Of course, it takes a lot of work to plan and execute a successful social media marketing strategy. The right tools for social marketing can make it a lot easier. With more people using social media daily, the social media landscape has rapidly evolved. 57.6% of the world’s population uses social media, with an average daily usage of 2 hours and 27 minutes. Businesses are aggressively shifting their focus to their social media strategies. This ensures they get their products and services seen by as many people as possible. This article is a guide to teach you not just how to use them, but also the best tools for social media marketing. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Read on!

What is Social Media Marketing Tools used for?

Tools for social media marketing have numerous uses. With these tools, you can-

Run Multiple accounts. From a single platform, you can manage multiple social media accounts.You can obtain detailed analytics reports on your social media activity.You can monitor keywords, other accounts, hashtags, and anything else related to your industry.Collaborate easily with your team. You can assign duplicate accounts to multiple team members.You can schedule posts for times when you won’t be able to log in.

Amazing right? Related Article: 10 Almost Free Marketing Tools for Beginners in 2022

How to Use Social Media Marketing Tools?

Social media marketing is all about staying true to your brand. It also entails demonstrating to your audience what your brand stands for. This includes how it connects with your followers, and how your audience will benefit. It is very off not to have tools for social media marketing in 2022 when you have a business. You must optimize your digital marketing strategy for greater success in terms of growth and lead generation. To use tools for social media marketing, you must-

Set objectives

You must decide how many things you need to accomplish with your product’s online branding. You should also consider what social media will do to your product. Is it brand recognition? Or is it a higher volume of sales? Is it gaining a devoted following? Or increasing your ROI? These are the things you should consider ahead of time so that all of your campaigns would aim at the same goal.

Study the Audience

One simply cannot predict the type of audience they will have! You must conduct extensive research on your target audience. What age group do they belong to, and what time of day they are most active? What location reaches your targeted audience? How many of them can afford your product? and so on. This is the information you need to know before beginning any type of online campaign. It is also important to help you decide which tool for social media marketing suits you most.

Find the Metrics

You should always record your data. Ensure that you document every engagement. This is to make sure that you choose the best social media marketing tool for your business. Based on the constant records of metrics, you can get the tool to get more exposure. You must track the number of clicks, reach, hashtags, and engagement, as well as organic likes and paid shares.

Know the Competitors

You must monitor what your competitors are doing. This does not imply that you copy them AT ALL! You must investigate how they interact with their audience. This will assist you in adapting the strategies they employ, which may come in handy for you!

Create Content

When you create content that adheres to all social media norms and is sufficiently engaging, it will attract an audience. Whether the content is textual or visual, try to stick to a theme on the platforms to ensure consistency.

Why use a Tool for Social Media Marketing?

Businesses want to be in the internet game because their target audience prefers convenience and ease of access to irrelevant information. Brands now have multiple online presences; if they don’t, they know they’re missing out on opportunities! Businesses and brands must be present to compete online. Otherwise, they will be unaware of what their competitors are doing and will fall short in their marketing efforts. As a result, automation and social media manager apps have emerged! Here are a few of the main reasons why you should use social media marketing tools:


The number of unique clients who saw your post is a post reach. How far has your product spread across social media? Is it truly obtaining the client’s feeds? Despite constantly changing natural calculations, you want to make an impression at every point.


This is the number of people who have clicked on your content, product, company name, or logo. Connection clicks are essential if you want to see how clients move through your content. Following clicks per campaign is critical for understanding what drives interest or urges people to buy. This would also ensure you get the best tool for social media marketing.


The total number of social connections is divided by the total number of impressions. For commitment, it relates to seeing who collaborated or interacted. It also relates to whether it was a decent proportion out of your total reach. This reveals information about how well your audience perceives you and their trust in your content.

How to Automate Your Social Media Posts With a Social Media Marketing Tool?

You realize you need to be active on social media to interact with your group of people. However, to sell what you sell, you must share a portion of your humanity. This includes how you think, and what encouragement you bring to the automated social media content. You can only do this with the assistance of tools for social media marketing. The challenge is to stay aware of the social pace so that you can consistently share the right content, at the right stages, and at the right time. That is where social media marketing software can help, and favorable conditions are essential. All you have to do is:

Plan out your social media posts ahead of time.Ensure that you are posting consistently, week after week, month after month.Influence more established shows so you don’t have to rely on constantly creating new content.Have more control over the type of content you shareMake sure there is a substance at various stagesAutomate tedious social distribution errands.Manage the majority of your social media accounts in one place and track your results.

