NMFA has taken note of the barriers military spouses face as a result of the mobile military lifestyle and wants to help them “get to the finish line.”  The NMFA scholarship program together with partner scholarships helps in bridging the gap and thereby, making a difference between unemployment and meaningful employment.

About the NMFA Military Spouse Scholarship

The purpose of the Military Spouse Grants and Scholarships is to prepare military spouses for meaningful employment and to better contribute to the financial security of their families. Scholarships and professional fees for the Military Spouse Scholarship range from $500 to $2,500 for the degree study, businesses and so on.

Eligibility for the NMFA Military Spouse Scholarship

To apply for the Military Spouse Grant and Scholarship, an applicant has to fall into the following category:

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship covers military spouses who want to pay for their schooling( undergraduates, Masters or Ph.D.), licensure and fees, businesses and so on.

Host Nationality

The National Association of Military Families (NMFA), USA is the voice of military families. For more than 45 years, they have pursued the mission of these women military and are determined to give all their families the feeling of being powerful, resilient and well prepared.

Eligible Nationality

The Military Spouse Scholarship is open to the spouses of military members in the US.

How to Apply

To apply for the Military Spouse Scholarship 2021, applicants must register themselves using the link provided below: https://militaryfamily.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/ScholarX_ApplyForScholarship.aspx?applicationformid=7191&AYID=595

Scholarship Worth

NMFA Military Spouse Scholarships awards can be used for a variety of educational and employment pursuits. Scholarship funds on average are $1,000 and can be used towards degrees, certifications, licensure, clinical supervision for mental health licensure, CEUs, business expenses and more Scholarships and professional awards range from $500 to $2,500. The premium is a single payment that must be used within 12 months.

Application Deadline

No deadline is given for the submission of applications for the Military Spouse Scholarship. However, applicants can check on their official website(the link is provided below) to be updated.

How can I apply for the NMFA Military Spouse Scholarship?

The application for the NMFA Military Spouse scholarship is online. For more information on this, interested applicants should click on the link below


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