for your major. Talk through what classes you want to take, and decide how they will fit together over the next three to five years. Some classes are offered only in the fall or spring, professors go on sabbatical, and prerequisites are real, so make sure you have an idea of what you are getting into by talking to an insider.

#9.Learn about your surroundings

Spend time wandering in the campus, exploring a campus center or the library, checking out the local shops or restaurants.  Get to know what is around you.

#10. Avoid going home

This may be difficult for some students, but you will not connect to campus and to other students if you leave at the first chance that you have. There will be time for visits home and with your high school friends later, but spend the first few weeks getting to know your school and making new friends. Other things that must also happen in your first week in college include:

Meet your Seniors

Not before you have been to all classes and graded your profs. A call comes late at night, and who else it could be, your seniors. Every fresher’s nightmare. The whole first you spend time analyzing your tactics to avoid them during class hours and your lying ability to avoid them during hostel hours, an if, at all you fail you interact, the part is still to come, which seniors should you choose. A senior will help you through his remaining days but you don’t want to get involved in-between their cold war.


It takes just a thought for home-sickness to creep in. you wonder about your home your city your school summer your marshmallow bed, the last summer. Food whenever you want, that care where everyone used to look up for you. And now you are on your own making a future for yourself, with such a busy life at your doorstep it just takes one thought!!

Campus exploration

As one of the most integral acts, you need to go out for a campus exploration. Obviously! Every single student at that will explore the area where they are going to stay to next four, knowing your locality would be a definite choice. You need to find a place for hangout, a “Friday-spot”, a no-senior area, a place you shouldn’t visit unless and until if you a couple, a restricted zone…most over shortcuts.

 Not the best first week!! No problem!!

Crap!! Where am I?? Don’t worry it’s just the first week of the college you still got four years left in your bag. Things might not have turned out to be what you had in the back of your mind but the beauty of an engineering college, the never do. Apart from C, C++ a college teaches you a lot of things so take a back seat and enjoy the ride.

Is the first week of college important?

The first six weeks of college are a crucial time for your student to get acclimated to college and to get into a groove and feel comfortable in their new environment. Many colleges recognize these important transitions and institute programs for the first few weeks that address these concerns.

What are the questions students likely ask during their First Week of College?

Some questions most students ask during their first week in college include:

When should I buy any of my textbooks? 

You don’t need to get your books right away, but it’s best to wait until you know which version your professor wants after the first lesson. Spend time choosing the cheapest alternative, and as long as you’ve got your textbooks by the start of the second week, you’ll be all right.

When do I have to attend the clubs, the Greek life and the teams? 

Attending fair events or talking about groups doesn’t hurt, so don’t feel rushed to make such commitments in the first week. There are plenty of chances to get involved on campus later this year, and most of the other freshmen spend their first week learning about campus life.

When can I drop out of a class? 

Take at least one more week before you plan to attend the class and consider the pros and cons. If you do want to remove it after further thought, don’t feel ashamed. Many good students take courses for a number of reasons, and if you frequently visit your class tutor, it won’t have a detrimental impact on your record.

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