An excellent social stream combines three Cs:

Creation: This type of automation is for creating self-promotional automated social media posts.Curation: This is the creation of advice and industry news by friends and influencers.Conversation: Hello! Thank you very much! Questions? Talking

10 Best Tools for Social Media Marketing in 2022

You may believe that social media marketing tools are only for experts if you are an independent venture advertiser. But honestly, they are not. Social media marketing tools are extremely effective for any size business in any industry. The 10 best tools for social media marketing in 2022 are:

#1. eclincher – Recommended for SMBs, Agencies, and Enterprise#2. Falcon.io – Recommended for Enterprise#3. Sprout Social – Recommended for Agencies and Medium-Sized Businesses#4. Hootsuite – Recommended for SMBs and Enterprise#5. Agorapulse – Recommended for SMBs and Agencies#6. Loomly – Recommended for Solopreneurs & Small Businesses#7. SocialPilot – Recommended for Small Agencies#8. Sendible – Recommended for Agencies#9. Buffer – Recommended for SMBs#10. Later – Recommended for Solopreneurs on Instagram

#1. eclincher

As brand advocates put it, eclincher is “the Swiss-army knife of social media.”Eclincher is one of the best tools for social media marketing. It provides more value and functionality to businesses, marketing agencies, and larger teams than competitors. eclincher’s support team takes the clients’ service expectations very seriously. They provide live chat support 24 hours a day, 1 on 1 demos or meetings, and they listen to their customers’ feedback. Their customer service is prominently awarded best in a class by sites such as G2Crowd, Capterra, GetApp, and others. They provide:

Bulk schedulingPublishing from smart queues and RSS feedsCollecting and responding to all social media interactions in one inboxAutomated and custom analytics reports, andTeam collaboration workflows are all automated by this digital marketing platform.The inbox of the eclincher ensures you never miss an interaction, message, comment, or review. All interactions are automatically consolidated into a single inbox. After you respond, you can finish the item and “clean” your inbox.Monitoring keywords and hashtags, social media analytics, and Google Analytics integration.URL shorteners, campaign tracking, and other features are also included.Add-ons such as Users and Profiles make plans scalable and customizable. For large companies, the platform supports large accounts with hundreds of profiles and users.

Pricing ranges from $59/month (1 user) to $219/month (6 users). Visit eclincher here

#2. Falcon.io

Falcon.io is a cloud-based social media marketing and customer experience management solution. They have tools for social media marketing, listening, engagement, content publishing, measurement, and customer data management. They take pride in being adaptable to any type of marketer, whether a solopreneur or a digital agency. Their tool, which includes Auto-Queue posting and visual planning, is for monthly planning across multiple social channels. They provide-

A Social Inbox feature. They do not have an Influencer Search feature, but they are a comprehensive tool that can serve businesses of any size.Falcon.io provides users with a content calendar that allows them to collaborate with marketing teams. This ensures they plan, create, and schedule content.Pre-designed templates and APIs that deliver metrics on social data, audience, and content for integration with existing client CRM, CMS, and analytics systems.This social media management software provides support via online guides, tutorials, email, and a ticket submission portal 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Pricing starts at $129 per user per month and rises as you add custom features. Visit Falcon.io Here

#3. Sprout Social

Sprout Social has targeted large organizations and teams with its scalable platform. This tool for social media marketing is well-known for monitoring, scheduling posts, analytics, and team management with approval workflows. Employee advocacy enthusiasts will appreciate this social media management tool. They provide-

A simple yet powerful platform that is user-friendly. It has all of the basic features you’d expect, as well as any customized features requested. Individual statistics for each post are one such feature.Sprout provides post approvals and permission settings administration to digital agencies and medium-sized businesses.In addition to a social inbox tool for communicating and engaging with your audience, there is social monitoring and keyword search feature. Unfortunately, it lacks the Auto Post with Queues feature as well as an influencer search feature.

Pricing ranges from $99 per user per month to $279 per user per month, with additional charges based on custom features. Visit Sprout Social here

#4. Hootsuite

Hootsuite came into existence in 2008 and was the first tool for social media marketing platforms. Basically, Hootsuite is the most blogged about social media platform, and it appears on the majority of listicles. They provide-

A solid reputation for content curation, organization, scheduling, monitoring, and RSS integration.A sheer size, marketing prowess, and educational Hootsuite Academy. This helps you learn social media marketing and allows you to pay for certifications to arm you with the skills you need to be successful.In addition to client management, the Hootsuite social media management tool allows for bulk scheduling, which means you can upload multiple posts at once. They lack an Auto Post feature, a social inbox, and an influencer search.It is, however, well-known for being a fully integrated tool with an excellent social listening feature. They also provide a 30-day free trial.

Pricing ranges from $49 to $739 per month, billed annually. Visit Hootsuite Here

#5. Agorapulse

Agorapulse is one of the best tools for social media marketing. It allows you to stay organized. This social media marketing tool also ensures you easily manage your inbox, publishing, and clicks. They provide-

Essential features of scheduling, visual calendar, social inbox, analytics, and team collaboration.Offers competitor analysis and allows for boosted Facebook posts to truly capture your audience. Unfortunately, there is no influencer feature, so you cannot stalk your favorite industry leaders.A cult following of niche users who find this social media management software useful. Don’t dismiss them!

Pricing ranges from $79 to $399 per month, billed annually. Visit Agorapulse Here

#6. Loomly

Loomly is a social media management and content creation tool. Because, Loomly is not yet a fully integrated solution in comparison to other social suites. Due to their primary focus on content creation, they, unfortunately, lack features that larger businesses value, such as listening and monitoring. They provide-

A visual calendar and content suggestion feature. While they do not yet have a social inbox, they do offer social monitoring and client management tools.Although there is no influencer search option, we believe Loomly is a viable option for some solopreneurs and small businesses.Has features to help marketing teams manage every aspect of communications on social mediaControls your brand messaging with post mockups and approval workflowsCurrently available as a web platform with native iOS/Android mobile applications

Pricing ranges from $26 to $269 per month. Billed annually. Visit Loomly Here See Also: 20 BEST FREE VIDEO-MAKING TOOLS FOR BEGINNERS IN 2022

#7. SocialPilot

SocialPilot is a fully integrated social media management tool designed for digital agencies. It’s also for medium-sized businesses with multiple clients or accounts to manage. They provide:

A full social inbox feature that allows them to engage with their audience in addition to auto posting.SocialPilot is worth a look if your team is primarily interested in creating workflows. They can do this with permission settings, collaboration tools, and custom reporting for clients.They do not have an influencer search feature, but they do have a social monitoring and listening feature. Its quickly becoming a must-have for most businesses as they focus on remote environments.

Pricing ranges from $50 to $150 per month. Visit SocialPilot Here

#8. Sendible

Sendible is a tool for social media marketing aimed at digital agencies seeking an all-in-one solution that includes a CRM. They provide-

A Smart Queue feature that allows social media managers to repurpose content.Tools to monitor keywords, competitors, and brand mentions using their Social Inbox and social listening tools.While there is no influencer search, Sendible does have a CRM system that allows users to interact and communicate with influencers in real-time.

Pricing ranges from $29 to $399 per month. Visit Sendible Here

#9. Buffer

Buffer is a simple to use social media tool that allows you to publish social media posts with a single queue. This includes engagement, analytics, and team features. Buffer is a user-friendly, streamlined social media management platform that brands, businesses, agencies, and individuals rely on to drive meaningful engagement and results on social media channels. They provide:

Buffer integrates with Reply, granting users access to a Social Inbox.Buffer lacks an influencer search feature and a limited client management support system, but it is a very user-friendly tool that simplifies the content planning process.While you cannot upload and recycle hundreds of posts, it does integrate from an RSS feed, allowing you to publish posts from blogs.It also supports user permissions and the creation of a user workflow.

Pricing ranges from $72 to $1440 per month. Visit Buffer Here

#10. Later

Later is a tool for social media marketing. It functions best as a visual content calendar and scheduler. Later began as a social media posting tool with Instagram as the primary social channel. It initially offered content planning to improve the aesthetic of the Instagram feed. It has since evolved into a visual calendar that includes most social media channels. They provide:

Their offering is primarily focused on visual planning.It lacks a social inbox and RSS integration, but it does include an analytics feature to help you optimize your content planning.You can add your Facebook pages to expand your posting schedule.The platform is only for Facebook and Twitter.

Pricing ranges from $15 to $80 per month. Visit Later Here Also Check Out: 10 Best Free Wireframe Tools in 2022 | Do a Sketch in realtime The possibilities for utilizing social media marketing are limitless. New marketing trends are being introduced all the time to help businesses grow. The following are a few trends that we anticipate will emerge in the future. Experts predict that video content will outnumber text content on social media. Social media is a must-have marketing channel. In 2022, methods for capturing online users’ attention will continue to proliferate. Taking advantage of the most popular trends on various social platforms is a great way for marketers to reach target audiences. Customer retention, lead generation, and customer lifetime value are the top three key performance indicators for marketing today. Marketers anticipate that by 2025, customer retention will fall to second place and lead generation will fall to sixth place. In 2025, customer lifetime value will be the primary KPI. Tips for using social media on any platform, Make a distinct strategy for each social media platform. Maintain consistency, concentrate your messaging, and invest in video content. Complete your profile, include your branded hashtags, and “follow us on social”: promote yourself on other channels, use one-of-a-kind or branded social icons on your website, promote your social accounts in newsletters and email signatures, and create targeted ads.


While it used to be sufficient to simply post content on major social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, this is no longer the case. These tools can assist you in managing your publishing schedule, reaching new audiences, and boosting your social media marketing efforts while saving you time and money. You should check out: 10 Best Business Intelligence Software Tools in 2022


eclincher.com– Top 10 social management toolsbloggingwizard.com– Social media marketing toolsboardinfinity.com– Best social media marketing toolssimplilearn.com– Social media management toolsinvestopedia.com– Best social media management softwaremarketsplash.com– Social media management toolssendpulse.com– Best social media marketing toolsImage source


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